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Releases: OpenSolo/documentation

Open Solo 3.0.0

01 Jan 00:00
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This is the first stable production release (non-beta) of Open Solo! Since 3DR open sourced the Solo and controller, many new possibilities have opened up. Combined with the continued development of ArduPilot, the Solex App, and SidePilot App, the solo is now growing even more!

Stock Solos vs Green Cube Solos

This is fully compatible with both totally stock Solos and green cube solos! You do not need to pick and choose, and we don't need multiple release versions for the different hardware. The code will auto-detect which cube you have, and use that information to auto install the correct version of ArduCopter on it.

STOCK SOLO SPECIFIC UPDATES: The following applies only to stock solo Pixhawk cubes and does not apply to Green Cube solos.

  • ArduCopter Solo 1.5.4 upgrading you from the 3DR stock 1.3.1 version from about 2yrs ago.
    • Distance based battery failsafe: Triggers RTH to be on the ground at approx 10% remaining. If you want to adjust this yourself, you can manually tweak parameter FS_BATT_CUR_RTL. A value of 22 gets you on the ground with about 10% remaining. A higher value will RTH sooner leaving a higher % remaining.
    • Improved landing detection: This greatly improves the solo's ability to detect it has landed. In the past, it could get confused by a rough, fast, or jerky landing. This results in it refusing to disarm or and sometimes flipping over. The new landing detection algorithm is greatly enhanced. You will notice it now takes and extra second or so to disarm once you're on the ground. And you may see a little twitch in the throttle. It is literally testing the ground. It works quite nicely.
    • Low battery thrust priority: If the battery is getting dangerously low, it will allow itself to sacrifice yaw (rotation) control to increase thrust to prevent a crash. This could give you the thrust you need to land softly rather than dropping out of the sky.
    • Smart shot altitude priority: Will not lose altitude by going too fast in Follow Mode! In Smart Shots, the solo will not allow itself to go "too fast" causing a loss of altitude.
    • No more 3DR: This version was compiled by the Open Solo team in the Open Solo repositories. It cuts the cord from 3DR's firmware server for Pixhawk firmware.
    • Corrected parameters: 3DR's last release was 1.5.3 and only for commercial site scan solos. The Open Solo version 1.5.4 has corrected parameters that account for the consumer solo being much lighter weight.

GREEN CUBE SPECIFIC UPDATES: The following applies to Green Cube equipped solos and does not apply to stock Solos.

  • The most recent stable production release of ArduCopter, which today is ArduCopter 3.5.4
    • Boat mode! You can arm and take off from moving vehicles/vessels
    • Improved landing detection: This greatly improves the solo's ability to detect it has landed. In the past, it could get confused by a rough, fast, or jerky landing. This results in it refusing to disarm or and sometimes flipping over. The new landing detection algorithm is greatly enhanced. You will notice it now takes and extra second or so to disarm once you're on the ground. And you may see a little twitch in the throttle. It is literally testing the ground. It works quite nicely.
    • 3 improved IMUs in the green cube, 2 of which are vibration isolated and heated.
    • Ability to use RTK GPS for surveys, ADS-B aircraft avoidance, lidar laser altimeters, terrain awareness and following, IR precision landing, and even an “indoor GPS”.
    • Hundreds of enhancements since 2015, and continued development by the ArduPilot team.
    • Solo's required default parameters baked in. No parameter file loading needed!
  • NOTE: If you are also doing a new Green Cube install, make sure you install Open Solo before you install the green cube!!! It needs to be fully installed and functional on the solo with the stock cube before you install the green cube. See the new green cube install instructions link at the bottom of the release notes.


