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First of all, many thanks for your interest in the framework! 😄 👍 👊

The RadarKit framework is a straight C framework. This is a library toolkit that abstracts various components of a radar signal processor. Mainly, the real-time operations of data collection, data fusion, transportation through network, and rudimentary processing from raw I/Q data to base moment products. The main goal is to let developers only worry about implementing the interface between a digital transceiver, a pedestal, and a generic health relay. The RadarKit framework combines all of these information, generates radar products, provides live data and display streams, and redirects the control commands to the hardware.

System Requirements

  • Processors capable of SSE, SSE2, SSE3, or NEON (Apple Silicon)
  • Optional: AVX, AVX-256, AVX-512

Getting the Project

Follow these steps to get the project

  1. Clone a git project using one of the following commands in Terminal:

    git clone


    git clone
  2. Get the required packages, which can either be installed through one of the package managers or compiled from source, which I would recommend for the FFTW library since it can take advantage of SSE, SSE2, AVX and AVX-2 accelerations (see 5).

    Debian / Ubuntu
    apt install libfftw3-dev libnetcdf-dev libssl-dev

    I use Homebrew as my package manager for macOS. I highly recommend it.

    brew install fftw netcdf openssl@1.1
    Special Notes About NetCDF Shared Library

    Not always, but some operating systems require the following line in your shell profile for the netcdf shared library to be found.

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
  3. Compile and install the framework.

    sudo make install
  4. Try the utility program rkutil to run some basic tests and simulate a Level-1 system.

    rkutil -T0
    rkutil -T30
    rkutil -T60
    rkutil -vs1
  5. (Some Linux) Add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf

    (CentOS 7)

    net.ipv4.ping_group_range = 0 0


    (CentOS 6 / Ubuntu 18)

    net.ipv4.ping_group_range = 0 2147483647
  6. (Optional) Compile FFTW from source

    ./configure --enable-single --enable-sse --enable-sse2 --enable-avx --enable-avx2 --enable-shared
    sudo make install

Basic Usage on Radar Host

  1. Initialize an RKRadar object (although RadarKit is not an objective implementation but it is easier to think this way). Supply the necessary tranceiver routines and pedestal routines. The health relay is omitted here for simplicity.

    #include <RadarKit.h>
    int main() {
        RKRadar *radar = RKInit();
        RKSetTransceiver(radar, userInput, transceiverInit, transceiverExec, transceiverFree);
        RKSetPedestal(radar, userInput, pedestalInit, pedestalExec, pedestalFree);
  2. By design, the data acquired through hardware, e.g., I/Q samples, is delivered to the RadarKit framework through functions provided in <RadarKit/RKRadar.h>, and a small number of functions in <RadarKit/RKFoundation.h> and <RadarKit/RKMisc.h>. The functions listed under these headers are about the only functions you should be concerned with. The design is intended to abstract the majority of common signal processing and low-level house-keeping tasks. As you accumulate more experiences, feel free to explore other parts of the framework. Feedback and suggestions for improvements are always welcome.


  3. Set up digital transceiver init, exec and free routines. The init routine must launch a separate run-loop so that the init routine returns a user-defined pointer (of a struct) immediately. The run-loop routine receives I/Q data, actively request a vacant slot through RKGetVacantPulse(), fills in the slot with proper data and then declare the pulse to have data using RKSetPulseHasData().

