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naylor-b committed May 2, 2019
2 parents 8defe03 + 2272e01 commit bf859e7
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Showing 53 changed files with 6,126 additions and 2,012 deletions.
511 changes: 505 additions & 6 deletions openmdao/approximation_schemes/

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217 changes: 60 additions & 157 deletions openmdao/approximation_schemes/
@@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
"""Complex Step derivative approximations."""
from __future__ import division, print_function

from itertools import groupby
from six import iteritems
from six.moves import range
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np

from openmdao.approximation_schemes.approximation_scheme import ApproximationScheme, \
_gather_jac_results, _get_wrt_subjacs
from openmdao.utils.general_utils import simple_warning
from openmdao.utils.array_utils import sub2full_indices, update_sizes, _get_jac_slice_dict
from openmdao.utils.coloring import Coloring

'step': 1e-40,
'form': 'forward',
'directional': False,

_full_slice = slice(None)

Expand All @@ -36,12 +32,17 @@ class ComplexStep(ApproximationScheme):
_exec_list : list
A list of which derivatives (in execution order) to compute.
The entries are of the form (of, wrt, options), where of and wrt are absolute names
and options is a dictionary.
The entries are of the form (key, options), where key is (of, wrt) where of and wrt
are absolute names and options is a dictionary.
_fd : <FiniteDifference>
When nested complex step is detected, we swtich to Finite Difference.

'step': 1e-40,
'directional': False,

def __init__(self):
Initialize the ApproximationScheme.
Expand All @@ -63,10 +64,9 @@ def add_approximation(self, abs_key, kwargs):
kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments, to be interpreted by sub-classes.
of, wrt = abs_key
options = DEFAULT_CS_OPTIONS.copy()
options = self.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.copy()
self._exec_list.append((of, wrt, options))
self._exec_list.append((abs_key, options))
self._approx_groups = None

Expand All @@ -82,70 +82,35 @@ def _key_fun(approx_tuple):
tuple(str, str, float)
Sorting key (wrt, form, step_size, directional)
Sorting key (wrt, step_size, directional)
options = approx_tuple[2]
return (approx_tuple[1], options['form'], options['step'], options['directional'])
options = approx_tuple[1]
if 'coloring' in options and options['coloring'].__class__ is Coloring:
# this will only happen after the coloring has been computed
return ('@color', options['step'], options['directional'])
return (approx_tuple[0][1], options['step'], options['directional'])

def _init_approximations(self, system):
def _get_approx_data(self, system, data):
Prepare for later approximations.
Given approximation metadata, compute necessary delta for complex step.
system : System
The system having its derivs approximated.
System whose derivatives are being approximated.
data : tuple
Tuple of the form (wrt, delta, directional)
Delta needed for complex step perturbation.
global _full_slice

# itertools.groupby works like `uniq` rather than the SQL query, meaning that it will only
# group adjacent items with identical keys.

# groupby (along with this key function) will group all 'of's that have the same wrt and
# step size.
# Note: Since access to `approximations` is required multiple times, we need to
# throw it in a list. The groupby iterator only works once.
approx_groups = [(key, list(approx)) for key, approx in groupby(self._exec_list,

self._approx_groups = [None] * len(approx_groups)
for i, (key, approx) in enumerate(approx_groups):
wrt, form, delta, directional = key
if form == 'reverse':
delta *= -1.0
fact = 1.0 / delta
delta *= 1j

if wrt in system._owns_approx_wrt_idx:
in_idx = system._owns_approx_wrt_idx[wrt]
in_size = len(in_idx)
in_size = system._var_allprocs_abs2meta[wrt]['size']
in_idx = range(in_size)

outputs = []

