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alshabib edited this page Oct 1, 2012 · 4 revisions

CLI User Guide

The FlowVisor CLI (utilities/fvcli in the source repository) provides control access to FlowVisor while keeping the connection open such that the user doesni''t have to constantly use fvctl at the commandline

The CLI takes command line arguments for connection information:

-u User
-n Hostname or IP of FlowVisor
-p RPC Port Number (defaults to 8080)
Command Description
add slice Interactive tool for adding a slice
change slice "<name>" [flowvisor:flowspace] Interactive tool for modifying a slice config
Using the optional flowspace parameter starts a sub-interpreter for manipulating the flowspace of a slice.
exit Exits the CLI
no cache Disables the device cache
quit Exits the CLI
reset devicecache Clears the device cache
reset linkcache Clears the link cache
show device <dpid> [flowvisor:stats] Get device information.
Optionally gather stats information from the device.
show device list [flowvisor:detail] Show the list of DPIDs currently connected to FlowVisor.
This list is cached unless no cache is used or reset devicecache is executed.
The detail keyword will show the socket connection information as well.
show flowspace Display the entire flowspace managed by this FlowVisor instance.
show link list Display the topology that FlowVisor is aware of.
If FlowVisor does not have topology detection enabled, these links will be a best guess.
show slice list Shows the list of configured slices.
show slice "<name>" [stats | flowvisor:flowspace] Shows the slice configuration.
If the flowspace option is used, it shows the flowspace allocated to this slice.
If the stats option is used, your screen will be flooded with a wall of gibberish.