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Jannik Vogel edited this page May 28, 2018 · 4 revisions

Temporary article, might be moved or deleted in the future. It's incomplete and possibly incorrect.

Engine notes

We do know that the game is related to the Sith Engine.

Furthermore, filenames for assert() reveal some terms. Example: "D:\devel.QA5\pc_gnome\SpecPlat\rdroid_gnome\Jones3D\Libs\Std\Win95\stdDisplay.c"


There are many hints to "Rover" in the game files and binary, which was probably the projectname for SWE1R.

Sith Engine

The "data/default.mat" file is in a Sith Engine file format as seen in "Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II"


Possibly a codename for the Windows version of SWE1R? Where the N64 version just says "VERSION" the PC version says "GNOME VERSION"


This probably stands for "RenderDroid" as claimed by this website in the "ENGINE FEATURES" section; according to the same website section, this is the 3D renderer engine of the game. This interview also confirms the name to stand for "Renderdroid".


This probably refers to the engine used for "Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine". That games binary is called "JONES3D.EXE"

The interview from the previous section also confirms inclusion of the previously mentioned r_droid in "Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine" and a stronger relation to "Jedi Knight" than "Grim Fandango" and "Escape from Monkey Island". This suggests that out of the games from the era, "Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine" is probably the closest to the engine in SWE1R.


A lot of the original source code filenames start with "elf". We are not sure what this stands for.

Model chunks

Name Description
Comp Compressed data. Only found in N64 version.
Part Upgrade part.
Pupp Probably stands for "Puppet" and refers to a character model
Anim Animation data.
Trak Track.
Podd Podracer.
MAlt 3D Model.
Data Contains model type specific data.
LStr Found in the Data chunk for tracks. Probably stands for "Light Streaks", and refers to the lensflare effect for lamps.

Game object types

Name Description
cMan Could stand for "Camera Manager" but it seems to do more than that.
Test A podracer.

Game object events / actions

Name Description
Deth cMan related.
CBut cMan related.
Shak cMan related.
NAsn cMan related.
ccf1 cMan related. F1 key pressed?
ccf2 cMan related. F2 key pressed?
ccf3 cMan related. F3 key pressed?
ccf4 cMan related. F4 key pressed?
RSet cMan related.
Swee cMan related. Camera sweep animation before race?
Begn Scen related.
Slep Scen related. Probably stands for "Sleep".
Wake Scen related. Probably stands for "Wakeup".
Fini Probably stands for "Finish".
Abrt Probably stands for "Abort".
Paws Probably stands for "Pause". Something with pause menu.
Qery Probably stands for "Query".
Modl Probably stands for "Model"
Hitt Signals a collision. There's many different sub types :
T201 (Collision with a specific track hazard on track 201 probably, also seen on other tracks though, but always "T201")
LtFt (Left Front)
RtFt (Right Front)
LtSd (Left Side)
RtSd (Right Side)
Aloc Probably stands for "Allocate". Allocate memory.
Free Free memory.

Network events / actions

Name Description
ctrl Found in network code.
plap Found in network code. Player finished a lap
quit Found in network code.
prxy Found in network code.
rejn Found in network code.
taun Found in network code.
trig Found in network code. Has to do with map triggers for track hazards.
lost Found in network code.
hell Found in network code.
fini Found in network code.
Sprk Found in network code. A spark was created.
flam Found in network code.