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17th March Sandbox meeting

Stefi edited this page Mar 18, 2023 · 4 revisions
  • discuss the 3 projects ( miro board/ discourse)
    • legos package / sybil dashboard ( kikura /umar ) / grants reviwer dashboard
  • next steps:
  • calendar
  • invitation to contributions
  • github instructure for these projects
    • ReadMe
    • folders
    • write out from discourse as instructions
  • Post about the new projects and call for contributors?
  • mentoring plans
  • how this connects with hackathon: any cross over like hackathon work in a sandbox team, starting new hackathon submissions as a sandbox team, encouraging people to work together

--- meeting notes ---

- About agenda topics:

New topics discussed:

@epowell101 brought up the discussion around projects future:

  • What if some engaged contributor wants to commercialize the product?
    • @stefi_says thinks that we need to make clean that this first phase of the sandbox is open source so contributors know for what they are contributing
      -@sarob made comments about how services and product enhancement versions, personalisations and so on can become a ‘service arm’ of an open source project and work on top of it. @poupou-web3 mentioned that we can have services to set the software up , airdrop analysis and so on.
  • Other comments have been made about future contract agreements like the ‘service arm’ delivers back funding to the open source arm and about how that touches on Licensing and possibly Open Source Specialist Lawyers to design this
  • the ones present agreed that this path of ‘ODC commercial arm’ seems natural for the community and should be some of our next steps
  • Gray mentioned that we could apply for grants related with the projects that will be build on the ODC to get funds, this could be a way of maintaining engagement from the developers.
  • Sandbox projects should have ‘names’ , @stefi_says will open a place in the board so people can throw ideas for voting and that discussion will be brought up again as soon as the project get a team to build it.

Action points 👍

  • Invite kikura/ umars and other developers from the hackathon to join sandbox projects - @stef_says will do it using evan suggested approach

  • Start detailing what are the projects on their Repos and how one can make contributions - @baokiddy will start the wright up

  • Start the Lego Package Project Repo , detail the legos and how someone can contribute - @stefi_says will start it this week

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