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Webworm is a blogging CMS built with Next.js, MongoDB and Mantine ui theme.

Webstorm uses Next-auth is used for authentication.

env variables

Variable Description
MONGO_URI MongoDb database url
NEXTAUTH_URL base api url
For development: http:localhost:3000
for production:
NEXTAUTH_SECRET string for encoding JWT and next-auth token

Creating admin user

NOTE: Ensure the env variable MONGO_URI is set before trying to create the admin user

Creating the admin user is done through the CLI.

  • The file createAdmin.mjs in the root directory is setup to create an admin user for the CMS

  • The optional field is the database name in the variable dbName which by default is set to webworm

to create the user, in the root directory, run

 node createAdmin.mjs

and follow the prompts.

After creating the user, you can delete the createAdmin.mjs file if you wish to.

Media Management

Webworm uses cloudinary for media management.

In your cloudinary console, create a folder called webworm where all assets will be stored.

create an upload preset in the settings and store the name of the preset in the env variables as NEXT_PUBLIC_CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_PRESET. This will be used to upload media to cloudinary.


  • All routes for the admin panel are under the '/api/admin' routes

  • All routes for the api are under the '/api/vo' routes

Admin routes

These are the routes being used internally by the CMS.

Generate API Key for use by client

Route Method Data
/api/admin/apiKey GET Fetch all api keys
/api/admin/apiKey POST Generate new api key
/api/admin/apiKey/[id] DELETE Delete selected api key

Fetch and delete media from cloudinary

Route Method Data
/api/admin/media GET Get media for display in media manager
/api/admin/media/[id] DELETE Delete media from cloudinary

Manage posts

Route Method Data Query Params
/api/admin/posts GET Get all posts - page (current page to fetch)
- filter(post publish status: published or unpublished: exclude filter to get all posts)
-search (search string: search for post using title)

/api/admin/posts POST Create new post
/api/admin/posts/[slug] GET Get single post using slug
/api/admin/posts/[slug] PATCH Update a post
/api/admin/posts/[slug] DELETE Delete post

User details

Route Method Data
/api/admin/users/[userId] PATCH Update user details

Privacy Policy

Route Method Data
/api/admin/policy GET Get privacy policy
/api/admin/policy PATCH Update privacy policy

Terms and Conditions

Route Method Data
/api/admin/terms GET Get Terms and Conditions
/api/admin/terms PATCH Update Terms and Conditions

Client API routes

  • These are the routes the blog client will use to fetch data from the CMS.
  • ensure the api key is added to the client api call headers using:
headers: {
    "x-api-key": <API KEY>
Route Method Data
/api/v0/posts GET Fetch all published posts
/api/v0/posts/[slug] GET Fetch single post
/api/v0/policy GET Get privacy policy
/api/v0/terms GET Get Terms and Conditions

The /api/v0/posts can have the following query params:

  • page : The page number to fetch.
    • If not provided, the default is 1
  • per_page : The total posts to return per page.
    • If not provided, the default is 10
  • search : The search string to search for posts


/api/v0/posts?page=2&per_page=20 will return posts in the second page with 20 posts per page


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