    typedef struct user_transceiver_struct {
        // Your variables
        int x;
        int y;
        int z;
        bool active;
        // Recommend keeping a reference to the supplied radar
        RKRadar *radar;
        // For this example, we will keep the thread reference here
        pthread tid;
    } UserTransceiverStruct;
    RKTransceiver transceiverInit(RKRadar *radar, void *userInput) {
        // Allocate your own resources, define your structure somewhere else
        UserTransceiverStruct *resource = (UserTransceiverStruct *)malloc(sizeof(UserTransceiverStruct));
        // Be sure to save a reference to the radar
        resource->radar = radar;
        resource->active = true;
        // Create your run loop as a separate thread so you can return immediately
        pthread_create(&resource->tid, NULL, transceiverRunLoop, resource);
        return (RKTransceiver)resource;
    int transceiverExec(RKTransceiver yourTransceiver, const char *command, char *feedback) {
        // Type cast the first input as your transceiver
        UserTransceiverStruct *resource = (UserTransceiverStruct *)yourTransceiver;
        // Now you can recover the radar reference you provided in init routine.
        RKRadar *radar = resource->radar;
        // Execute commands stored in const char *command
        if (!strcmp(command, "disconnect")) {
            // The exec function should response to 'disconnect' and stop the run loop
            resource->active = false;
            pthread_join(resource->tidRunLoop, NULL);
            sprintf(feedback, "ACK. Pedestal stopped." RKEOL);
        } else if (!strcmp(command, "a") {
            // Perform task "a"
            print("Hello World.\n");
            // Provide text feedback to char *feedback; Starts with "ACK" for acknowledge. Ends with RKEOL.
            sprintf(feedback, "ACK. Command executed." RKEOL);
        } else {
            // Return something even if you cannot do something
            sprintf(feedback, "NAK. Command not understood." RKEOL);
            return 1;
        return 0;
    int transceiverFree(RKTransceiver yourTransceiver) {
        // Free up resources
        return RKResultSuccess;
    void *transceiverRunLoop(void *in) {
        // Type cast the input to something you defined earlier
        UserTransceiverStruct *resource = (UserTransceiverStruct *)in;
        // Now you can recover the radar reference you provided in init routine.
        RKRadar *radar = resource->radar;
        // Some internal variables. It would be best if this is a clean reference from an FPGA or something similar
        uint64_t tic = 0;
        // Here is the busy run loop
        while (radar->state & RKRadarStateLive) {
            RKPulse *pulse = RKGetVacantPulse(radar);
            pulse->header.t = tic++;                 // Required. Some kind of clean reference directly proportional to time
            pulse->header.gateCount = 1000;          // Required. The number of range gates. Must be < gateCapacity (RKRadarDesc)
            pulse->header.gateCount = 500;           // Required.
            pulse->header.gateSizeMeters = 30.0f;    // Required.
            // Go through both polarizations
            for (int p = 0; p < 2; p++) {
                // Get a data pointer to the 16-bit data
                RKInt16C *X = RKGetInt16CDataFromPulse(pulse, p);
                // Go through all range gates and fill in the samples
                for (int g = 0; g < 1000; g++) {
                    // Copy the I/Q samples from hardware interface
                    X->i = 0;
                    X->q = 1;
            RKSetPulseHasData(radar, pulse);
        return 0;
  4. Set up pedestal init, exec and free routines. The init routine must launch a separate run-loop so that the init routine returns a user-defined pointer (of a struct) immediately. The run-loop routine receives position data, actively request a vacant slot through RKGetVacantPosition(), fills in the slot with proper data and then declare the pulse to have data using RKSetPositionReady().

