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Funding for Internet freedom, journalism, software development, and human rights projects from sources other than OTF.

Appendix IV: Alternative Sources of Support

The following table contains alternate funding sources which support efforts relevant to the fields of Internet freedom, software development, journalism, and human rights, broadly speaking. Sources are organized by general subject matter. We're always seeking to grow this resource and make it as useful and inclusive as possible, so if you know of a funding source that should be on here, please let us know by contacting us at

Note: This list is shared for information purposes only. OTF cannot assist with fundraising efforts of individual projects or refer projects to specific funders. Inclusion of a funding entity on this list does not represent an endorsement by OTF.

{% hint style="info" %} You can stay up to date on all OTF submission deadlines and open submissions windows for other alternative funders by joining the OTF-announce mailing list, where we send a monthly update on upcoming application deadlines. Click here to join the OTF-announce mailing list. {% endhint %}


Rapid Response

Organization Fund
Access Now Digital Security Helpline - Access Now
The Social Science Research Council Rapid-Response Grants on Covid-19 and the Social Sciences
Internet Society Foundation Emergency Response Grant Programme: COVID-19
FOSS Responders COVID-19 Emergency Funds
Digital Defenders Partnership Emergency Grants
United Nations (OCHA) Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)
Agir Ensemble pour les Droits de l'Homme (AEDH) Emergency Fund
University of York Centre for Applied Human Rights Protective Fellowship Scheme
International Media Support Safety Fund
International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) Grants for HRDs at Risk
Freedom House Emergency Assistance to Frontline Activists
Embattled CSOs (Emergency)
Embattled CSOs (Advocacy)
LGBTI Assistance Program
Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights Rapid Response Grant
RR - Africa
Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders (EMHRF) Urgent Grants
Justice and Peace Netherlands Shelter City
Frontline Defenders Protection Grants Emergency Support
World Organisation Against Torture Emergency HRD Support
Joopea Foundation JAssist
Security Without Borders Security Assistance
Renewable Freedom Foundation Digital Rights Fund
Defend Defenders East and Horn of Africa
The Guatemala Human Rights Commission (GHRC) Human Rights Defenders Fund

Rapid Response for Journalists & Scholars

Organization Fund
Free Press Unlimited Reporters Respond
International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) IFJ Safety Fund
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) Journalists in Distress Fund
International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) IWMF Emergency Fund
La Maison Des Journalistes Assistance
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Individual Support
Berlin Scholarship Program
Rory Peck Trust Assistance Grants
Media Legal Defence Initiative (MLDI) Legal Assistance
Scholars at Risk Network Support for Scholars Under Threat
Cara Support for Academics Under Threat
International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN) Writers/Artists at Risk
Institute of International Education Fellowships for Threatened Scholars Around the World

In-Kind Digital Infrastructure

Organization Fund Deflect
Google Project Shield
CloudFlare Project Galileo
Amazon AWS Imagine Grant Program
Google Impact and Community Grants

US Government Internet Freedom and Security

Organization Fund
Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL)
ISC Project Information security and Internet freedom grants
National Science Foundation (NSF) Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC)
Computer Systems Research (CSR)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cyber Security Solicitations

Privacy and Security

Organization Fund
Mozilla Foundation Mozilla Open Source Support (MOSS)
MOSS - Foundational Technology
MOSS - Mission Partners
MOSS - Secure Open Source
NLNet Foundation Open Call - Network and Internet Technology
Internet Hardening Fund
Standards in Real-Time Communication
Prototype Fund Open Source Project Support (Germany)
Facebook Secure the Internet Grants
Facebook Research Awards
Cisco Research & Open Innovation
Next Generation Internet (NGI) NGI Open Calls
Core Infrastructure Initiative Grants
Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (OSTIF) Grants
AirVPN Project Support
Library Freedom Project Library Freedom Institute

Digital Rights

Organization Fund
Mozilla Grants
Digital Defenders Partnership Sustainable Protection Funding
Regional Partnership Funding
Freedom House Various Programs
Access Now Grants
Sigrid Rausing Trust Grants
Hivos Freedom and Accountability
Ford Foundation Internet Freedom
Media Democracy Fund Grants
Democracy Council About
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Digital Extension Grants
Renewable Freedom Foundation Funding Sources List
Digital Freedom Fund Grants

Information and Communications Technologies for Development (ICT4D) including Deploying Internet Connectivity

Organization Fund
International Development Research Center (IDRC) Funding
Microsoft Grants
Airband Initiative
Association for Progressive Communications (APC) Access
Comcast Innovation Fund
Internet Society Grants & Awards
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Partnership Opportunities
Development Innovation Ventures (DIV)
OpenCellular OpenCellular Grants
Catholic Relief Services ICT4D
CRDF Global Grants
Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) ICT
USAID Development Innovations Grants
Peace Corps Small Grants Program Grants
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Global Grand Challenges
Google Impact Challenge
Inveneo Advice
Mercy Corps Grants
International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS) Grants
Wehubit Grants
Comic Relief Tech For Good
GSM Association Connected Society Innovation Fund for Rural Connectivity
Motorola Motorola Solutions Foundation
NetHope Devices for Impact
Digital Frontiers Grants
European Commission Affordable High-Tech for Humanitarian Aid
Microsoft AI for Humanitarian Action
Microsoft AI for Accessibility
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK) Research Grants
Newton Fund Grants
World Wide Web Foundation Web We Want
Nonprofit Technology Network Digital Inclusion Fellowship
Internet Society Beyond the Net Funding
TechSoup TechSoup Global Network
UNICEF Innovation Fund

