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Jonathan Slason edited this page Jan 11, 2021 · 4 revisions

The purpose of this wiki is to provide an in-depth technical resource for those developing strategic travel models in Oregon built on the VisionEval (VE) platform. Oregon specific policies and data inputs are used throughout.

This wiki focuses on the VisionEval Regional Strategic Planning Model (VE-RSPM), intended for metropolitan planning organizations (MPO) staff, statewide planners, local planners, and other decision makers interested in regional scenario planning to assess the impacts of different transportation and land use policies.

More information on the VisionEval project can be accessed at the following links:

This VE Primer is the introduction to the detailed tool information which will be linked to throughout this technical wiki:




10 Steps to Develop a Model

Step 1: VE Background

History of Strategic Models

VisionEval Models

Step 2: Geography & Years

Geography Overview

VE-RSPM Geography

Model Years

Step 3: Land Use and Transportation Inputs


Step 4: Model Packages


Step 5: Calibration & Validation

RSPM Validation

VE-State Validation

Step 6: Target Rule


Step 7: Draft Scenario Inputs


Step 8: Draft Scenario Outputs


Step 9: Sensitivity Tests & Viewer

Scenario Viewer

Step 10: Saving Final Scenarios for OSTI


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