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Configuration Parameters

mssumanth edited this page Jul 14, 2013 · 4 revisions

This page tries to explain the various configuration parameters of FlowVisor.

  • api_webserver_port: The port number at which FlowVisor listens to the xml api requests.
  • api_jetty_webserver_port: The port number at which FlowVisor listens to the JSON api requests.
  • db_version: Database Version.
  • host: Hostname on which FlowVisor is running.
  • log_ident: This is the identifier which should appear in every trace file- the name (say 'flowvisor') which should come after the date, but due to some log4j issue is not working presently. (But in any case we are planning to shift from log4j to slf4j for logging).
  • checkpointing: Regenerates the config.xml file. It was relevant earlier when there was no FlowVisor DB.
  • listen_port: The port on which FlowVisor listens from the switch.
  • logging: It tells about the log level enabled in FlowVisor.
  • run_topology_server: Indicates whether the internal topology controller of FlowVisor is running or not.
  • log_facility: It is the priority/level of the log for syslog. Usually set to 'LOG_LOCAL_7', meaning a detailed error message with the priority set to DEBUG.
  • version: FlowVisor version number.
  • config_name: This parameter was present to switch between configuration files. Has no effect as of now.
  • default_flood_perm: The flood permissions for the LLDP packets to go to a particular slice, which is 'fvadmin' slice by default where no flooding(basically nothing) happens.
  • track_flows: It maps who pushed which flowmod.
  • stats_desc_hack: Tells whether the Description Statistics(Information about the switch manufacturer, hardware revision, software revision,etc) is to be sent to the controller or not.