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13jan2022 website publishing meeting

sean roberts edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 2 revisions

my notes from today's website publishing meeting (plz add what i got wrong/missed):

  • Attending: poupou, Gray, Stefi_says, sarob, baoki, epowell101, regrets spacet
  • Sean talked about Starting with a PR needs a publish label and the webpage metadata will need to be added to the resources docs, blog files. As time permits, the cleaner method of automating the metadata and grouping changes will be implemented around early to mid feb.
  • Sean then talked about Baokiddy wants to spin up a how to session on this with Sean in the near future. First, she wants to bring up how we should manage spaces and casting from an organization communication strategy as the next Tuesday meeting.
  • We decided to continue this website publishing focused meeting. It has been added to the calendar 7am PT Fridays.
  • We riffed on how to convert discord, help ODC bounty people into PR contributors.
  • We riffed on the need for network and/or compute options for regions where network and compute are in short supply and extremely expensive.
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