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William Luu edited this page Mar 17, 2016 · 4 revisions

How to use labels

Status labels for issues

  • 0 - Backlog: The issue is approved and ready to be worked on.
  • 1 - Ready: The issue is assigned.
  • 2 - Working: The issue is being worked on.
  • 3 - Done: The issue is fixed and tested.

Issues which don't have a status label are not triaged.

Other labels for issues

  • bug - The issue describes a product defect.
  • c# - The issue is specific to C# language services.
  • dev - The issue need to be fixed in the dev branch.
  • duplicate - The issue is duplicate of another one.
  • enhancement - The issue describes an improvement to an existing feature.
  • feature request - The issue describes a new feature, which requires extensive design and testing.
  • help wanted - The issue is triaged and is ready to be worked on by anyone.
  • infrastures - The issue is specific to build scripts, build server and the test infrastructures.

Labels for pull request

  • do not merge - The PR is for demonstration purposes only and/or is not yet ready to be merged.