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OllisGit edited this page Mar 14, 2022 · 4 revisions

Create a new Plugin


  • Octoprint is installed
  • Cookiecutter installed
        cd Octoprint-latest/
	virtualenv venv
        source venv/bin/activate

        pip install "cookiecutter>=1.4,<1.7" 

        octoprint dev plugin:new DryRun
	plugin_package [octoprint_DryRun]:
	plugin_name [OctoPrint-Deleteafterprint]: DryRun
	repo_name [OctoPrint-DeleteAfterPrint]:OctoPrint-DryRun
	full_name [You]: OllisGit
	email []:
	github_username [you]: OllisGit
	plugin_version [0.1.0]: 1.0.0
	plugin_description [TODO]: Execute printing without heating and extrusion
	plugin_license [AGPLv3]:
	plugin_homepage []:
	plugin_source []:
	plugin_installurl []:
  • The new plugin folder structure is created in the current folder. Move it to where ever you like.

First initial IDE-Settings

For more details how to setup PyCharm look here

  • Open the folder with you IDE (PyCharm)
  • ATTENTION: The Plugin-Generator doesn't like CamelCase-Names you need to correct the follwowing lines in
displayName="Spoolmanager Plugin",
__plugin_name__ = "Spoolmanager Plugin"

- Set Project-Interpreter in the Preferences to Octoprint-latest/venv

- Close IDE and copy runConfiguration Folder to .idea

Create GitHub Repository

  • Create new GitHub Repository via Web-UI. Use the same name as you used during the creation.
  • Switch to your new plugin folder and init/push to the git repository:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Usage of release channels
