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353 lines (312 loc) · 13.1 KB

File metadata and controls

353 lines (312 loc) · 13.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

2.0.0 - 2019-02-25


  • Consensus: block production time is increased
  • Core: states reflect only latest blockchain status
  • RPC: transaction's receipts are displayed on Wallet UI
  • RPC: contract estimation button is added to Wallet UI

1.9.0 - 2019-02-08


  • Smart contracts: contract cost estimation
  • Smart contracts: contract execution
  • Smart contracts: rollback contract execution on failure
  • Smart contracts: added method to transfer tokens
  • Core: transaction receipts
  • Database: smart contract table


  • Core: transfer transaction structure, field for smart contract bytecode added
  • Core: transfer transaction extended for contract interactions

1.8.0 - 2019-01-25


  • Core: blocks rollback
  • Core: wallet states
  • Core: delegate states
  • Core: light synchronization


  • Consensus: sequential ordering of active delegates
  • Consensus: in case active delegate does not produce block due to its possible unavailability, boot node will produce it
  • Consensus: invalid blocks are not broadcast across the network
  • Core: removed redundant logs
  • Core: delegate info is stored in state
  • Core: wallet balance is stored in state
  • Core: account has one vote for delegate

1.7.1 - 2019-01-21


  • Sync: persistence a large number of blocks

1.7.0 - 2019-01-17


  • Sync: full synchronization, all types of transactions are saved
  • Sync: wallet balances also synchronized


  • Sync: general stability improvements
  • Network: operational number of connections is lowered - even if node has not sufficient amount of connections, it still operates with blocks and transactions

1.6.0 - 2019-01-10


  • Smart contracts: contract object serialization
  • Smart contracts: contract object deserialization


  • Sync: blocks synchronization (blocks upload from latest genesis block until current last local one)
  • Sync: timed out sync request recovery mechanism (retry request on response unavailability)
  • Sync: epoch blocks validation according genesis block from next epoch
  • Sync: blocks requested either from boot nodes or current active delegates
  • Network: connection establishment is limited by time. On timeout attempt considered as failed

1.5.0 - 2018-12-14


  • Smart contracts: contract basic executor


  • Sync: time synchronization based on ntp servers
  • Network: strict quantity of permanent connections
  • Network: in case of failed connection attempt, node is not allowed to retry connect for an hour
  • Network: node maintains minimum amount of connections, when there is a lack of them
  • Smart contracts: contract variable class validation is supplemented

1.4.0 - 2018-11-29


  • Smart contracts: loading of a contract to JVM
  • Smart contracts: contract basic validation


  • Core: when chain synchronization a chain of blocks is requested instead of the last block
  • Core: time synchronization is based on time-synchronized nodes

1.3.0 - 2018-11-16


  • Network: broadcast new client info over the entire network
  • Network: filtering expired messages


  • Network: removed heartbeat handler response
  • RPC: response pagination improved

1.2.0 - 2018-10-22


  • Smart contract: adress generation utilites
  • Smart contract: test contract


  • Network: time synchronization protocol accuracy is increased
  • Communication Protocol: time synchronization messages are updated
  • Smart contract: base contract class structure

1.1.0 - 2018-10-11


  • Smart contract: base initialization
  • Smart contract: base entities
  • Smart contract: base service interface
  • Smart contract: samples
  • Core: unconfirmed balance check by unconfirmed transactions
  • Wallet UI: sorting transactions by timestamp in a reverse order


  • Core: transaction validation improved when creating a block
  • Core: update configuration file information when values change
  • Database: unconfirmed balance removed from wallets table

1.0.0 - 2018-09-25


  • Core: transaction validation
  • Core: transactions priority balancing
  • Core: block capacity
  • Database: tables indexes
  • RPC: recalled vote flag
  • RPC: vote date to "get all votes" response


  • SQLite database changed to H2
  • Core: unconfirmed balance calculation is improved

0.8.0 - 2018-09-07


  • Consensus: delegate public key field to a delegation transaction
  • RPC: delegate public key parameter to a delegation transaction request
  • Network: node ID as a network identifier
  • Core: unconfirmed output balance to a wallet
  • RPC: wallet address validation
  • RPC: node ID added to active delegate response
  • Wallet UI: Send delegate transaction
  • Wallet UI: Send vote transaction
  • Wallet UI: Transactions list


  • Network: addresses exploring mechanism
  • Network: nodes reconnection mechanism
  • Core: synchronization mechanism
  • Core: wallet balances calculation improved

0.7.0 - 2018-08-31


  • Master nodes initiation as active delegates on chain start
  • Configuration file
  • Network: Greeting response message contains node's external host
  • RPC: Get delegates by wallet address
  • Consensus: Added amount field to delegate transaction


  • Node private key moved from a separate file to a configuration file
  • Network: Improved connection to active delegates
  • Core: Improved vote transaction validation when a wallet had already voted
  • Core: Empty block creation is allowed
  • Wallet: Changed update balance logic