    typedef struct user_pedestal_struct {
        // Your variables
        int x;
        int y;
        int z;
        bool active;
        // Recommend keeping a reference to the supplied radar
        RKRadar *radar;
        // For this example, we will keep the thread reference here
        pthread tid;
    } UserPedestalStruct;
    RKPedestal pedestalInit(RKRadar *radar, void *userInput) {
        // Allocate your own resources, define your structure somewhere else
        UserPedestalStruct *resource = (UserPedestalStruct *)malloc(sizeof(UserPedestalStruct));
        // Be sure to save a reference to the radar
        resource->radar = radar;
        resource->active = true;
        // Create your run loop as a separate thread so you can return immediately
        pthread_create(&resource->tid, NULL, pedestalRunLoop, resource);
        return (RKPedestal)resource;
    int pedestalExec(RKPedestal yourPedestal, const char *command, char *feedback) {
        // Type cast the first input as your pedestal
        UserPedestalStruct *resource = (UserPedestalStruct *)yourPedestal;
        // Now you can recover the radar reference you provided in init routine.
        RKRadar *radar = resource->radar;
        // Execute commands stored in const char *command
        if (!strcmp(command, "disconnect")) {
            // The exec function should response to 'disconnect' and stop the run loop
            resource->active = false;
            pthread_join(resource->tidRunLoop, NULL);
            sprintf(feedback, "ACK. Pedestal stopped." RKEOL);
        } else if (!strcmp(command, "a") {
            // Perform task "a"
            print("Hello World.\n");
            // Provide text feedback to char *feedback; Starts with "ACK" for acknowledge. Ends with RKEOL.
            sprintf(feedback, "ACK. Command executed." RKEOL);
        } else {
            // Return something even if you cannot do something
            sprintf(feedback, "NAK. Command not understood." RKEOL);
            return 2;
        return 0;
    int pedestalFree(RKPedestal yourPedestal) {
        // Free up resources
        return 0;
    int pedestalRunLoop(void *in) {
        // Type cast the input to something you defined earlier
        UserPedestalStruct *resource = (UserPedestalStruct *)in;
        // Now you can recover the radar reference you provided in init routine.
        RKRadar *radar = resource->radar;
        // Some internal variables. It would be best if this is a clean reference from an FPGA or something similar
        uint64_t tic = 0;
        // Here is the busy run loop
        while (resource->active) {
            RKPosition *position = RKGetVacantPosition(radar);
            // Copy the position from hardware interface
            position->t = tic++;                                  // Required. A clean reference that is directional proportional to sampling time
            position->azimuthDegrees = 1.0;                       // Required.
            position->elevationDegrees = 0.5;                     // Required.
            position->azimuthVelocityDegreesPerSecond = 25.0f;    // Optional.
            position->elevationVelocityDegreesPerSecond = 0.0f;   // Optional.
            position->flag = RKPositionFlagScanActive
                           | RKPositionFlagAzimuthEnabled
                           | RKPositionFlagElevationEnabled;      // Required.
            RKSetPositionReady(radar, position);
        return 0;
  5. (Optional) Set up health relay initialization and run-loop routines just like the previous two examples.

  6. Build the program and link to the RadarKit framework. Note that the required packages should be applied too.

    gcc -o program program.c -lradarkit -lfftw3f -lnetcdf

This example is extremely simple. The actual radar will be more complex but this short example illustrates the simplicity of using RadarKit to abstract all the DSP and non-hardware related tasks.

Design Philosophy

The three major hardware components of a radar: (i) a digital transceiver, (ii) a pedestal, and (iii) a health relay (auxiliary controller) are not tightly coupled with the RadarKit framework. Only a set of protocol functions are defined so that the RadarKit framework can be interfaced with other libraries, which are usually specific to the hardware and/or vendor design. It is the user responsibility to implement the appropriate interface routines to bridge the data transport and control commands. There are three functions needed for each hardware: init, exec and free, which are routines to allocate an object--akin to an object in object-oriented programming, althought RadarKit is a straight C framework, interact with the object and deallocate the object, respectively. The exec routine has the form of accepting text command and producing text feedback. Some keywords for the command are already defined in the framework so user should not use them. They are intercepted prior to passing down to the exec routine. Detailed usage on these functions will be discussed in detail later.


The digital transceiver is the hardware that requires high-speed data throughput. RadarKit is designed so that redudant memory copy is minimized. That is, a pointer to the memory space for a payload will be provided upon request. User defined routines fill in the data, typically through a copy mechanism through DMA to transport the I/Q data from a transceiver memory to the host memory, which is initialized and managed by RadarKit. The fundamental form is signed 16-bit I and Q, which is a part of the RKPulse definition in the framework.

The pedestal is the hardware that is usually low speed, typically on the orders of 10 KBps, about 100 samples per second. A RadarKit position structure RKPosition is defined in the framework. If the interface software pedzy is used, which is a light-weight pedestal controller, RadarKit can readily ingest position data through a network connection. Otherwise, an RKPedestalPedzy replacement can be implemented to provide same functionality. In this case, the user is also free to define a new position type. The RadarKit framework does not restrict this definition.

