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Currently under development.

Data Dashboard:

This app is a data visualization tool. The goal of this app is to demonstrate API data retrieval abilities, to create a demo of what a data visualization app could look like, and charting the retrieved data. Currently, the app allows to see charts and graphs for a provided data set, and retrieval options that include:

  • Print Page
  • Save Page as 'PDF' (Broken)
  • Download Data

In the future, I would like to add more data visualization tools. The 'Logout' button is placeholder.

How To Use:

Simply vist the site below.

  • Deployed Site Once there, feel free to check out the core features. The left hand panel can be opened and will allow you to navigate to the different charts, and the bottom navbar will be accessible to print the page, download the page as a .pdf, or retrieve the current data set you are viewing. Hover your mouse over the charts for tooltip displays.

Core Technologies

  • Redux - Axios/API calls and state management library.
  • React - JavaScript frontend framework.
  • Material-UI - Library used to design UI.
  • VictoryChart - Library used for data visualization tools.
  • Sequelize - A promise-based ORM, used to create models for the database.
  • Express - Node.js library used to build APIs and servers.
  • PostgreSQL - A relational database management system (RDBMS).



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