0.6.1 - 2018-08-27


  • Application properties for docker

0.6.0 - 2018-08-24


  • Network: A UID for nodes
  • Sync: Up node synchronization
  • Sync: Application synchronization status
  • Sync: Check application synchronization status and start synchronization if need
  • RPC: Get explorer info
  • RPC: Get a list of blocks
  • RPC: Get a list of transactions
  • RPC: Main and genesis block endpoints unit tests
  • Wallet UI: Create a transaction
  • Wallet UI: Past transaction list
  • Core: Reward transaction


  • Core: Genesis and Main blocks are not broadcasted after creation, pending blocks are broadcasted instead
  • Core validation: Now it is impossible to create vote transaction on the nonexistent delegate
  • Core validation: Now it is impossible to generate a request of vote transaction with the nonexistent vote type
  • Core validation: Now it is impossible to create transactions with a negative fee
  • Core validation: Improved fee and amount validation for the transfer transaction
  • Core: Removed validation from main block service on adding a block
  • Core: Removed validation from genesis service on adding a block
  • Core: Removed field 'reward' from blocks

0.5.0 - 2018-08-10


  • Consensus: Intervals between time slots for synchronization
  • Consensus: Prevote stage on block creation
  • Consensus: Commit stage on block creation
  • Wallet UI: Generate a seed phrase
  • Wallet UI: Create a wallet
  • Wallet UI: Save wallet data in a file
  • Wallet UI: Protect the file with password
  • Wallet UI: Access wallet with file
  • Wallet UI: Restore wallet from a private key
  • Wallet UI: Restore wallet from the seed phrase
  • RPC: Total number of nodes connected to the network
  • RPC: Get number of current epoch
  • RPC: Get when the current epoch started
  • RPC: Get number of delegates
  • RPC: Get number of an epoch when the block was created
  • RPC: Import private key in hex format
  • RPC: Get transactions by wallet address


  • New file structure

0.4.0 - 2018-07-27


  • Time slots mechanism
  • Delegate transaction
  • Vote/Recall vote transaction
  • Vote weight based on wallet balance
  • Reward transaction
  • Transaction sign
  • Delegate transaction verification
  • Vote/Recall vote verification
  • Reward transaction verification
  • Transaction fee
  • Genesis address defined in properties
  • Transactions fees are defined in properties
  • Reward for block creation is defined in properties
  • RPC: Add delegate transaction
  • RPC: Add vote/recall vote transaction
  • RPC: Add transfer transaction
  • RPC: Get delegates info
  • RPC: Page request filter
  • RPC: Application version and timestamp fields to all responses
  • TCP: Application version and timestamp fields to all packets
  • Database: unconfirmed transactions tables
  • Synchronization of blocks and transactions after node up


  • Serialization mechanism to support kotlin classes
  • Transactions structure

0.3.0 - 2018-07-13


  • Address mixed-case checksum
  • Address validation
  • RPC requests: validateAddress
  • Vote transaction type
  • Voting algorithm mechanism
  • Voting storing
  • Delegate rating calculation
  • Active delegates storing
  • Wallet balance calculation
  • Database: added Wallet entity
  • RPC requests: getWalletBalance
  • Sign data
  • Verify signed data
  • Define epoch duration in properties
  • Get current epoch height
  • Check if genesis block is needed
  • Sharing peers between nodes
  • Maintaining necessary connections count
  • Connection establishing logic
  • Scheduled check of connections
  • Reconnection logic
  • Generating private and public key pairs on app start and saving in a file if not existing
  • Shuffle active delegates
  • Transaction Merkle hash calculation
  • Block production
  • Block validation
  • Block, transaction, signature conversion from protobuff to the business object and vice versa
  • Accumulation of signatures from nodes
  • Block approving
  • Block applying by scheduling


  • Default account info is added to the doGenerateMaster end-point response
  • doGenerateMaster end-point renamed to doRestore
  • Block are divided by types: GenesisBlock and MainBlock

0.2.0 - 2018-06-29


  • Seed phrase generator
  • Seed phrase validator
  • Generate a master key with seed phrase
  • Key derivation algorithm
  • Get derivation key of master key by seed phrase and derivation path
  • Get a serialized public key value in base58 format from extended key
  • Get serialized private key value in base58 format from extended key
  • End-point: get a master key by seed phrase
  • End-point: get derivation key with an address of master key by seed phrase and derivation path
  • Extended private key serialization
  • Extended public key serialization
  • Export private key
  • Import private key
  • RPC requests: importKey
  • RPC requests: importKey in WIF (Wallet Import Format)
  • RPC requests: generateKeys

0.1.0 - 2018-06-18


  • Setup Netty server for socket connection
  • Setup Netty clients for socket connection
  • Setup Netty server for HTTP
  • Binary serialization communication protocol
  • Binary deserialization communication protocol
  • Time synchronization
  • End-point chain stability check
  • Heartbeat implementation
  • Database structure
  • Database: setup database connection
  • Database: add Base entity
  • Database: add Block entity
  • Database: add Transaction entity
  • Database: setup repository for Block entity
  • Database: setup repository for Transaction entity
  • Service: define base service interface for Block entity
  • Service: define base service interface for Transaction entity
  • Service: add base implementation Block entity service
  • Service: add base implementation Transaction entity service
  • RPC requests: getVersion
  • RPC requests: getHardwareInfo
  • RPC requests: getTimestamp