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r.tri added distance weighting to calculation and optional tiled calc…
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stevenpawley committed Oct 16, 2020
1 parent 3000fb0 commit 2ed3898
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Showing 2 changed files with 232 additions and 70 deletions.
41 changes: 27 additions & 14 deletions grass7/raster/r.tri/r.tri.html
@@ -1,28 +1,41 @@

<p><i>r.tri </i>calculates the Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) of Riley et al. (1999). The index represents the mean
change in elevation between a grid cell and its neighbours, over a user-specified moving window size. The
original calculation in Riley et al. (1999) used only a 3x3 neighbourhood and represented the sum of the absolute
deviations between the center pixel and its immediate 8 neighbours. In r.tri, this calculation is modified so that
the calculation can be extended over any scale by taking the mean of the absolute deviations.</p>
<p><i>r.tri </i>calculates the Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) of Riley et al.
(1999). The index represents the mean change in elevation between a grid
cell and its neighbours, over a user-specified moving window size. The
original calculation in Riley et al. (1999) used only a 3x3 neighbourhood
and represented the sum of the absolute deviations between the center pixel
and its immediate 8 neighbours. In r.tri, this calculation is modified so
that the calculation can be extended over any scale by taking the mean of
the absolute deviations.</p>


<p><i>r.tri</i> produces fairly similar results to the average deviation of elevation values, apart from the center
pixel is used in place of the mean. In practice, this produces a slightly less smoothed result that can potentially
better highlight finer-scale terrain features.
<i>r.tri</i> produces fairly similar results to the average deviation of
elevation values, apart from the center pixel is used in place of the mean.
In practice, this produces a slightly less smoothed result that can
potentially highlight finer-scale terrain features. However, because the
terrain ruggedness index does not consider the distance of each cell from
the centre cell in it's calculation, the TRI results can become noisy with
large window sizes. To avoid this, weighting each cell by the inverse of
its distance can be used by setting the <i>exponent</i> parameter to &gt 0.

Similar to many other GRASS GIS algorithms, cell padding is not performed automatically which will leave null values
at the boundaries of the output raster relative to the size of the input raster. To minimize this effect the DEM
needs to be buffered/grown prior to using r.tri.
Similar to many other GRASS GIS algorithms, cell padding is not performed
automatically which will leave null values at the boundaries of the output
raster relative to the size of the input raster. To minimize this effect
the DEM needs to be buffered/grown prior to using r.tri.

To reduce computational times for large raster datasets, setting <em>n_jobs</em> &gt 1 will use a parallelized and
tiled calculations that is spread across multiple processing cores. This option requires the
GRASS addon <a href="r.mapcalc.tiled.html">r.mapcalc.tiled</a> to be installed.
Currently, <i>r.tri</i> is implemented using a <i>r.mapcalc</i> focal
function. This becomes slow for large window sizes. To reduce computational
times for large raster datasets, setting <em>processes</em> parameter to
&gt 1 will use a parallelized and tiled calculations that is spread across
multiple processing cores. This option requires the GRASS addon
<a href="r.mapcalc.tiled.html">r.mapcalc.tiled</a> to be installed.

Expand Down
261 changes: 205 additions & 56 deletions grass7/raster/r.tri/
Expand Up @@ -32,50 +32,52 @@
#% key: size
#% type: integer
#% description: Size of neighbourhood in cells
#% description: Size of neighbourhood in cells (> 2 and <= 51)
#% required: yes
#% answer: 3

#% key: exponent
#% type: double
#% description: Distance weighting exponent (>= 0 and <= 4.0)
#% required: no
#% answer: 0.0

#% key: processes
#% type: integer
#% label: Number of processing cores for tiled calculation
#% description: Number of processing cores for tiled calculation (negative numbers are all cpus -1, -2 etc.)
#% required: no
#% answer: 1

#% key: c
#% description: Use circular neighborhood

import math
import multiprocessing as mp
import sys
import atexit
import random
import string
import grass.script as gs


def cleanup():
gs.message("Deleting intermediate files...")

for f in TMP_RAST:
gs.run_command("g.remove", type="raster", name=f, flags="f", quiet=True)

def temp_map(name):
tmp = name + "".join(
[random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in range(4)]

return tmp
import grass.script as gs
import numpy as np
from grass.pygrass.gis.region import Region
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as gr

def focal_expr(radius, window_square=False):
def focal_expr(radius, circular=False):
"""Returns array offsets relative to centre pixel (0,0) for a matrix of
size radius
radius : int
Radius of the focal function
window_square : bool. Optional (default is False)
circular : bool. Optional (default is False)
Boolean to use a circular or square window
Expand All @@ -84,70 +86,217 @@ def focal_expr(radius, window_square=False):
List of pixel positions (row, col) relative to the center pixel
( 1, -1) ( 1, 0) ( 1, 1)
( 0, -1) ( 0, 0) ( 0, 1)
(-1, -1) (-1, 0) (-1, 1)"""

offsets = []
(-1, -1) (-1, 0) (-1, 1)

# generate a list of spatial neighbourhood offsets for the chosen radius
# ignoring the centre cell
if window_square:
size = radius * 2 + 1
centre = int(size / 2)

for i in range(-radius, radius + 1):
for j in range(-radius, radius + 1):
if (i, j) != (0, 0):
offsets.append((i, j))
rows, cols = np.ogrid[-radius : radius + 1, -radius : radius + 1]
row_offsets, col_offsets = np.meshgrid(rows, cols)