  • Single install package: Added detection of which Cube you have installed in your solo. This will be used to install the proper version of ArduCopter. This is why there isn't a green cube vs stock version. One does it all.
  • Cut the cord from 3DR! Factory reset update: This updates the factory reset (recovery partition) to no longer require 3DR servers or an internet update. If you factory reset, it will come back up with a clean installation of Open Solo that is fully operational! No internet needed. No update needed. Calibrate and fly.
  • Controller: short and long hold button functions: Added short hold (2-seconds) and long hold (3 seconds) events to the A, B, Pause, camera preset, and camera trigger buttons. This allows you to assign and use functions based on short and long holding the buttons. The assignments can be edited in /usr/bin/extSettings.conf.
    The defaults are as follows:
    • A single press: Manual
    • A short hold: Stabilize
    • A long hold: Auto mode
    • B single press: Position Hold
    • B short hold: Drift
    • B long hold: Sport
    • Camera Preset top long hold: None
    • Camera Preset bottom long hold: None
    • Camera trigger long hold: Gimbal lock ("FPV race mode")
  • Controller: CH7 on/off improvement: Long hold pause button to turn CH7 option on. Short hold pause to turn CH7 option off. This removes the conflict with the pause function, which still uses the normal single click. If you use landing gear, you should keep using this for now.
  • Controller display and haptic: Updated numerous displayed messages and haptic feedback to be more useful and helpful to the user.
  • Safety & Mode Reliability: Removed numerous unnecessary layers from communication between the controller and ArduCopter. The fly, home, and pause button functions now communicate directly to the Cube and ArduCopter rather than going through layers of handling in the smart shot manager. Also made mode changes better handle a smart shot that didn't properly close.
  • Smart shot cleanups and compatibility fixes:
    • All the compatibility fixes needed for the green cube.
    • Standardized horizontal acceleration to 2/m/s/s across all shots for consistency and smoothing.
    • Entering shot reduces copter pitch/roll acceleration for smoothing and consistency, especially with green cube solos that have more power.
  • Added compatibility with Solex geotagging functions
  • Home button and RTH failsafe now use ArduCopter RTL Mode instead of the old "Return Home" smart shot. This is more reliable and eliminates numerous points of failure. They have the same end result.
  • Newer version of some system files to make troubleshooting and recovery from problems easier.
  • Factory reset will now reset the ArduCopter parameters on the pixhawk to default as well. This was always a troubleshooting problem, and eliminates unnecessary extra steps.
  • Lost functionality: Unfortunately, two things had to get sacrificed in this due to compatibility and incomplete development from 3DR. The impact should be rather minimal.
    • Rewind has been removed. The 3DR Solo app still has the option to turn it on/off, which also never worked right, and they will not do anything. This was a feature 3DR was in the middle of developing when they closed shop. It is not compatible with ArduCopter RTL mode. It is something that may be revised in the future as something that isn't connected to any failsafe and is executed with a button push. But not right now.
      -Hover instead of landing in return to home or return to me has been removed. This was intertwined with the rewind code and the old return home smart shot. It is not compatible with ArduCopter RTL mode. And it also was incomplete and not really safe to use anyway. This again is something I'd like to revisit in the future, since it has some use cases (like boating). But for now, it's only returns home (or return to me) and lands when it gets there.
    • Alternative for now: If you need the hover option, you can manually increase ArducCopter parameter RTL_LOIT_TIME. It is in milliseconds. It is the amount of time the copter will hover prior landing. If simply turn it up to several minutes or whatever suites you needs, you will have the same effect.

Tech and Contributors

If you're the geeky type that wants to read all the commits to see what has been changed in Open Solo, they can all be found in the Open Solo github repositories.

  • The Build System compiles all the code from all the repositories into functioning binaries to be loaded onto the Solo and Controller. This was a HUGE lift to make work outside of 3DR's environment. David Buzz (@davidbuzz) was the brains behind the move of everything from 3DR, setup of new repos and servers, build system engineering, and a new AWS based auto-build system. The AWS system can compile from scratch in 1hr, whereas a home PC takes up to 5hrs.

    • Meta-3DR is all the Yocto bitbake recipes.
    • Solo-Builder is the virtual machine and scripts to carry out the build.
  • The Flight Code has numerous components that got fixes and new features. Matt Lawrence (@Pedals2Paddles) worked most of these changes. Other contributors to the code were Tim (@FLYBYME), Morten Enholm (@Spawn32), and Hugh Eaves (@hugheaves),

    • Sololink is mostly behind the scenes stuff related to booting, networking connections, firmware loading, etc. This compiles into a version for both the Copter and Controller's IMX companion computers.
    • Shotmanager is all the smart shots, button and control handling, camera stuff, a...
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Open Solo 2.5-RC4 BETA

23 Dec 14:15
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This is the fourth and likely final beta release candidate for user beta testing of Open Solo. The final production release once this beta is complete will be called Open Solo 3.0.0. If this beta release doesn't have any major issues, expect to see 3.0.0 drop in the vicinity of New Years.

Changes from -RC3

  • Green Cube ArduCopter 3.5.4 now has Solo default parmeters baked in. This means after the clean install, or after a parameter reset, or after a factory reset, you will no longer need to load the ArduCopter parameters! One big pain eliminated! So now it's just like the old 3DR firmware that also had it baked in. If you have the HERE or landing gear mods, you'll need to load those parameters. That's it.

  • No more smart shot yaw workaround. The bug in ArduCopter master that required some hackish workarounds in each smartshot has been fixed. So the mavlink commands for all the smart shots have been cleaned up and the condition_yaw workaround removed.

  • Built from Open Solo github instead of Matt's github. Huge cleanup of all the commits. Many months of work consolidated and merged into the Open Solo repositories where they really belong. Build run off of that to verify function. If you have no clue what any of this means, don't worry. It's techno-babble in the background.

  • Misc small typo fixes in code


If you're already on RC1, RC2, or RC3, you should follow the complete installation procedure for both the solo and controller. Do not skip over stuff.


