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Vagrant VM

Buzz edited this page Dec 4, 2023 · 11 revisions

Open Solo Vagrant VM

The solo-builder and Artoo STM32 builder both operate with Open Solo's vagrant virtual machine (VM).

You must use the vagrant virtual machine, which will have everything configured by script. We can assure you with 100% confidence that trying to run the builders naively on your own Linux machine or otherwise outside of this vagrant VM will not work. The vagrant VM is configured to have all required packages, and uses Ubuntu 14.04. Nothing newer will work. Do not attempt to upgrade the Vagrant VM, even if it suggests you do so. Everything will explode. Your host OS can be windows or ubuntu, or anything that runs virtualbox,git,vagrant. OSX might work, but its not documented here yet.

The vagrant VM is used for solo-builder and the Artoo builder (tup). The instructions for both will reference this readme for initial VM setup.

Install Applications

Windows Users download and install the following if you don't already have them:

Ubuntu Users install the following packages if you don't already have them:

  • $ sudo apt-get install virtualbox
  • $ sudo apt-get install vagrant

*** ubuntu users - if you have trouble getting 'vagrant up' to run, you might need a newer version..

get the main codebase [ if you haven't already cloned the repo ]###

Under linux , open a terminal window then..

Under windows, you should open 'Git BASH' and then run theese commands..

and it looks like this:

  • $ git clone
  • $ cd OpenSolo

Initialize The VM

$ vagrant up from the root of root of the OpenSolo repo directory (windows command prompt or Ubuntu terminal). The vagrant VM will create itself. Scripts will run to install all the required packages in the VM. This will take approx 30 minutes on a typical internet connection. Once complete, you will be returned to the command prompt.

TIP: For dev's who have used these instructions prior to the 5th Dec 2021, you should do a 'vagrant destroy' once after this date, prior to doing 'vagrant up', as your vagrant VM will be too-old to work and need re-build. If this is your first time doing it, ignore this line.

Vagrant VM Control

The following vagrant commands are available and useful. From the root of root of the OpenSolo repo directory (windows command prompt or Ubuntu terminal):

  • vagrant up starts up the VM and returns you to the command prompt once complete. Do this to begin.
  • vagrant halt stops the VM and returns you to the command prompt once complete. Do this when you're done.
  • vagrant destroy deletes the VM entirely. Do this if you break it and start over with the initial vagrant VM setup above.
  • vagrant status returns the status of the VM.
  • vagrant ssh brings you into the VM. This is where you will execute and monitor the build.

Executing Builds

  • Visit solo-builder for steps to build the complete copter and controller firmware
  • Visit artoo for steps to build just the Artoo STM32 firmware