# create circular mask (also masking centre)
if circular:
mask = distance_from_centre(radius) <= radius
mask = np.ones((size, size), dtype=np.bool)
mask[centre, centre] = False

for i in range(-radius, radius + 1):
for j in range(-radius, radius + 1):
row = i + radius
col = j + radius
# mask and flatten the offsets
row_offsets = row_offsets[mask]
col_offsets = col_offsets[mask]

if pow(row - radius, 2) + pow(col - radius, 2) <= pow(radius, 2) and (
) != (0, 0):
offsets.append((j, i))
# create a list of offsets
offsets = list()
for i, j in zip(row_offsets, col_offsets):
offsets.append((i, j))

return offsets

def distance_from_centre(radius):
"""Create a square matrix filled with the euclidean distance from the
centre cell
radius : int
Radius of the square matrix in cells.
dist_from_centre : 2d ndarray
Square matrix with each cell filled with the distance from the centre
size = radius * 2 + 1
centre = int(size / 2)

Y, X = np.ogrid[:size, :size]
dist_from_centre = np.sqrt((X - centre) ** 2 + (Y - centre) ** 2)

return dist_from_centre

def idw_weights(radius, p, circular=False):
"""Create square matrix of inverse distance weights
The weights are normalized (sum to 1) and are flattened as a list
radius : int
Radius of the square matrix in cells.
p : float
Distance weighting power. p=0 gives equal weights.
circular : bool (opt). Default is False
Optionally use a circular mask.
W : list
Returns a square matrix of weights that excludes the centre cell, or
other cells if a circular mask is used. The matrix is flattened and
returned as a list.
size = radius * 2 + 1
centre = int(size / 2)

# create distance matrix
dist = distance_from_centre(radius)

# create inverse distance weights
W = dist.copy()
W[centre, centre] = np.inf
W = 1 / (W ** p)

# normalize weights to sum to 1 (excluding centre)
W[centre, centre] = np.inf
W = W / W[np.isfinite(W)].sum()

# circular mask
if circular:
mask = dist <= radius
mask = np.isfinite(W)
mask[centre, centre] = False

return list(W[mask])

def tile_shape(region, n_jobs):
"""Calculates the number of tiles required for one tile per cpu
region : pygrass.gis.region.Region
The computational region object.
n_jobs : int
The number of processing cores.
width, height : tuple
The width and height of each tile.
n = math.sqrt(n_jobs)
width = int(math.ceil(region.cols / n))
height = int(math.ceil(region.rows / n))

return width, height

def main():
dem = options["input"]
tri = options["output"]
size = int(options["size"])
exponent = float(options["exponent"])
processes = int(options["processes"])
circular = flags["c"]
radius = int((size - 1) / 2)

region = Region()

# Some checks
if "@" in tri:
tri = tri.split("@")[0]
tri = tri.split("@")[0]

if processes == 0:
gs.fatal("Number of processing cores for parallel computation must not equal 0")

# calculate TRI based on map calc statements
if processes < 0:
system_cores = mp.cpu_count()
processes = system_cores + processes + 1

if processes > 1:
if gs.find_program("r.mapcalc.tiled") is False:
"The GRASS addon r.mapcalc.tiled must also be installed if n_jobs != 1. Run 'g.extension r.mapcalc.tiled'"

if size <= 2 or size > 51:
gs.fatal("size must be > 2 and <= 51")

if size % 2 != 1:
gs.fatal("size must be an odd number")

if exponent < 0 or exponent > 4.0:
gs.fatal("exponent must be >= 0 and <= 4.0")

# Calculate TRI based on map calc statements
gs.message("Calculating the Topographic Ruggedness Index...")

# generate a list of spatial neighbourhood offsets for the chosen radius
# Generate a list of spatial neighbourhood offsets for the chosen radius
# ignoring the center cell
offsets = focal_expr(radius=radius, window_square=not circular)
offsets = focal_expr(radius, circular)
weights = idw_weights(radius, exponent, circular)
terms = []
for d in offsets:
for d, w in zip(offsets, weights):
d_str = ",".join(map(str, d))
terms.append("({dem}[{d}]-{dem})^2".format(dem=dem, d=d_str))
terms.append("{w}*abs({dem}[{d}]-{dem})".format(dem=dem, d=d_str, w=w))

# define the calculation expression
ncells = len(offsets) + 1
terms = " + ".join(terms)
# Define the calculation expression
terms = "+".join(terms)

# perform the r.mapcalc calculation with the moving window
expr = "{tri} = float(sqrt(({terms}) / {ncells}))".format(
tri=tri, ncells=ncells, terms=terms
# Perform the r.mapcalc calculation with the moving window
expr = "{tri} = float({terms})".format(tri=tri, terms=terms)

width, height = tile_shape(region, processes)

if width < region.cols and height < region.rows and processes > 1:
overlap=int((size + 1) / 2),

# update metadata
opts = ""
if circular:
opts = "-c"
title="Terrain Ruggedness Index",
description="Generated with r.tri input={dem} output={tri} size={size} exponent={exponent} {flags}".format(
dem=dem, tri=tri, size=size, exponent=exponent, flags=opts

return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
options, flags = gs.parser()

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