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Merge pull request #13756 from IntelOrca/refactor/guest-list-window
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Refactor guest list window to a class
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Gymnasiast committed Jan 12, 2021
2 parents 830d242 + 1723161 commit 93b7b86
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Showing 7 changed files with 946 additions and 952 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/openrct2-ui/WindowManager.cpp
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ class WindowManager final : public IWindowManager
void Init() override

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225 changes: 125 additions & 100 deletions src/openrct2-ui/interface/Window.cpp
Expand Up @@ -86,10 +86,126 @@ static bool WindowFitsOnScreen(const ScreenCoordsXY& loc, int32_t width, int32_t
return WindowFitsBetweenOthers(loc, width, height);

static ScreenCoordsXY ClampWindowToScreen(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, const int32_t screenWidth, const int32_t width)
auto screenPos = pos;
if (screenPos.x < 0)
screenPos.x = 0;
if (screenPos.x + width > screenWidth)
screenPos.x = screenWidth - width;

return screenPos;

static ScreenCoordsXY GetAutoPositionForNewWindow(int32_t width, int32_t height)
auto uiContext = GetContext()->GetUiContext();
auto screenWidth = uiContext->GetWidth();
auto screenHeight = uiContext->GetHeight();

// Place window in an empty corner of the screen
const ScreenCoordsXY cornerPositions[] = {
{ 0, 30 }, // topLeft
{ screenWidth - width, 30 }, // topRight
{ 0, screenHeight - 34 - height }, // bottomLeft
{ screenWidth - width, screenHeight - 34 - height } // bottomRight

for (const auto& cornerPos : cornerPositions)
if (WindowFitsWithinSpace(cornerPos, width, height))
return ClampWindowToScreen(cornerPos, screenWidth, width);

// Place window next to another
for (auto& w : g_window_list)
if (w->flags & WF_STICK_TO_BACK)

const ScreenCoordsXY offsets[] = { { w->width + 2, 0 },
{ -w->width - 2, 0 },
{ 0, w->height + 2 },
{ 0, -w->height - 2 },
{ w->width + 2, -w->height - 2 },
{ -w->width - 2, -w->height - 2 },
{ w->width + 2, w->height + 2 },
{ -w->width - 2, w->height + 2 } };

for (const auto& offset : offsets)
auto screenPos = w->windowPos + offset;
if (WindowFitsWithinSpace(screenPos, width, height))
return ClampWindowToScreen(screenPos, screenWidth, width);

// Overlap
for (auto& w : g_window_list)
if (w->flags & WF_STICK_TO_BACK)

// clang-format off
const ScreenCoordsXY offsets[] = {
{ w->width + 2, 0 },
{ -w->width - 2, 0 },
{ 0, w->height + 2 },
{ 0, -w->height - 2 }
// clang-format on

for (const auto& offset : offsets)
auto screenPos = w->windowPos + offset;
if (WindowFitsOnScreen(screenPos, width, height))
return ClampWindowToScreen(screenPos, screenWidth, width);

// Cascade
auto screenPos = ScreenCoordsXY{ 0, 30 };
for (auto& w : g_window_list)
if (screenPos == w->windowPos)
screenPos.x += 5;
screenPos.y += 5;

return ClampWindowToScreen(screenPos, screenWidth, width);

static ScreenCoordsXY GetCentrePositionForNewWindow(int32_t width, int32_t height)
auto uiContext = GetContext()->GetUiContext();
auto screenWidth = uiContext->GetWidth();
auto screenHeight = uiContext->GetHeight();
return ScreenCoordsXY{ (screenWidth - width) / 2, std::max(TOP_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT + 1, (screenHeight - height) / 2) };

rct_window* WindowCreate(
std::unique_ptr<rct_window>&& wp, rct_windowclass cls, const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, int32_t width, int32_t height,
uint16_t flags)
std::unique_ptr<rct_window>&& wp, rct_windowclass cls, ScreenCoordsXY pos, int32_t width, int32_t height, uint32_t flags)
if (flags & WF_AUTO_POSITION)
if (flags & WF_CENTRE_SCREEN)
pos = GetCentrePositionForNewWindow(width, height);
pos = GetAutoPositionForNewWindow(width, height);

// Check if there are any window slots left
// include WINDOW_LIMIT_RESERVED for items such as the main viewport and toolbars to not appear to be counted.
if (g_window_list.size() >= static_cast<size_t>(gConfigGeneral.window_limit + WINDOW_LIMIT_RESERVED))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,116 +284,25 @@ rct_window* WindowCreate(

rct_window* WindowCreate(
const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, int32_t width, int32_t height, rct_window_event_list* event_handlers, rct_windowclass cls,
uint16_t flags)
uint32_t flags)
auto w = std::make_unique<rct_window>();
w->event_handlers = event_handlers;
return WindowCreate(std::move(w), cls, pos, width, height, flags);

static ScreenCoordsXY ClampWindowToScreen(const ScreenCoordsXY& pos, const int32_t screenWidth, const int32_t width)
auto screenPos = pos;
if (screenPos.x < 0)
screenPos.x = 0;
if (screenPos.x + width > screenWidth)
screenPos.x = screenWidth - width;

return screenPos;

rct_window* WindowCreateAutoPos(
int32_t width, int32_t height, rct_window_event_list* event_handlers, rct_windowclass cls, uint16_t flags)
int32_t width, int32_t height, rct_window_event_list* event_handlers, rct_windowclass cls, uint32_t flags)
auto uiContext = GetContext()->GetUiContext();
auto screenWidth = uiContext->GetWidth();
auto screenHeight = uiContext->GetHeight();

// Place window in an empty corner of the screen
const ScreenCoordsXY cornerPositions[] = {
{ 0, 30 }, // topLeft
{ screenWidth - width, 30 }, // topRight
{ 0, screenHeight - 34 - height }, // bottomLeft
{ screenWidth - width, screenHeight - 34 - height } // bottomRight

for (const auto& cornerPos : cornerPositions)
if (WindowFitsWithinSpace(cornerPos, width, height))
return WindowCreate(ClampWindowToScreen(cornerPos, screenWidth, width), width, height, event_handlers, cls, flags);

// Place window next to another
for (auto& w : g_window_list)
if (w->flags & WF_STICK_TO_BACK)

const ScreenCoordsXY offsets[] = { { w->width + 2, 0 },
{ -w->width - 2, 0 },
{ 0, w->height + 2 },
{ 0, -w->height - 2 },
{ w->width + 2, -w->height - 2 },
{ -w->width - 2, -w->height - 2 },
{ w->width + 2, w->height + 2 },
{ -w->width - 2, w->height + 2 } };

for (const auto& offset : offsets)
auto screenPos = w->windowPos + offset;
if (WindowFitsWithinSpace(screenPos, width, height))
return WindowCreate(
ClampWindowToScreen(screenPos, screenWidth, width), width, height, event_handlers, cls, flags);

// Overlap
for (auto& w : g_window_list)
if (w->flags & WF_STICK_TO_BACK)

// clang-format off
const ScreenCoordsXY offsets[] = {
{ w->width + 2, 0 },
{ -w->width - 2, 0 },
{ 0, w->height + 2 },
{ 0, -w->height - 2 }
// clang-format on

for (const auto& offset : offsets)
auto screenPos = w->windowPos + offset;
if (WindowFitsOnScreen(screenPos, width, height))
return WindowCreate(
ClampWindowToScreen(screenPos, screenWidth, width), width, height, event_handlers, cls, flags);

// Cascade
auto screenPos = ScreenCoordsXY{ 0, 30 };
for (auto& w : g_window_list)
if (screenPos == w->windowPos)
screenPos.x += 5;
screenPos.y += 5;

return WindowCreate(ClampWindowToScreen(screenPos, screenWidth, width), width, height, event_handlers, cls, flags);
auto pos = GetAutoPositionForNewWindow(width, height);
return WindowCreate(pos, width, height, event_handlers, cls, flags);

rct_window* WindowCreateCentred(
int32_t width, int32_t height, rct_window_event_list* event_handlers, rct_windowclass cls, uint16_t flags)
int32_t width, int32_t height, rct_window_event_list* event_handlers, rct_windowclass cls, uint32_t flags)
auto uiContext = GetContext()->GetUiContext();
auto screenWidth = uiContext->GetWidth();
auto screenHeight = uiContext->GetHeight();

auto screenPos = ScreenCoordsXY{ (screenWidth - width) / 2, std::max(TOP_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT + 1, (screenHeight - height) / 2) };
return WindowCreate(screenPos, width, height, event_handlers, cls, flags);
auto pos = GetCentrePositionForNewWindow(width, height);
return WindowCreate(pos, width, height, event_handlers, cls, flags);

static int32_t WindowGetWidgetIndex(rct_window* w, rct_widget* widget)
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