You obviously need to follow the full instructions, installing both the controller and copter packages. Read the complete release notes below, and then read all the instructions linked at the end of these release notes. Then read them again.


Make sure you install Open Solo before you install the green cube!!! It needs to be fully installed and functional on the stock cube before you install the green cube. See the new green cube install instructions link at the bottom of the release notes.

Installation Instructions

The process for installing Open Solo is quite straightforward. The general steps are

  1. Load install packages.
  2. Reboot
  3. Calibrate.
  4. Fly.

Detailed instructions for each installation method can be found here:

Open Solo 2.5-RC3 BETA

24 Nov 01:25
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This is the third release candidate for user beta testing of Open Solo. Since 3DR open sourced the Solo and controller, many new possibilities have opened up. Combined with the continued development of mobile apps like Solex and SidePilot, the solo is now growing up even more!

Changes from -RC2

  • Stock solo ArduCopter firmware is now Solo-v1.5.4, and produced out of Open Solo for the first time! It is no longer using the 3DR produced solo-v1.5.3. The only functional change is the correct parameter defaults baked in. This is what you used to have to change manually in Tower or what I had to hack to change automatically via the IMX. If you already have a stock solo on RC1 or RC2, there will be no functional difference, purely ceremonial.

  • Green Cube solo ArduCopter firmware is now ArduCopter 3.5.4. There are no solo specific changes from 3.5.3, And nothing anyone with a Solo would likely notice. Just keeping everything current.

  • Python scripts to control motor pod LEDs created by Hugh Eaves @hugheaves. If you have a green cube, this allows you to use a terminal app or solex commands functions to customize everything about each motor pod LED. ArduCopter 3.5 is required and as such, this feature is not currently available on the stock solos.

  • Controller text adjustments to fix cut off fonts. Found and fixed by @FLYBYME (aka Tim WD).

  • Servo and gripper controls! Added ArduPilot mavlink servo control and ArduPilot mavlink gripper control to extended function options for buttons. You can now assign servo outputs or gripper control to, for example, the long press of the A button. FYI the only servo outputs readily available on the Solo's accessory bay are 6, 7, & 8. This is available to both stock and green cube solos.

  • Misc small typo fixes in code

Open Solo 2.5-RC2 Beta

27 Sep 02:10
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This is the second release candidate for user beta testing of Open Solo. Since 3DR open sourced the Solo and controller, many new possibilities have opened up. Combined with the continued development of mobile apps like Solex and SidePilot, the solo is now growing up even more!

Changes from -RC1

This update fixes some installation vulnerabilities that were identified by beta testers with Green Cubes. It was on occasion failing to detect the green cube, and trying to install the 3DR firmware on it, which is not compatible. The scripts are now much more robust. It now has three different ways to detect the cube. And in the unlikely event something is wrong and it still can't, it will not try to install any firmware on the cube so nothing gets locked up.

You will now hear the pixhawk reboot 4 to 5 times during this new install process. And the installation takes about 10 minutes to complete from the time you reboot now as a result. This is normal because I have it doing parameter resets and critical parameter loads at two different stages.

Open Solo 2.5-RC1 Beta

07 Sep 17:09
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This is the first release candidate for user beta testing of Open Solo. Since 3DR open sourced the Solo and controller, many new possibilities have opened up. Combined with the continued development of mobile apps like Solex and SidePilot, the solo is now growing up even more!

Stock Solos vs Green Cube Solos

This is fully compatible with both totally stock Solos and green cube solos! They both require some different handling of code and firmware, but I've worked all of that into the code and firmware. You do not need to pick and choose, and we don't need multiple release versions for the different hardware. The code will auto-detect which cube you have, and use that information to auto install the correct version of ArduCopter on it.

STOCK SOLO SPECIFIC UPDATES: The following applies only to stock solo Pixhawk cubes and does not apply to Green Cube solos.

  • 3DR's last ArduCopter release, v1.5.3 instead of the old v1.3.1.
    • Distance based battery failsafe: Triggers RTH to be on the ground at approx 10% remaining. If you want to adjust this yourself, you can manually tweak parameter FS_BATT_CUR_RTL. A value of 21 gets you on the ground with about 10% remaining. A higher value will RTH sooner leaving a higher % remaining.
    • Improved landing detection: This greatly improves the solo's ability to detect it has landed. In the past, it could get confused by a rough, fast, or jerky landing. This results in it refusing to disarm or and sometimes flipping over. The new landing detection algorithm is greatly enhanced. You will notice it now takes and extra second or so to disarm once you're on the ground. And you may see a little twitch in the throttle. It is literally testing the ground. It works quite nicely.
    • Low battery thrust priority: If the battery is getting dangerously low, it will allow itself to sacrifice yaw (rotation) control to increase thrust to prevent a crash. This could give you the thrust you need to land softly rather than dropping out of the sky.
    • Smart shot altitude priority: Will not lose altitude by going too fast in Follow Mode! In Smart Shots, the solo will not allow itself to go "too fast" causing a loss of altitude.

