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Google Summer of Code (GSoc) ‐ 2024

Ivan Ogasawara edited this page Feb 5, 2024 · 1 revision

Open Science Labs Web Page


The OpenScienceLabs web page project aims to create a dynamic and user-friendly web platform that serves as a central hub for the Open Science Labs community. This platform will provide essential information about the organization, serve as a knowledge repository, and facilitate communication and collaboration among community members.


Code of Conduct

Current State

Current web page does not have the option to change languages, search files, search by tags or categories, does not allow google ads nor google analytics


Add search feature, and search by languages Add feature search by tags and categories Add google analytics feature to see data about the traffic

Expected Outcomes

The web pages should allow search post by tags and by keywords The web pages should allow change languages The admin can see report in google analytics


  • Prerequisites
    • Python
    • Basic knowledge in HTML, JS ans CSS
    • Basic Knowledge in Site Static generators (Mkdocs)
  • Expected time: 350 hours
  • Potential Mentor: Ever Vino, Ivan Ogasawara
