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Repository files navigation


A static REST API based on the Create Once, Publish Everywhere (COPE) principle.

Content is written in Markdown and served as JSON, along with optimized media and a comprehensive index. Minimizes vendor lock-in, dependencies, and hosting requirements. Apt for hosting on GitHub or GitLab Pages, or any static service.

Sample content from the Scholar Theme for Grav.

Installation and Requirements

Requires Node.js version 12 or later.

Run npm install to install dependencies.


Edit config.json and set:

Option Description Default Type
Version SemVer-version of content. Aligned with module. String
baseDirectory Relative path to content source. "./content" String
outputDirectory Relative path to output-folder. "./docs/api" String
stores Where to store transient and lasting files. See below. Object
stores.processed Relative path to JSON-file with list of processed folders and files. "./docs/api/processed.json" String
stores.index Relative path to JSON-file with index of folders and files. "./docs/api/index.json" String
stores.openapi Relative path to JSON-file with generated OpenAPI spec. "./docs/api/openapi.json" String
stores.collections Relative path to JSON-file with generated collections. "./docs/api/collections.json" String
transformers Modules to apply to matched file-extensions. See below. Object
transformers[".md"] Module to transform Markdown. "./transformers/markdown.js" String
transformers[".jpeg"] Module to transform JPEG images. "./transformers/image.js" String
transformers[".jpg"] Module to transform JPG images. "./transformers/image.js" String
transformers[".png"] Module to transform PNG images. "./transformers/image.js" String
transformers[".gif"] Module to transform GIF images. "./transformers/image.js" String
media Properties to use for media-handling. See below. Object
media.maxSize Max width or height of image. 1920 Integer
spec Information about the API specification. See below. Object
spec.openapi OpenAPI-version. "3.." String Information about the API specification. See below. Object Title of the API. "COPE Static API" String Description of the API. "..." String Distinct SemVer-version of this API. "1.0.0" String
spec.servers List of API-endpoint base paths. Array of objects, see spec. Array
logplease Configuration for logger. See below. Object
logplease.showLevel Display log level in the log message true Boolean
logplease.filename Relative path to log-file. "operations.log" String
logplease.appendfile Append logfile instead of overwriting true Boolean


Fork the repository, edit pages in /content, and run

npm run build

The /docs-folder is now populated with all your content and media, as well as documentation. Set your repository's settings to publish to from /docs on the master-branch.


Your Content Management System, Static Site Generator, or other consumer of content can source all content from /api/index.json, which references itself, the OpenAPI-spec, as well as all content in the content-property.



A Transformer is any module which exports a default function that can be used to manipulate a file. The function must accept two parameters: First, the path to the source file, and second, the path to the output file. The module itself is responsible for reading and manipulating the file, as well as storing it in the given location.

This project is agnostic about how files are treated, and will in every instance pass the source- and target-paths to the module or script defined for each file-type in config.json. By default this includes transforming Markdown-files with FrontMatter into JSON, as well as optimizing and resizing images.


MIT License 2020 by Ole Vik.