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Update notes: Release 20200503 to Release 20210321

Paul Chote edited this page Mar 21, 2021 · 1 revision

The following compatibility changes have been made between release-20200503 and release-20210321. Some of these changes will require manual actions on your part before you can run the semi-automated mod updater.

⚠️ This list of changes may not be complete. Please let us know if you have problems after completing these and running the mod updater! ⚠️

Directory and assembly prefixes

The special ^ and . path prefixes in mod.yaml have been replaced with the more descriptive ^SupportDir and ^EngineDir prefixes. Mod dlls are no longer stored in the mod directory, and should be referenced using the new ^BinDir prefix. You will need to update the file paths defined in your mod.yaml and installer definitions to use these new values. See #18846 for more information.

Spawn Disabling

The new spawn point disabling feature requires changes to chrome image definitions (chrome.yaml).

See #18425 for more information.

Player Handicaps

The new player handicap feature relies on new traits to be added to all player-controllable units. We suggest defining a new ^PlayerHandicaps template that you inherit from your base unit definitions. If you have customized your lobby UI you will also need to update the chrome layout.

See #18971 for more information.

Other UI Changes

Several changes

  • Many definitions in metrics.yaml have been moved to mods/common/metrics.yaml. You will be able to delete these from your mod's metrics. See #18633 for more information.
  • The UI image definitions for dropdown button and scrollpanel widgets have changed. You will need to update your chrome.yaml definitions. See #17663 for more information.
  • Several other features/changes have made changes to the default chrome layout. If you are not using the common chrome you will need to read the following PRs and make matching changes: #17666, #18143, #18652