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generateui edited this page Feb 7, 2011 · 12 revisions


A free, open source and web based client-server implementation of Settlers of Catan using GWT


OpenSettlers is a web-based version of the board game Settlers of Catan. This client-server system supports multiple simultaneous games between people and computer-controlled opponents. Initially created as an AI research project.

OpenSettlers is an open-source project licensed under the GPL. The software is hosted at Questions, bugs, and patches can be directed there.

-- The OpenSettlers Development Team

Yet another client?

A lot of Settlers implementations exist. None of them target all variants, and only a few target the browser. OpenSettlers wants to provide a complete set of libraries to play a game offline against bots, online against other players and bots, a server, a meta-server and a meta-meta-server.

More links please?

  • OpenSettlers wiki is the wiki page. Wiki pages will be included in this source repository, and used in the game as way of providing documentation. When we have decent web space, we will export the wiki to that space and abandon wikia. For the time being, Wikia works well enough.
  • You want to try out? Check this page. Caution, it's quite alpha.