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OOD File Editor

GitHub version Inline docs

A simple Rails web app that uses for editing files. It is meant to be used in conjunction with other Open OnDemand apps, so it provides a URL pattern for opening a file to edit that is exposed via Thus, other Open OnDemand apps can easily provide an "open file for editing" link.

File Explorer Interface

New Install

  1. Start in the build directory for all sys apps, clone and check out the latest version of the editor app (make sure the app directory's name is file-editor):

    scl enable rh-git29 -- git clone file-editor
    cd file-editor
    scl enable rh-git29 -- git checkout tags/v1.3.3
  2. Install the app for a production environment:

    RAILS_ENV=production scl enable rh-git29 rh-ruby24 rh-nodejs6 -- bin/setup
  3. Copy the built app directory to the deployment directory, and start the server. i.e.:

    sudo mkdir -p /var/www/ood/apps/sys
    sudo cp -r . /var/www/ood/apps/sys/file-editor

Updating to a New Stable Version

  1. Navigate to the app's build directory and check out the latest version:

    cd file-editor # cd to build directory
    scl enable rh-git29 -- git fetch
    scl enable rh-git29 -- git checkout tags/v1.3.3
  2. Update the app for a production environment:

    RAILS_ENV=production scl enable rh-git29 rh-ruby24 rh-nodejs6 -- bin/setup
  3. Copy the built app directory to the deployment directory:

    sudo rsync -rlptv --delete . /var/www/ood/apps/sys/file-editor


File access

  • Access files via APP_PATH + /edit + FILE_PATH
    • Example

Directory access

The app provides a rudimentary file explorer in the case that a folder is accessed instead of a directory. If the path is readable to the user, it will be displayed when accessed.

  • Access readable folder contents via APP_PATH + /edit + FOLDER_PATH
    • Example


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.