The health relay is the hardware that is also low speed, typically on the orders of 1 KBps. This is also the hardware that can be called an auxiliary controller, where everything else is interfaced through this relay and the health information is routinely probed through this controller. A RadarKit health structure RKHealth is defined in the framework. Multiple health node can be implemented. They provide health information using JSON strings through TCP/IP socket connections. If the interface software tweeta or tweeto is used, RadarKit can readily ingest auxiliary hardware health data through a TCP/IP network connection. Otherwise, an RKHealthRelayTweeta replacement can be implemented to provide same functionality. The RadarKit framework does not restrict this definition.

Base radar moments are generated on a ray-by-ray basis. Each ray is of type RKRay. Once a sweep is complete, a Level-II data file in NetCDF format will be generated. Live streams and can be view through a desktop application iRadar.

Radar Struct

This is about the only structure you need to worry about. A radar structure represents an object-like structure where everything is encapsulated.

Life Cycle

These are functions that allocate and deallocate a radar struct.

RKRadar *RKInitWithDesc(RKRadarDesc);
RKRadar *RKInitLean(void);               // For a lean system, PX-1000 like
RKRadar *RKInitMean(void);               // For a medium system, RaXPol like
RKRadar *RKInitFull(void);               // For a high-performance system, PX-10,000 like
RKRadar *RKInit(void);                   // Everything based on default settings, in between mean & lean
int RKFree(RKRadar *radar);


Hardware hooks are provided to communicate with a digital transceiver, a positioner and various sensors. They must obey the protocol to implement three important functions: init, exec and free routines. These functions will be called to start the hardware routine, execute text form commands that will be passed down the master controller, and to deallocate the resources properly upon exit, respectively.

// Set the transceiver. Pass in function pointers: init, exec and free
int RKSetTransceiver(RKRadar *,
                     void *initInput,
                     RKTransceiver initRoutine(RKRadar *, void *),
                     int execRoutine(RKTransceiver, const char *, char *),
                     int freeRoutine(RKTransceiver));

// Set the pedestal. Pass in function pointers: init, exec and free
int RKSetPedestal(RKRadar *,
                  void *initInput,
                  RKPedestal initRoutine(RKRadar *, void *),
                  int execRoutine(RKPedestal, const char *, char *),
                  int freeRoutine(RKPedestal));

// Set the health relay. Pass in function pointers: init, exec and free
int RKSetHealthRelay(RKRadar *,
                     void *initInput,
                     RKHealthRelay initRoutine(RKRadar *, void *),
                     int execRoutine(RKHealthRelay, const char *, char *),
                     int freeRoutine(RKHealthRelay));

// These can only be set before the radar goes live
int RKSetProcessingCoreCounts(RKRadar *, const unsigned int pulseCores, const unsigned int rayCores);

// Some states of the radar
int RKSetVerbosity(RKRadar *, const int);
int RKSetVerbosityUsingArray(RKRadar *, const uint8_t *);
int RKSetDataPath(RKRadar *, const char *);
int RKSetDataUsageLimit(RKRadar *, const size_t limit);
int RKSetRecordingLevel(RKRadar *, const int);

// Waveform routines
RKWaveform *RKWaveformInitAsImpulse(void);
RKWaveform *RKWaveformInitFromFile(const char *filename);
RKWaveform *RKWaveformInitAsLinearFrequencyModulation(const double fs, const double fc, const double pulsewidth, const double bandwidth);
RKWaveform *RKWaveformInitAsFrequencyHops(const double fs, const double fc, const double pulsewidth, const double bandwidth, const int count);
void RKWaveformOnes(RKWaveform *);
void RKWaveformHops(RKWaveform *, const double fs, const double fc, const double bandwidth);
void RKWaveformLinearFrequencyModulation(RKWaveform *, const double fs, const double fc, const double pulsewidth, const double bandwidth);
void RKWaveformDecimate(RKWaveform *, const int);
void RKWaveformConjugate(RKWaveform *);
void RKWaveformDownConvert(RKWaveform *);
void RKWaveformWrite(RKWaveform *, const char *);
void RKWaveformNormalizeNoiseGain(RKWaveform *);
void RKWaveformSummary(RKWaveform *);

// Some operating parameters
int RKSetWaveform(RKRadar *, RKWaveform *);
int RKSetWaveformByFilename(RKRadar *, const char *);
int RKSetWaveformToImpulse(RKRadar *);
int RKSetPRF(RKRadar *, const uint32_t);
uint32_t RKGetPulseCapacity(RKRadar *);