GREEN CUBE SPECIFIC UPDATES: The following applies to Green Cube equipped solos and does not apply to stock Solos.

  • The most recent stable production release of ArduCopter, which today is ArduCopter 3.5.2
    • No change if you're already flying with 3.5.2
    • Boat mode! You can arm and take off from moving vehicles/vessels
    • 3 improved IMUs, 2 of which are vibration isolated and heated.
    • Ability to use RTK GPS for surveys, ADS-B aircraft avoidance, lidar laser altimeters, terrain awareness and following, IR precision landing, and even and “indoor GPS”.
    • Hundreds of enhancements since 2015, and continued development by the ArduPilot team.


  • Single install package: Added detection of which Cube you have installed in your solo. This will be used to install the proper version of ArduCopter. This is why there isn't a green cube vs stock version. One does it all.
  • Factory reset update: This updates the factory reset (recovery partition) to no longer require 3DR servers or an internet update. If you factory reset, it will come back up with a clean installation of Open Solo that is fully operational! No internet needed. No update needed. Calibrate and fly.
  • Controller: short and long hold button functions: Added short hold (2-seconds) and long hold (3 seconds) events to the A, B, Pause, camera preset, and camera trigger buttons. This allows you to assign and use functions based on short and long holding the buttons. Input is needed from beta testers on what these defaults should be. The assignments can be edited in /usr/bin/extSettings.conf.
    The defaults are as follows:
    • A single press: Manual
    • A short hold: Stabilize
    • A long hold: Auto mode
    • B single press: Position Hold
    • B short hold: Drift
    • B long hold: Sport
    • Camera Preset top long hold: None
    • Camera Preset bottom long hold: None
    • Camera trigger long hold: Gimbal lock ("FPV race mode")
  • Controller: CH7 on/off improvement: Long hold pause button to turn CH7 option on. Short hold pause to turn CH7 option off. This removes the conflict with the pause function, which still uses the normal single click. If you use landing gear, you should keep using this for now.
  • Controller display and haptic: Updated numerous displayed messages and haptic feedback to be more useful and helpful to the user.
  • Safety & Mode Reliability: Removed numerous unnecessary layers fro communication between the controller and Cube. The fly, home, and pause button functions now communicate directly to the Cube and ArduCopter rather than going through layers of handling the smart shot manager. Also made mode changes better handle a smart shot that didn't properly close.
  • Smart shot cleanups and compatibility fixes:
    • All the compatibility fixes needed for the green cube.
    • Standardized horizontal acceleration to 2/m/s/s across all shots for consistency and smoothing.
    • Entering shot reduces copter pitch/roll acceleration for smoothing and consistency, especially with green cube solos that have more power.
  • Added compatibility with Solex geotagging functions
  • Home button and RTH failsafe now use ArduCopter RTL Mode instead of the old "Return Home" smart shot. This is more reliable and eliminates numerous points of failure. They have the same end result.
  • Newer version of some system files to make troubleshooting and recovery from problems easier.
  • Factory reset will now reset the ArduCopter parameters on the pixhawk to default as well. This was always a troubleshooting problem, and eliminates unnecessary extra steps.
  • Lost functionality: I tried very hard to not remove existing functionality just because I don't use it. However two things had to get sacrificed in this due to compatibility and incomplete development from 3DR. I don't think either of these worked right to begin with, and I don't think many people even bothered trying to use them.
    • Rewind has been removed. The 3DR Solo app still has the option to turn it on/off, which also never worked right, and they will not do anything. This was a feature 3DR was in the middle of developing when they closed shop. It is not compatible with ArduCopter RTL mode. It is something that may be revised in the future as something that isn't connected to any failsafe and is executed with a button push. But not right now.
      -Hover instead of landing when returning to home has been removed. This was intertwined with the rewind code and the old return home smart shot. It is not compatible with ArduCopter RTL mode. And it also was incomplete and not really safe to use anyway. This again is something I'd like to revisit in the future, since it has some use cases (like boating). But for now, it's only return home and land when it gets there.
    • Alternative for now: If you need the hover option, you can manually increase ArducCopter parameter RTL_LOIT_TIME. It is in milliseconds. It is the amount of time the copter will hover prior landing. If simply turn it up to several minutes or whatever suites you needs, you will have the same effect.

Installation Instructions

The process for installing Open Solo is quite straightforward. The general steps are

  1. Load install package.
  2. Reboot
  3. Calibrate.
  4. Fly.

Detailed instructions for each installation method can be found here: