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Ingame Command list

CakeLancelot edited this page Oct 12, 2023 · 14 revisions

Custom Commands

Custom commands are parsed and handled by the OpenFusion server. When a chat message is received that starts with the command prefix (default: /), instead of sending that chat to other players the server intercepts the message. Account levels are separate from the normal player level, and determine which commands they have access to - a lower number being more permissive.

Command Description Required Acclevel
/help List all unlocked server-side commands. 100
/access Print your access level. 100
/hide Hide yourself from the global player map. 100
/unhide Un-hide yourself from the global player map. 100
/population Check how many players are online. 100
/redeem Redeem a code item. A list is available on the FusionFall Wiki. 100
/refresh Teleport yourself to your current location. 100
/unwarpable Prevent buddies from warping to you. 100
/warpable Re-allow buddies to warp to you. 100
/buff Give yourself a buff effect. 50
/lair Get the required mission for the nearest fusion lair. 50
/level Change your character's level. 50
/levelx Change your character's level (academy build). 50
/registerall Register all SCAMPER and MSS destinations. 50
/unregisterall Clear all SCAMPER and MSS destinations. 50
/whois Describe nearest NPC. 50
/instance Print or change your current instance. 30
/mss Edit Monkey Skyway routes. 30
/npcr Rotate the nearest NPC to face you. 30
/npci Move the nearest NPC across instances. 30
/summonW Permanently summon NPCs. 30
/unsummonW Delete permanently summoned NPCs. 30
/toggleai Enable/disable mob AI. 30
/flush Write all gruntwork to file. 30
/minfo Show details of the current mission and task. 30
/egg Permanently summon a coco egg. 30
/tasks List all active missions and their respective task ids. 30
/notify Toggle receiving a message whenever a player joins the server. 30
/players Output all players on the server to the chat. 30
/summonGroup Summon group NPCs. 30
/summonGroupW Permanently summon group NPCs. 30

Built-in Commands

These commands are parsed clientside, then put into a packet before being sent to the server. For example, /speed sends a P_CL2FE_GM_REQ_PC_SET_VALUE packet with iSetValueType equal to 6. Some of these built-in commands do not interact with the server at all, such as /viewcol, /hideui and /viewloc. Also note that ID and UID are one in the same in OpenFusion.

Command Description Implemented?
/qinven Prints quest item list to debug logfile (clientside). ✔️
/emote Removed in newer client versions.
/dance Removed in newer client versions.
/motd Sets the message of the day while the server is running.
/announce, /bcast Sends a message window to players, which players are selected depends on the announce type. ✔️
/nano_equip Equip a nano in slot 0, 1, or 2. ✔️
/nano_unequip Unequip a nano in slot 0, 1, or 2. ✔️
/nano_active Essentially the same as pressing 1, 2, or 3 on your keyboard to summon a nano. ✔️
/speed Sets movement speed to the specified value. A speed of around 2400 or 3000 is nice. ✔️
/jump Sets jump height to the specified value. A height of about 50 will send you soaring. ✔️
/warp Warps to the center of the specified map square. This map (credit to Danny O) is useful for finding the coordinates. ✔️
/goto Teleport to more exact coordinates. Useful for getting in IZs or fusion lairs. ✔️
/warptopc Warp to a player by ID. ✔️
/itemN Give yourself an item. Refer to this spreadsheet for the IDs. ✔️
/itemQ Give yourself a quest item.
/mapwarp Removed in newer client versions.
/nano Creates the specified nano number (ex. 2 for Numbuh 2). ✔️
/nanoArr Obtains all nanos within a range. ✔️
/summon Summons a mob or NPC temporarily. ✔️
/groupsummon Summons a group by ID.
/summonshiny Summons a coco egg by ID. Location is offset randomly.
/unsummon Unsummons the nearest NPC or mob. ✔️
/nanoskill Change the skill set on a specific nano. ✔️
/mission Obtain a specific mission by ID.
/task Obtain a specific task by ID.
/unstick_i "Unsticks" a player by ID. (teleports them slightly offset from where they were) ✔️
/unstick_ui "Unsticks" a player by UID. ✔️
/unstick_n "Unsticks" a player by first and last name. ✔️
/locate_i Locates a player by ID. ✔️
/locate_ui Locates a player by UID. ✔️
/locate_n Locates a player by first and last name. ✔️
/teleport2me_n Teleports a player with the specified first and last name to you. ✔️
/teleport2me_i Teleports a player with the specified ID to you. ✔️
/teleport2me_ui Teleports a player with the specified UID to you. ✔️
/teleportXYZ_i Teleports a player with the specified ID to the specified coordinates. ✔️
/teleportXYZ_ui Teleports a player with the specified UID to the specified coordinates. ✔️
/teleportXYZ_n Teleports a player with the specified first and last name to the specified coordinates. ✔️
/teleportMapXYZ_i Teleports a player with the specified ID to the specified coordinates and instance. ✔️
/teleportMapXYZ_ui Teleports a player with the specified UID to the specified coordinates and instance. ✔️
/teleportMapXYZ_n Teleports a player with the specified first/last name to the specified coordinates and instance. ✔️
/teleport_i_i Teleports a player with a specified ID to another with a specified ID. ✔️
/teleport_ui_ui Teleports a player with a specified UID to another with a specified UID. ✔️
/teleport_i_n Teleports a player with a specified ID to another with a first and last name. ✔️
/teleport_n_n Teleports a player with a specified first/last name to another with a specified first/last name. ✔️
/kick_i Kick a player by ID. ✔️
/kick_ui Kick a player by UID. ✔️
/kick_n Kick a player by first and last name. ✔️
/invisible Makes your player character invisible and disables mob aggro. Note: can be buggy. ✔️
/invulnerable Makes players unable to interact with you, and disables mob aggro. ✔️
/health Sets your health to the amount specified. Max health does not change. ✔️
/batteryW Modifies the amount of Weapon Boosts that you have. ✔️
/batteryN Modifies the amount of Nano Potions that you have. ✔️
/fusionmatter Modifies the amount of Fusion Matter that you have. ✔️
/taros Modifies the amount of Taros that you have. ✔️
/gmmarker Toggles the display of a GM particle above your character's head, and enables PVP. ✔️
/equipitem Equips the item in the specified inventory slot to the specified equip slot. ✔️
/viewloc Toggles display of coordinates and other attributes (clientside). ✔️
/mute_i_on Mute a player by ID. ✔️
/mute_i_off Unmute a player by ID. ✔️
/mute_ui_on Mute a player by UID. ✔️
/mute_ui_off Unmute a player by UID. ✔️
/mute_n_on Mute a player by first and last name. ✔️
/mute_n_off Unmute a player by first and last name. ✔️
/hideui Hides all UI elements (clientside). ✔️
/viewcol Highlight all collision hulls (clientside). ✔️
/chwarp Manipulates channels. Not applicable to OpenFusion.
/chnum Manipulates channels. Not applicable to OpenFusion.
/chinfo Manipulates channels. Not applicable to OpenFusion.
/shwarp Manipulates shards. Not applicable to OpenFusion.
/viewid Toggle display of NPC and mob IDs (clientside). ✔️
/rateF Adjusts rate at which you receive Fusion Matter.
/rateT Adjusts rate at which you receive Taros.
/tasklog Prints all active tasks to debug logfile (clientside). ✔️
/cashmall Opens an unfinished microtransaction store interface (clientside).
/Store Opens an unfinished auction house/player shop interface (clientside).