// If there is a tic count from firmware, use it as clean reference for time derivation
void RKSetPulseTicsPerSeconds(RKRadar *, const double);
void RKSetPositionTicsPerSeconds(RKRadar *, const double);

// Moment processor
int RKSetMomentProcessorToMultiLag(RKRadar *, const uint8_t);
int RKSetMomentProcessorToPulsePair(RKRadar *);
int RKSetMomentProcessorToPulsePairHop(RKRadar *);
int RKSetMomentProcessorRKPulsePairStaggeredPRT(RKRadar *);

// Moment recorder (RadarKit uses netcdf by default)
int RKSetProductRecorder(RKRadar *radar, int (*productRecorder)(RKProduct *, char *));

// Pulse ring filter (FIR / IIR ground clutter filter)
int RKSetPulseRingFilterByType(RKRadar *, RKFilterType, const uint32_t);
int RKSetPulseRingFilter(RKRadar *, RKIIRFilter *, const uint32_t);


// State
int RKGoLive(RKRadar *);                                                                           // Go live
int RKWaitWhileActive(RKRadar *);                                                                  // Wait
int RKStart(RKRadar *);                                                                            // Start the radar (RKGoLive and RKWaitWhileActive)
int RKStop(RKRadar *);                                                                             // Stop the radar
int RKSoftRestart(RKRadar *);                                                                      // Restart the DSP related engines (pulse compression, moment calculation, sweep gathering, etc.)
int RKResetClocks(RKRadar *);                                                                      // Reset the internal clock tracking mechanism
int RKExecuteCommand(RKRadar *, const char *, char *);                                             // Execute a command and wait for feedback (blocking)
void RKPerformMasterTaskInBackground(RKRadar *, const char *);                                     // Send a command to the master controller in the background (non-blocking)

// General
void RKMeasureNoise(RKRadar *);                                                                    // Ask RadarKit to measure noise from the latest pulses
void RKSetSNRThreshold(RKRadar *, const RKFloat);                                                  // Set the censoring SNR threshold

// Status
RKStatus *RKGetVacantStatus(RKRadar *);                                                            // Don't worry about this. This is managed by systemInspector
void RKSetStatusReady(RKRadar *, RKStatus *);                                                      // Don't worry about this. This is managed by systemInspector

// Configs
void RKAddConfig(RKRadar *radar, ...);                                                             // Inform RadarKit about certain slow-changing parameters, e.g., PRF, waveform, etc.
RKConfig *RKGetLatestConfig(RKRadar *radar);                                                       // Get the latest configuration from the radar

// Healths
RKHealthNode RKRequestHealthNode(RKRadar *);
RKHealth *RKGetVacantHealth(RKRadar *, const RKHealthNode);                                        // Get a vacant slot for storing position data
void RKSetHealthReady(RKRadar *, RKHealth *);                                                      // Declare the health is ready
RKHealth *RKGetLatestHealth(RKRadar *);                                                            // Get the latest consolidated health from the radar
RKHealth *RKGetLatestHealthOfNode(RKRadar *, const RKHealthNode);                                  // Get the latest health of a node from the radar
RKStatusEnum RKGetEnumFromLatestHealth(RKRadar *, const char *);                                   // Get the RKStatusEnum of a specific keyword from the latest consolidated health

// Positions
RKPosition *RKGetVacantPosition(RKRadar *);                                                        // Get a vacant slot for storing position data
void RKSetPositionReady(RKRadar *, RKPosition *);                                                  // Declare the position is ready
RKPosition *RKGetLatestPosition(RKRadar *);                                                        // Get the latest position from the radar
float RKGetPositionUpdateRate(RKRadar *);                                                          // Get the position report rate

// Pulses
RKPulse *RKGetVacantPulse(RKRadar *);                                                              // Get a vacant slot for storing pulse data
void RKSetPulseHasData(RKRadar *, RKPulse *);                                                      // Declare the pulse has 16-bit I/Q data. Let RadarKit tag the position
void RKSetPulseReady(RKRadar *, RKPulse *);                                                        // Declare the pulse has 16-bit I/Q data and position, the pulse is ready for moment processing
RKPulse *RKGetLatestPulse(RKRadar *);                                                              // Get the latest pulse from the radar

