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Contributor Application template

RickDeb2004 edited this page Apr 4, 2023 · 6 revisions
  • Requirements

Open Astronomy requires that the contributor do the following before the application deadline (approx end of March - check the timeline for exact dates):

  1. Introduce yourself in the mailing list (or IRC channel) of the organisation you want to work with.
  2. Create a blog and write something about the project you are interested. You will be require to keep an update of your progress in there (at least one post every 2 weeks).
  3. Contribute at least one patch to the organisation you are applying for. This will show that you have been able to set up the developer environment. Check for issues marked "easy" or "package-novice" in each organization. Don't be afraid to contact the development mailing list if you have questions or run into trouble setting up a development environment.


Contributor Information


Hello, I am Debanjan Mukherjee, currently enrolled in 4 year B.TECH degree in INDUSTRIAL DESIGN ,at NIT ROURKELA. Highly experienced in AI , C++, Backend development. Interested in distributed systems, backend engineering & cyber-security. Open Source Enthusiast. Love to deep dive into cool technologies and always learning something new. skills: c , c++ ,python, js, html, css, nodejs, RESTAPI, REACT, MONGODB, EXPRESS jS....

  • Experience:
  1. Qualified in final round of HackNITR 4.0 among 23 teams around the globe. I participated as backend developer and blockchain developer and was the team leader of my team.
  2. currently participated in GFG hackathon and ISM DHANBAD hackathon

Interest in Open Astronomy

As I am cosmo lover, first of all the name attracted me and I am highly curious about the project "Optimizing Radis app".The most encouraging part is the skill requirement of the project matches my current skill. I strongly believe that I can make this project more accessible for users.As I am in my first year only, I will learn so many things from this project.

Project Proposal Application

**Proposal Title:**OpenAstro



Explain why this project is attractive to you and why you think you can do it. As all the requirements of the project matches my current I am highly curious to work on it .. MY IDEAS REGARDING

  • 2.USING FASTAPI for fast responses but I usually use RESTAPI.
  • 3.using better libraries for plotting graphs.
  • 4.The interface of the web app is not good ,so need to work on the inter face .
  • 5.I will make an searchAPI for data searching and making an API for training the data model set
  • 6.For better user accessibility I can use google auth and I have made an OTP generator API ,that I can implement on this project


**1.**After looking your web app ,I think we should implement some major changes like use of RESTAPI, by this the whole web app model have better client server reach and we should implement a signup and better authentication page for better user availability . I have resolved this issue earlier in my hackathon project . HERE THE PROJECT LINK : (this is an OTP generator API). will help in authentication.

2. Now second thing I have observed that I can make a better SEARCH API. SEARCH API project link: HERE I MADE A PRODUCT BASED SEARCH API AND I CAN MAKE THE SAME FOR OUR ORGANIZATION.



Break your project in blocks, what do you expect you will do each week?

Period Description
Community Bonding period ...
May 4 - 28 Community Bonding Period: To familiarize myself completely with RADIS app and yarn functionality and architecture,get to know mentors, read documentation, get up to speed to begin working on my projects
May 29 I am starting on my suggested proposal such that in this first week I will work on making an API that helps user to sign in for better user accessibility ,I will make the API using RESTAPI and Express js
May 29-July 9 1.After Making this API, will work for SEARCH API .I will make this from the data base .For testing out ,I will create a small similar type database on google firebase firestore by python (I can later convert it in java script by AI ),then I will connect it by Express middleware
July 14 - August 21 Further this week will work on more functionality like will try to make more accurate scatter plot,need to work on the interface of the web app
August 21 - 28 In this final week ,I will submit my final work product to my respected mentor


Have you participated previously in GSoC? When? With which project?


Are you also applying to other projects?


Schedule availability

July 10-july 20: I have my endsem . Other wise, During the working period there will be summer vaccation.

CONCLUSION : I agree that I am currently only first year under-graduate student but I have passion to be a good developer for the community and have passion to contribute in the organization for the good of community. If you give me chance , I can do better and will learn as always love to deep dive into cool technologies and cool learnings.