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Cen edited this page Sep 13, 2022 · 2 revisions

The Oxus Guild is composed of the strongest, most worthy men and women of Vanha - who dedicate their very existence on Terra Firma to defending their perspective of what is right. Representing naught but pure power and unity during any and all hardships that strike Vanha - the denizens of Oxus employ the strength of Tauros, he who represents the raw power and animosity which many whom belong to the Oxus Guild believe are the only things that can save Vanha from any future calamities.

They are lead by their Emperor - the legendary Nikolaos the Unfearing, a pure-blood Nogrodian with a soul of steel and iron in his bones, towering at a gargantuan 8 feet tall. Many believe he is the Prophet - a conduit through which the raw potency of the weather trio: Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza breathes.

The slogan to which many Oxus Guild Recruits tattoo - or sometimes even carve into their skin is "We Byde It!" - meaning "We endure!". None doubt this to be true, for a loyal Oxus would sacrifice all they have to achieve the goals of Emperor Nikolaos and the Weather Triad - or die trying.


Move Tutor

-766 77 -1111

Moves Taught

Move Attack Type Typing Power Accuracy Price
Bind Physical Normal 15 85% 2 HS
Block Status Normal -- -- 3 HS
Bulk Up Status Fighting -- -- 3 HS
Coaching Status Fighting -- -- 2 HS
Drain Punch Physical Fighting 75 100% 5 HS
False Swipe Physical Normal 40 100% 4 HS
Focus Punch Physical Fighting 150 100% 4 HS
Giga Impact Physical Normal 150 90% 8 HS
Heal Bell Status Normal -- -- 4 HS
Helping Hand Status Normal -- -- 4 HS
Last Resort Physical Normal 140 100% 5 HS
Low Kick Physical Fighting -- 100% 3 HS
Rock Smash Physical Fighting 40 100% 3 HS
Secret Sword Physical Fighting 85 100% 6 HS
Snore Special Normal 50 100% 2 HS
Superpower Physical Fighting 120 100% 6 HS
Uproar Special Normal 90 100% 3 HS

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