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Tag formatting

Pseudonium edited this page Dec 6, 2020 · 1 revision

Per-note basis

For reference, the note formatting style is:

{Note Type}
{Note Fields}

Note that the Tags: line is optional - if you don't want tags, you may leave out the line.

Tags should be formatted as such:

Tags: Tag1 Tag2 Tag3

So, a space between the colon and the first tag, and a space between tags.

Hence, this syntax would not work:

Tags:Tag1 Tag2 Tag3

The above section only applies to regular notes - see Inline notes and Regex for respective information on those note types.

Per-file basis

These tags will be added to every card in the file.

To do this: Anywhere within the file, format the file tags as follows:

{File Tags Line}
{Tag list}

Or as:

{File Tags Line}: {Tag list}

For example, with the default settings:

Maths School Physics


FILE TAGS: Maths School Physics

Like with tag-line formatting, you need a space between tags - however, do not include the "Tags: " prefix.

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