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Data stores

Abhijeet Bodhankar edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 3 revisions

The app uses the following data store:

All these resources are created in your Azure subscription. None are hosted directly by Microsoft.

Azure Storage Account

  • [Table] for storing all user responses data which is then filtered by Azure Active Directory object Id.
  • [Table] for storing company responses data, user principal name to chat with the user 1:1, activity identifier which is used to refresh cards when updated.
  • [Table] for storing user-bot conversation Id, which is used to send notification(s) to the user.
  • [Blob] to store bot state to check whether welcome card is sent to the user. Blob storage has container name as "bot-state".

Storage account

Quick Responses tables

UserResponseEntity for storing all user responses data which is then filtered by Azure Active Directory object Id.

Attribute Comment
PartitionKey User object id provided by Azure AD – from bot activity context.
RowKey Response Id (GUID) - unique value for each user response.
Timestamp Date and time stamp when the entity row is created.
UserId User Id of user who created response.
ResponseId (GUID) - unique value for each user response.
QuestionLabel User entered single value up to 200 characters.
QuestionText Store semicolon separated questions up to 500 characters max.
ResponseText String value up to 500 characters (markdown supported).
LastUpdatedDate Date Time when entry is updated by user in UTC format.

CompanyResponseEntity for storing company responses data, user principal name to chat with the user 1:1, activity identifier which is used to refresh cards when updated.

Attribute Comment
PartitionKey "CompanyResponseEntity", which is a constant value.
RowKey Response Id (GUID) - unique value for each company response.
Timestamp Date and time stamp when the entity row is created.
QuestionLabel User entered single value up to 200 characters.
QuestionText Store semicolon separated questions up to 500 characters max. (markdown supported).
ResponseText String value up to 500 characters (markdown supported).
UserId User Id of user who suggested response.
ResponseId (GUID) - unique value for each company response.
CreatedBy Name of user who suggested response.
CreatedDate Date Time when entry is created.
UserRequestType New/Edit (for future scope).
LastUpdatedDate Date Time when entry is updated.
LastUpdatedBy Name of user who updated the response.
ApproverUserId User Id of Admin who approved/rejected the suggested response.
ApprovedOrRejectedBy Name of Admin who approved/rejected the response.
ApprovalStatus Status suggested request (Approved, Pending or Rejected).
ApprovalRemark Value entered by Admin who rejected request.
ActivityId Activity Id of suggested or propose edit response request card posted in admin team channel. Required to update same card again.
ApprovedOrRejectedDate Date Time when suggested response is approved/rejected.
UserPrincipalName User principal name of user.

ConversationEntity for storing user-bot conversation Id, which is used to send notification(s) to the user.

Attribute Comment
PartitionKey "ConversationEntity", which is a constant value.
RowKey User Id (GUID) – Azure Active Directory object id of user.
TimeStamp Date and time stamp when the entity row is created.
UserId User Id (GUID) – Azure Active Directory object id of user.
ConversationId User bot conversation Id. Required to send notification to user about his request.