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Rubaiyat Khondaker edited this page Dec 14, 2020 · 7 revisions

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This page lists templates for custom syntax. In each case, copy-paste the regex line into the desired note type in the config file to use the template.

Custom styles

The above styles are but a few examples of the endless possible styles you can make using regular expressions. If you want to make your own style, however, you should know these things:

  • The script automatically compiles the regular expression with a 'multiline' flag, so you can use the ^ character to signal the beginning of a line
  • You need to have as many capture groups in your regexp as there are fields in the note type - the 1st capture group becomes the 1st field, the 2nd becomes the 2nd field etc
  • If making a 'paragraph' regex, consider using this group to match lines at the end - (?:^.{1,3}$|^.{4}(?<!<!--).*)). It ensures that you don't accidentally match the <!-- at the start of an ID comment!

If you'd like for your style to be added to this page, make a style-request issue and I'll consider it.

Tagging notes

Cards made using this format support tags - simply append a "Tags: {tag_list}" to the end of your block. The guidance is to use same line for single-line regexps, and the following line for paragraph regexps. If you're having problems, do consider whether FILE TAGS or tags from the folder (see Folder settings) would be easier!

Obsidian plugin users

Deleting notes

To delete notes made using this format, remove the content before the ID and make it look like:

{Delete Regex Note Line}  
<!--ID: 129840142123-->  

With the default settings:

<!--ID: 129414201900-->  

Note that if you manually delete a note in Anki, you should remove the ID line from Obsidian/the file too. The script will print a message if a note is identified with an ID that doesn't exist in Anki.


Try to make sure your regex matches don't overlap with each other. The script is designed, however, to not recognise a match inside another match (for different note types).

For example, if you're using the default syntax of the script for the 'Cloze' note type:

This is a {{c1::test}}

, you don't have to worry about a RemNote single-line match being picked up.