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Python based dynamical optimization of a pandemic disease model

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MDAO-Based Pandemic Countermeasure Optimization

A Python-based set of tools for pandemic modeling with analytic derivatives, which allows for gradient-based numerical optimization of infectious disease mitigation techniques (social distancing, etc.). The aim is to provide a set of tools to help inform or derive localized policy decisions relating to the spread of illnesses such as COVID-19. This will include prognostics of infection magnitude and health care service capacity planning.

By adapting methods of optimizing large systems of coupled dynamical multidisciplinary systems commonly used in aerospace to the study of infectious diseases, we hope to introduce a novel analysis capability.

Developed using the dynamical systems optimization framework Dymos, within the OpenMDAO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization environment.

NOTE: We are by no means infectious disease experts, but rather pracitioners of numerical optimization and multidisciplinary systems analysis.


Requires OpenMDAO 3.0.0 and Dymos 0.15.0.

Install both requirements by running:

pip install -e .

in the main directly (where is located).

The examples also make use of PyOptSparse and IPOPT.


In what is known as the SIR model, a simplified expression of the dynamics of an infectious disease is given by the system of differential equations

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where S, I, and R represent the number of susceptible, infected, and recovered individuals within the population that a given disease may spread, and N denotes the total size of this population. The constants beta and gamma are respectively known as the contact rate and recovery rate, and control the dynamics of the spread of the disease.

Adaptation of SIR model for optimal control

In order to represent this system in a form that can be analyzed in a system optimization context applicable to general infectious diseases, let us consider a dynamic optimization control sigma(t) to temporally reduce the natural contact rate of the disease beta, representing the application of mitigation policies (such as Social Distancing measures).

Let us also more carefully consider the resolution of an infected individual, as one of two possibilities: recovery with immunity (i.e. assumption of a "recovered" state), or death D, an additional category of the model to be tracked and integrated. Let gamma / T_inf. be the recovery rate of the disease, divided by the average duration of the infection, which complimentary defines the mortality as (1 - gamma) / T_inf..

Similarly, let T_imm be the average duration of immunity to the disease granted by successful recovery. Then the rate of loss of immunity (and gain in susceptibility) can be established as 1 / T_imm.

It would also be novel to explore the effect of potential mitigation strategies that begin at a specific time, rather than be available at the start of a particular simulation. In this way, the effect of a lag time on policy implementation can be estimated. Specifically, consider that the earliest the effect of sigma(t) can take place is some time t_0. Essentially, sigma(t) should be treated in a heterogeneous fashion that can be understood as "activating" and "deactivating" the control vector sigma(t) as a function of t. When not active, the default value of beta should be used within the ODE equations of state.

To implement this targeted control concept into the ODE system, note that the indicator function of the boolean t > t_0 can be approximated with the continuous sigmoidal function

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where a > 0 is a scale parameter.

Using this, we can define a filtered control theta(t) as the product of this estimate and the control signal sigma(t)

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which balances between the default contact value beta and the control vector sigma(t) based on the condition t > t_0. This is a smooth function, and we can determine its derivatives with respect to its parameterization and all ODE state variables. For example:

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The smoothness parameter a provides a means to address numerical conditioning of the indicator function estimator. This allows for the system to be amenable to gradient-based numerical optimization, despite the boolean condition on the control parameter sigma(t) of t > t_0.

To illustrate this, let beta = 0.4 be the default contact rate, sigma(t) be a quadratic control vector to be manipulated by an optimizer, but with activation only after t_0 = 5.0. An example resulting effective contact rate theta(t) used for the ODE equations of state would be the blue curve below, smoothly blending beta and sigma(t) before and after t_0:

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Now the modified ODEs of this system can be written as

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The addition of D and T_imm. (immunity loss) will allow for consideration of mortality rates, and the possibilities relating to endemic cycling.

Implementation and example

The above equations were implemented in the dynamic systems optimization framework Dymos, which is built using the OpenMDAO optimization framework.

As a baseline, the system can be run without the consideration of any type of mitigation strategy, i.e. constant beta, gamma = 0.95, and T_inf = 14 (days) and T_imm = 300 (days).

This corresponds to the problem statement:

    - (None)
With respect to: 
    - ODE state variables `S`, `I`, `R`, `D`
Such that:
    - System begins at `S = 999500`, `I = 500`, `R = 0`, `D = 0`, `N = 1000000`
    - Solution satisfies ODE

When run, this establishes the baseline situation under the given parameters as:

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This indicates a peak infection rate of about 35% of the total population under consideration, around time t = 28 (days).

Now, allowing for dynamic optimization representing social distancing implementation, let's optimize the scenario with respect to sigma(t) in order to flatten the infection curve below 15% of the population total at peak. Specifically, let's aim to find (in some sense) the least amount of mitigation necessary to reach this target. To do this, we can minimize the sum of the square of the mitigation vector sigma(t). We also specify that mitigation must begin only after t_0 = 15.0, to study the effect of lagging the mitigation policy. For theta(t), we set a smoothness constant of a = 10.0

Following this, we get the formulation:

    - Sum of `sigma(t)^2`
With respect to: 
    -`sigma(t)`, after t=15 days
    - ODE state variables `S`, `I`, `R`, `D`
Such that:
    - peak infection `I` is below 15% of the total population `N`
    - System begins at `S = 999500`, `I = 500`, `R = 0`, `D = 0`, `N = 1000000`
    - Solution satisfies ODE

as implemented in the problem definition of Running this gives the solution:

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indicating successful flattening of the infection curve below the specified target, using a social distance infection mitigation strategy.

Example 2: direct peak curve minimization

Next, consider a problem formulation where we seek to directly minimize the peak value of the infection curve, with mitigation sigma(t) applied strictly between two time points t_on and t_off. We'll limit the control to be a quadratic function of time, limited between days t = 15 and t = 75 of the simulation. Outside those times, the effective contact rate will default to the natural value for the disease & population.

First, we can adapt the above definition of effective time-constrained contact rate theta(t) to include the t_off parameter, by expressing the joint indicator function of the conditions t > t_on and t < t_off as the product of two smooth sigmoidal estimates. This provides a new expression for theta(t) as a function of beta, sigma(t), t_on, and t_off:

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Though omitted here for brevity, this function also has continuous derivatives with respect to its parameters, and is thus suitable for gradient-based numerical optimization.

Next, we will aggregate the state variable representing the number of infected individuals within the model using the Kreisselmeier-Steinhauser (KS) function, which provides a smooth estimate of max(infected).

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With this, we get the optimization problem formulation:

    - Infection curve peak estimate KS(I)
With respect to: 
    - Quadratic contact control `sigma(t)`, between t=15 and t=75 days
    - ODE state variables `S`, `I`, `R`, `D`
Such that:
    - System begins at `S = 999500`, `I = 500`, `R = 0`, `D = 0`, `N = 1000000`
    - Solution satisfies ODE

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With this, we see the infection peak curve being minimized with a slowly increasing level of mitigation between the specified times. The result is a bimodal infection curve, with the 2nd wave propogating with a flattened peak without any additional mitigation. Consequently, the recovery curve is nearly linear through the simulation.

Next steps

  • Proper representation of incubation period between exposure and the ability to spread the infection
  • Derivation of critical patient category, including hospitalized ICU versus unhospitalized categories
  • Finer detailed calculation of the sigma(t) control parameter relating to social policy
  • Calibration with real-world date related to the spread of COVID-19


Python based dynamical optimization of a pandemic disease model






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  • Python 89.3%
  • Shell 10.7%