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Terraform module to create many AWS IAM users at once.


Simple example

Create users with access_keys (unencrypted)

module "iam_users" {
  source = ""

  users              = ["user-1", "user-2"]
  create_access_keys = true

Complete example

Create users with console access, programmatic access and group memberships

You need to create the groups first

module "iam_users" {
  source = ""

  force_destroy         = true
  create_access_keys    = true
  create_login_profiles = true
  pgp_key               = "keybase:romainbarissat"

  users_groups       = {
    user1 = ["group1", "group2"]
    user2 = ["group2", "group3"]

  tags               = {
    Org         = "My Org"
    Environment = "Prod"

  module_depends_on = [module.iam_groups.groups]

output "iam_users" {
  value = module.iam_users.users


Name Version
terraform ~> 0.12.24
aws ~> 2.58


Name Version
aws ~> 2.58


Name Description Type Default Required
create_access_keys Set to true to create programmatic access for all users bool false no
create_login_profiles Set to true to create console access for all users bool false no
force_destroy When destroying users, destroy even if it has non-Terraform-managed IAM access keys, login profile or MFA devices. Without force_destroy users with non-Terraform-managed access keys and login profile will fail to be destroyed. bool false no
module_depends_on Use this if you want this module to run after other modules list [] no
pgp_key PGP key in plain text or using the format keybase:username to encrypt user keys and passwords string null no
tags Tags to add to all users map(string) {} no
users Users to create in a simple list format ["user1", "user2"]. Use either variableusersorusers_groups list(string) [] no
users_groups Users to create in a map format to specify group memberships. The groups must exist already. Use either variable users or users_groups. See _var_users_groups.example.tfvars.json map(list(string)) {} no


Name Description
users Map of created users.

Similar modules


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All contributions are welcome! Please see the docs/


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details

About olivr

Olivr is an AI co-founder for your startup.