# Directional derivatives for quick partial checking.
# We place the indices in a list so that they are all stepped at the same time.
if directional:
in_idx = [in_idx]
in_size = 1

for approx_tuple in approx:
of = approx_tuple[0]
# TODO: Sparse derivatives
if of in system._owns_approx_of_idx:
out_idx = system._owns_approx_of_idx[of]
out_size = len(out_idx)
out_size = system._var_allprocs_abs2meta[of]['size']
out_idx = _full_slice

outputs.append((of, np.zeros((out_size, in_size)), out_idx))

self._approx_groups[i] = (wrt, delta, fact, in_idx, in_size, outputs)
_, delta, _ = data
delta *= 1j
return delta

def compute_approximations(self, system, jac, total=False):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,96 +138,41 @@ def compute_approximations(self, system, jac, total=False):
simple_warning(msg % system.pathname)

fd = self._fd = FiniteDifference()
empty = {}
for item in self._exec_list:
fd.add_approximation(item[0:2], {})
fd.add_approximation(item[0], empty)

self._fd.compute_approximations(system, jac, total=total)

if total:
current_vec = system._outputs
current_vec = system._residuals

# Clean vector for results
results_clone = current_vec._clone(True)

# Turn on complex step.

# To support driver src_indices, we need to override some checks in Jacobian, but do it
# selectively.
uses_src_indices = (system._owns_approx_of_idx or system._owns_approx_wrt_idx) and \
not isinstance(jac, dict)

use_parallel_fd = system._num_par_fd > 1 and (system._full_comm is not None and
system._full_comm.size > 1)
num_par_fd = system._num_par_fd if use_parallel_fd else 1
is_parallel = use_parallel_fd or system.comm.size > 1

results = defaultdict(list)
iproc = system.comm.rank
owns = system._owning_rank
mycomm = system._full_comm if use_parallel_fd else system.comm

fd_count = 0
approx_groups = self._get_approx_groups(system)
for tup in approx_groups:
wrt, delta, fact, in_idx, in_size, outputs = tup
for i_count, idx in enumerate(in_idx):
if fd_count % num_par_fd == system._par_fd_id:
# Run the Finite Difference
result = self._run_point_complex(system, wrt, idx, delta, results_clone, total)

if is_parallel:
for of, _, out_idx in outputs:
if owns[of] == iproc:
results[(of, wrt)].append(
(i_count, result._views_flat[of][out_idx].imag.copy()))
for of, subjac, out_idx in outputs:
subjac[:, i_count] = result._views_flat[of][out_idx].imag

fd_count += 1

if is_parallel:
results = _gather_jac_results(mycomm, results)

for wrt, _, fact, _, _, outputs in approx_groups:
for of, subjac, _ in outputs:
key = (of, wrt)
if is_parallel:
for i, result in results[key]:
subjac[:, i] = result

subjac *= fact
if uses_src_indices:
jac._override_checks = True
jac[key] = subjac
jac._override_checks = False
jac[key] = subjac

self._compute_approximations(system, jac, total, under_cs=True)

# Turn off complex step.

def _run_point_complex(self, system, in_name, idxs, delta, result_clone, total=False):
def _get_multiplier(self, delta):
return (1.0 / delta * 1j).real

def _transform_result(self, array):
return array.imag

def _run_point(self, system, idx_info, delta, result_array, total):
Perturb the system inputs with a complex step, runs, and returns the results.
Perturb the system inputs with a complex step, run, and return the results.
system : System
The system having its derivs approximated.
in_name : str
Input name.
idxs : ndarray
Input indices.
idx_info : tuple of (ndarray of int, ndarray of float)
Tuple of wrt indices and corresponding data array to perturb.
delta : complex
Perturbation amount.
result_clone : Vector
A vector cloned from the outputs vector. Used to store the results.
result_array : ndarray
An array used to store the results.
total : bool
If True total derivatives are being approximated, else partials.
Expand All @@ -271,28 +181,21 @@ def _run_point_complex(self, system, in_name, idxs, delta, result_clone, total=F
Copy of the results from running the perturbed system.
inputs = system._inputs
outputs = system._outputs
for arr, idxs in idx_info:
if arr is not None:
arr._data[idxs] += delta

if total:
run_model = system.run_solve_nonlinear
results_vec = outputs
results_vec = system._outputs
run_model = system.run_apply_nonlinear
results_vec = system._residuals

if in_name in outputs._views_flat:
outputs._views_flat[in_name][idxs] += delta
elif in_name in inputs._views_flat:
inputs._views_flat[in_name][idxs] += delta


result_array[:] = results_vec._data

if in_name in outputs._views_flat:
outputs._views_flat[in_name][idxs] -= delta
elif in_name in inputs._views_flat:
inputs._views_flat[in_name][idxs] -= delta
for arr, idxs in idx_info:
if arr is not None:
arr._data[idxs] -= delta

return result_clone
return result_array

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