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Continuous deployment

v-smahaj edited this page Nov 8, 2020 · 1 revision

Continuous Deployment service in Azure App Services offers the ability to merge the latest code changes to an Azure-hosted environment from GitHub. It helps to seamlessly update the Azure services without the need for a new deployment.

Continuous deployment in Azure App Services

Please follow below steps to deploy the latest changes to the app service:

  • Log in to the Azure Portal for your subscription.

  • Select App Services from left menu blade

  • Search and select the app service name (search for the base resource name) which is created during the first deployment. For e.g.

  • Select Deployment Center under menu blade

  • Click on Sync to synchronize the latest bits from the GitHub master branch

Note: please make sure that the Repository name is pointing to the correct OfficeDev repo git path.

  • Wait for sync operation's success response.
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