// Rays
RKRay *RKGetVacantRay(RKRadar *);                                                                  // Get a vacant slot for storing ray data
void RKSetRayReady(RKRadar *, RKRay *);                                                            // Declare the ray is ready
RKRay *RKGetLatestRay(RKRadar *);                                                                  // Get the latest ray from the radar

// Waveform Calibrations
void RKAddWaveformCalibration(RKRadar *, const RKWaveformCalibration *);                           // Add a waveform specific calibration
void RKClearWaveformCalibrations(RKRadar *);                                                       // Clear all waveform calibrations
void RKConcludeWaveformCalibrations(RKRadar *);                                                    // Declare waveform calibration setup complete

// Controls
void RKAddControl(RKRadar *, const RKControl *);                                                   // Add control through an RKControl struct
void RKAddControlAsLabelAndCommand(RKRadar *, const char *label, const char *command);             // Add control through specifying a label and command string
void RKClearControls(RKRadar *);                                                                   // Clear all controls
void RKConcludeControls(RKRadar *);                                                                // Declare control setup complete

Progress of Pulse Header Status (pulse->header.s)

Status Tasks
RKPulseStatusVacant RKTransceiver gets a vacant slot and fills with data
RKPulseStatusHasIQ RKTransceiver sets this
RKPulseEngine waits for this
RKPulseStatusInspected RKPulseEngine sets this
RKPulseStatusCompressed / RKPulseStatusSkipped RKPulseEngine sets this
RKPulseStatusDownSampled RKPulseEngine sets this
RKPulseStatusProcessed RKPulseEngine sets this
RKPulseRingFilter waits for this
RKPulseStatusRingInspected RKPulseRingFilter sets this
RKPulseStatusRingFiltered / RKPulseStatusRingSkipped RKPulseRingFilter sets this
RKPulseStatusRingProcessed RKPulseRingerFilter sets this
RKPositionEngine waits for this
RKPulseStatusHasPosition RKPositionEngine sets this
RKPulseStatusReadyForMomentEngine RKMomentEngine waits for this
RKPulseStatusCompleteForMoments RKMomentEngine waits for this
RKPulseStatusUsedForMoments RKMomentEngine sets this
RKPulseStatusRecorded RKSweepEngine sets this
RKPulseStatusConsumed RKPulseEngine sets this
RKPulseEngine may wait for this

Accessing Data of Pulses / Rays (RKFoundation.h)

Most data are stored in the plain C format within a structure of a pulse or ray. RadarKit uses a carefully designed header structure to ensure SIMD alignment of all the data so that SIMD parallelization can be utilized even at the moment data level. For a pulse, the raw data straight from the ADC is stored as 16-bit signed integer, interleaved between the real and imaginary part. I(0), Q(0), I(1), Q(1), ..., I(N-1), Q(N-1). The pulse compression engine uses these data to produced a compressed pulse through match filtering and stores the result in both interleaved I/Q and blocked I/Q. The interleaved I/Q is I(0), Q(0), I(1), Q(1), ..., I(N-1), Q(N-1) while the blocked I/Q would be in I(0), I(1), ..., I(N-1), Q0, Q1, ..., Q(N-1). Depending on the algorithm you want to introduce, one format may be more efficient than the other. Choose wisely.

// Getting various data pointers of a pulse
RKInt16C *RKGetInt16CDataFromPulse(RKPulse *, const uint32_t channelIndex);
RKComplex *RKGetComplexDataFromPulse(RKPulse *, const uint32_t channelIndex);
RKIQZ RKGetSplitComplexDataFromPulse(RKPulse *, const uint32_t channelIndex);

// Getting various data pointers of a ray
uint8_t *RKGetUInt8DataFromRay(RKRay *, const uint32_t productIndex);
float *RKGetFloatDataFromRay(RKRay *, const uint32_t productIndex);

Provide Your Custom Moment Recorder

A radar developer can supply a custom moment recorder via

RKSetProductRecorder(RKRadar *, int (*)(RKProduct *, char *));

A struct of RKProduct, which contains a complete sweep of a product, is supplied to the routine and RadarKit expects it to populate the supplied string with filenames. This filename is used in the subsequent events such as archiving multiple product files into a single tgz file and queueing the tgz file to the LDM (local data manager). Upon a successful completion, the routine should return RKSuccess.

