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This repository contains examples to access water-related data from the State of Colorado's HydroBase REST web services using various tools and technologies. The project to create this repository was funded by the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB). This repository provides information in addition to that presented on the Technical Information & Help page. The goal of this repository is to provide examples of technologies that consume the REST web services, implemented in a way that can be understood by a wide audience of users with varying level of technical skills. Hopefully these examples help save time and effort.


Colorado's HydroBase REST web services implement Representational State Transfer (REST) web service design. In general terms, this means that each URL provided by web services corresponds to a unique data resource. The web service URLs correspond to major datasets available in HydroBase, typically tables and views in the database. The uniqueness of a URL and corresponding data can be refined by adding query parameters. An example URL is as follows (the / forward slash before the ? is optional):

Each web service provides a default behavior and can be further configured by providing query parameters in the URL:

  • The first part of the URL specifies the server, application programmer interface (API) version, and service name.
  • The URL contains the word GET to indicate that the web services will read data. The State of Colorado provides other web services to submit data.
  • Query parameters follow the ? character in the URL.
  • Each query parameter includes a parameter name, =, and value, and value can take on various forms depending on the data type.
  • Query parameters are separated by & character.
  • The full URL with query parameter uniquely identifies a resource and the URL, once formed, can be reused to retrieve the same data.
  • The Url Generator links on the HydroBase web service page help format URLs for the data resource being queried and corresponding query parameters.
    • Accessing a web service URL to download data may behave differently depending on the request. For example, JSON and XML content may display in the browser, but CSV content may automatically download.
  • Default web service query limits are enforced and require an API key to increase limits above the defaults. See the Technical Information & Help to learn how to acquire an API key.
  • Web services have a built-in paging feature. Therefore, large queries that exceed the single page limit may need logic to be implemented to retrieve multiple pages of data.

The REST web services can be called by various technologies and tools, as illustrated in the examples on this page. In some cases, basic data retrieval occurs (e.g., using curl). In other cases (e.g., TSTool), a tool may add value by streamlining use of the web service, integrating several web services, and providing additional useful features.

The following should be considered when using web services:

  • Web services are convenient because public access to HydroBase can be provided without installing a local HydroBase database. However, web services are typically slower than direct database queries because of layers of communication and data formatting. Therefore, heavy data users should consider breaking workflows into a download step and separate processing step that can be rerun without having to download data again. The second step would need to be able to read the file format saved in the first step.
  • Web services provide a "snapshot in time". Therefore, if it is important to have a timestamped version of the data, downloaded files should be saved to a local computer with an appropriate date.
  • Software that has traditionally used HydroBase data, such as TSTool and StateDMI, may not be able to provide the same features for web service data because web services do not provide all needed data. It is expected that web services will be enhanced over time and will allow such tools to offer web services as an option for data access.
  • Like any website, web services may at times experience downtime.
  • Changes to web services may impact software that uses the web services. However, because the web service API is documented, such impacts should be relatively easy to troubleshoot.


This repository contains examples illustrating how to access HydroBase REST web services using various tools and technologies.

Tool / Technology Description
ArcGIS ArcGIS Geographic Information System (GIS) software.
curl command line tool to retrieve data and save to local file.
Microsoft Excel workbook examples.
Google Sheets Google Sheets, online spreadsheets.
JavaScript, used for web application development.
Python programming language, used to automate data processing.
R programming language, used to automate data processing for statistical analysis.
StateDMI StateDMI software (part of Colorado's Decision Support Systems), used to automate creation of StateCU and StateMod model files.
TSTool software (part of Colorado's Decision Support Systems), used to automate time series and other data processing.

Repository Contents

The repository contains the following folders and files. Currently, README files are used to present information, but the content may be converted to a GitHub page, Wiki, or some other form in the future. files provide information and can be viewed in the repository using a web browser.

cdss-rest-services-examples/  Repository name and main folder.
  .github/                    Files specific to GitHub such as issue template.
  .gitattributes              Git configuration file.
  .gitignore                  Git configuration file.                   This file.
  examples/                   Main examples folder
    arcgis/                   ArcGIS examples.
    curl/                     Curl/script examples.
    excel/                    Excel examples.
    googlesheets/             Google sheets examples.
    javascript/               JavaScript API and examples.
    python/                   Python examples.
    r/                        R examples.
    statedmi/                 StateDMI examples.
    tstool/                   TSTool examples.

A recommended (but not required) folder structure to contain the repository files on the local computer is as follows. This folder structure is consistent with other CDSS products, and provides consistency and flexibility. Examples are constructed to work using relative paths or absolute paths that are dynamically determined from the local files.

C:\Users\user\                         Windows user files.
/home/user/                            Linux user files.
/cygdrive/C/Users/user/                Cygdrive user files.
/C/Users/user/                         Git Bash user files.
  cdss-dev/                            CDSS development files.
    REST-Examples/                     This product.
      git-repos/                       Git repositories for the website.
        cdss-rest-services-examples/   The repository files, as shown above.

Development Environment

The development environment for examples varies by the technology that is used. Additional information will be provided as the examples are implemented.


The license for this documentation is the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license. Examples that are implemented in software code are distributed using GPL v3 license.


See the OpenCDSS Licensing documentation.


The initial repository contents were created by the Open Water Foundation in coordination with Colorado Water Conservation Board and Colorado Division of Water Resources staff. After the initial project was completed, maintenance of the repository examples will occur as part of OpenCDSS or other projects.

Release Notes

The following are major updates for the repository and examples. See the GitHub issues for ongoing backlog of work items.

  • 2020-04-12 - Clean up repository for project delivery. The repository will then go into maintenance mode.
  • 2019-09-06 - Add initial TSTool and curl examples.
  • 2019-08-12 - Initialize the repository.


Colorado's Decision Support Systems REST web services examples







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