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Remold edited this page Aug 31, 2015 · 1 revision

Release versions and SURFconext

OpenConext releases currently follows the SURFconext release schedule. When we encounter an issue in a release that needs fixing immediately for us, we make a small update release (e.g. 49.1). With more contributors and users we will need to make changes to both the development and the release process over time, but as the first contributions are just starting to come in, any process changes are probably several months to over a year in the future.


Most versions of OpenConext can be installed using the OpenConext Vm Builder. This is a set of scripts that will build an OpenConext instance on the fly, for development or evaluation porposes. For more details on the OpenConext VM please visit its repository at


Below an overview of the last releases that SURFnet used for SURFconext in production. A release consists a set of OpenConext components (engineblock, api, serviceregistry etc) of specific versions. Compiled wars of the Java components can be downloaded from a public repository at The source code for all components can be found in

Release notes are being maintained at the Engineblock Github repository: