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Release Checklist

cfreeman edited this page Jun 14, 2012 · 1 revision


OpenSHAPA is released on a monthly schedule, following the open source mantra 'release early, release often' - this guide serves as a checklist for creating one of these monthly releases, and how to obtain the source code of a past release. Throughout this guide you will should substitute with your current release identifier, i.e. something like alpha-0.2 or alpha-0.3.

Steps to create a new release:

  • Force a build using Hudson

  • Download the build and test it on Windows & OSX to ensure it starts and works. Make sure you delete the settings file, as though it works like a fresh install.

  • Take note of the build in the download folder

  • Create release notes, save to PDF and add the PDF to the src/site/resources/releases directory of OpenSHAPA

  • Use Git to add these release notes to the repository: git add src/site/resources/releases/_Release_Notes.pdf

  • Alter the website source code (src/site/resources/index.html) to point to the new release notes and build you noted earlier.

  • Commit and push your code to the server: git commit -a -m "Published latest release on website." git push

  • Tag the release in the source repository: git push origin origin:refs/heads/

  • Alter the code to (pom.xml & resource bundles) to indicate work on the next release (i.e. if we just built alpha-0.2, modify everything so that we are working on alpha-0.3).

  • Alter the code for the native builds so that the native builds invoke the correct jar. (i.e. info.plist).

  • Commit and push your changes to the server: git commit -a -m "Updated to next release " git push

  • Force another build using Hudson to update the website.

  • Tidy up snapshot builds for last release, being careful not to delete the "official" release for that version.

  • Notify people of the new release (email users, update blog).

  • Manage pivotal tracker - Make sure project milestones are all up to date.

To obtain a specific release from the source repository:

  git checkout --track -b <release identifier> origin/<release identifier>