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Request presentation use

mdii edited this page Sep 17, 2014 · 3 revisions

Request presentation manual


In order to use the request presentation UI, a valid OpenIoT account is required. When the user first launches the request presentation UI they will be automatically redirected to a log-in screen. After a successful log-in, the user will be redirected to the main application UI.

The application menus

File menu


Open application

To open a specific application dashboard click the open application menu and select one of the available applications. A dashboard containing all sink nodes that were defined in the selected applications will be generated and displayed. The dashboard data will be periodically updated every 1 minute.

Reload applications

This menu option allows the user to reload their applications from the openIoT repositories. The loaded applications will replace the currently loaded applications.

The current application menu


Force dashboard refresh

The dashboard data will be periodically updated every 1 minute. It is possible however to manually trigger a data refresh for the entire dashboard by selecting this menu item. Keep in mind that all dashboard widgets update asynchronously and independently from each other.

Visual representation of sink nodes

Meter gauge node

The meter gauge node displays its input with a meter gauge configured with the property values that were set by the request presentation UI. To reset the widget measurement, click the icon on the top left corner of the widget.


Map node

This node displays a map where the node's inputs are displayed using markers or circle overlays. To reset the map's markers and overlays, click the icon on the top left corner of the widget.


Pie chart node

This node displays a pie-chart with a configurable number of series. To reset the widget measurements, click the icon on the top left corner of the widget.


Line chart node

This node displays a line chart that supports multiple user-configurable series. You can examine a value at a particular point by hovering over the point with your mouse. To reset the widget measurements, click the icon on the top left corner of the widget.


Passthrough node

This is a special node that works as a generic sink. It allows the user to define a configurable number of attribute endpoints and connect values to each one of the attributes. This widget renders all attribute values in tabular form. To reset the widget measurement, click the icon on the top left corner of the widget.


Security Configuration


For using the Request Presentation application a service must have been created for it. When the OpenIoT graph is initialized, a service is created for the Request Presentation with the following address, key and secret as defined in the


Currently, for using the application, no permissions are needed for the user on the request definition service. However, the user must have the permission "*" on the Scheduler and SD&UM services.


The security configuration for the Request Presentation application is located in security-config.ini in the JBoss configuration directory. The configuration content is delimited by @BEGIN-requestPresentation and @END-requestPresentation.

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