Hardware Routines

As mentioend previously, the initialization, execution and deallocation routines of the transceiver, pedestal, and health relay must have a strict form, as follows. The intialization of the hardware must be in the form of

RKTransceiver initRoutine(RKRadar *, void *);
RKPedestal    initRoutine(RKRadar *, void *);
RKHealthRelay initRoutine(RKRadar *, void *);

while the execution of command and the return of response must be in the form of

int execRoutine(RKTransceiver, const char *command, char *response);
int execRoutine(RKPedestal, const char *command, char *response);
int execRoutine(RKHealthRelay, const char *command, char *response);

and finally, the resource free routine must be in the form of

int freeRoutine(RKTransceiver);
int freeRoutine(RKPedestal);
int freeRoutine(RKHealthRelay);

Here is a simple example of execution routine of a transceiver that response to a PRT change

int execRoutine(RKTransceiver userTransceiver, const char *command, char *response) {
    // Type cast it to your defined type
    UserTransceiverStruct transceiver = (UserTransceiverStruct *)userTransceiver;

    // Restore the radar reference.
    RKRadar *radar = transceiver->radar;

    // Do something with the instruction, say change the prt
    float prt;
    char dummy[64];
    if (!strcmp(command, "prt")) {
        sscanf(command, "%s %f", dummy, &prt);
        transceiver->prt = prt;
        sprintf(response, "ACK. Command executed.");
    return 0;

Reserved Keywords for Commands


This is a command the master controller issues when everything should stop.


This is a command the master controller issues for checking if the component wants to report opereate (1) or standby (0)

RadarKit Utility Program

A test program is provided to assess if everything can run properly with your system. Call it with a help option to show all the available options.

rkutil --help

RadarKit Performance Test

Some performance tests are implemented to get an idea of the number of workers to use. Here's an example output from the RaXPol main host:

marina:~/radarkit root$ rkutil -T51
2017/12/11 08:34:31 PulseCompression
                    Test 0 -> 0.220 ms / pulse
                    Test 1 -> 0.220 ms / pulse
                    Test 2 -> 0.220 ms / pulse
                    Time for each pulse (8,192 gates) = 0.220 ms / pulse (Best of 3)
                    Speed: 4541.07 pulses / sec
marina:~/radarkit root$ rkutil -T52
2017/12/11 08:34:34 PulsePairHop:
                    Test 0 -> 1.12 ms
                    Test 1 -> 1.12 ms
                    Test 2 -> 1.12 ms
                    Time for each ray (100 pulses x 4,096 gates) = 1.12 ms (Best of 3)
                    Speed: 892.23 rays / sec
2017/12/11 08:34:34 MultiLag (L = 2):
                    Test 0 -> 4.87 ms
                    Test 1 -> 4.88 ms
                    Test 2 -> 4.87 ms
                    Time for each ray (100 pulses x 4,096 gates) = 4.87 ms (Best of 3)
                    Speed: 205.22 rays / sec
2017/12/11 08:34:36 MultiLag (L = 3):
                    Test 0 -> 6.65 ms
                    Test 1 -> 6.65 ms
                    Test 2 -> 6.65 ms
                    Time for each ray (100 pulses x 4,096 gates) = 6.65 ms (Best of 3)
                    Speed: 150.39 rays / sec
2017/12/11 08:34:38 MultiLag (L = 4):
                    Test 0 -> 8.36 ms
                    Test 1 -> 8.35 ms
                    Test 2 -> 8.35 ms
                    Time for each ray (100 pulses x 4,096 gates) = 8.35 ms (Best of 3)
                    Speed: 119.83 rays / sec

Future Capabilities

  • Replace / Add RKSIMD to straight C compute