Startup Incubators and Entrepreneurship

Organization Fund
Garage 48 About
Mach37 About
iHub Support for Africa-based tech startups
Hackers/Founders Accelerator and Founders’ Cooperative
United For Iran IranCubator
3fs About
National Science Foundation (NSF) America’s Seed Fund (Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer Program)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
Global Innovation Fund About
Google Google for Startups
PeaceTech Accelerator About
MIT Innovation & Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
DevLabs About
Coinbase Coinbase Ventures
Snap, Inc. Yellow
The Thiel Foundation The Thiel Fellowship
Samsung Samsung Next
Comcast NBCUniversal LIFT Labs



Organization Fund
The Social Science Research Council Social Data Research and Dissertation Fellowships
National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW)
Graduate Research Fellowship Program
University of Illinois Fellowship Finder Database of Fellowships for Graduate Students
The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Grants for current PhD candidates
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Sloan Research Fellowships
Tinker Foundation Incorporated Field Research Grants
Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) Internet and Society Fellowship
Harvard Library Innovation Lab Summer Fellowship
Berkman Klein Center & MIT Media Lab Assembly
Stanford PACS Digital Civil Society Lab Non-Resident Fellowship
Venture for America (VFA) VFA Fellowship
Azavea Summer of Maps

Policy & Advocacy

Organization Fund
Ford Foundation/Mozilla Open Web Fellowship
Open Society Foundations Open Society Fellowship
CIPE/NDI/CIMA Open Internet for Democracy Leaders Program
Shuttleworth Foundation Fellowship
Human Rights Watch Fellowships (pdf)
Google Public Policy Fellowship
National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Fellowships
Echoing Green Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship and Leadership Development Programs
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society Fellowship Program
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy Fellowships
Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School Technology and Democracy Fellowship
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (RCFP) Legal Fellowships
Eisenhower Fellowships Global Programs
Data & Society Fellows Program
Internet Law & Policy Foundry Fellowships
Voqal Fellowships
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) EPIC Law Fellowship
International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Westin Fellows
Free Press C. Edwin Baker Media Policy Fellowship
Mozilla Fellowships
TechCongress Congressional Innovation Fellowship
Kairos Fellowship Fellowship

Coding and Software Development

Organization Fund
Python Software Foundation (PSF) PSF Grants Program
Google Faculty Research Awards
Mozilla Research Grants
SAGE Concept Grants
Protocol Labs Research Grants
Outreachy Mentorships and internships
Rails Girls Summer of Code
Google Summer of Code
General Assembly Social Impact
Coding it Forward Civic Digital Fellowship
Cybersecurity Tech Accord/UN Office of Disarmament Affairs Apps 4 Digital Peace

Social Justice and Global Challenges

Organization Fund
Laura and John Arnold Foundation (LJAF) Grants
Omidyar Network About
Knight Foundation Technology Innovation
Governance, Norms and Values - Research on the Future Internet
The Reva & David Logan Foundation Social Justice, Scholarship, the Arts and Investigative Journalism
Siegel Family Endowment About
Bond Funding Opportunities
Ariadne: European Funders for Social Change and Human Rights About
National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Grants
Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) Research Calls and Grants
European Commission Digital Single Market Funding
Open Society Foundations Information Program
Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs INGO Support
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) Grants
Enabel (Belgian Development Agency) Grants
Cisco Cisco Foundation
Global Impact Cash Grants
Dropbox Dropbox Foundation
Humanity United Grants
Oak Foundation International Human Rights
Open Society Foundations Human Rights Initiative
Overbrook Foundation Human Rights Defenders
Hewlett Foundation About
Fund for Global Human Rights Grants
Human Rights First Human Rights Defenders
Oak Foundation Grants
FIDH Support for Local HRDs
Protection International About
Human Rights Foundation (HRF) About
European Endowment for Democracy (EED) Grants
UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF) Grants
Ashoka Changemakers
Counterpart International Business Opportunities
Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation Grants
European Commission, Democracy and Human Rights Calls for Proposals
MIT Solve
Skoll Global Threats Fund About
Human Rights Funders Network Resources for Grantseekers
The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law Supporting Justice Innovation


Gender & LGBTQ

Organization Fund
American Refugee Committee Gender-based Violence and Response
Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice Grants
Coalition of African Lesbians About
Governments of Indonesia and Australia Komnas Perempuan (Indonesia's National Commission on Violence Against Women)
Mediterranean Women's Fund Mediterranean Women’s Fund
Third Wave Fund Mobilize Power Fund
Women Living Under Muslim Laws About
Women's Rehabilitation Center (Nepal) About
Women Development Advocacy Center (Nepal) Digital Empowerment Fellowship
Freedom House Dignity for All: LGBTI Assistance Program
Womanity Foundation About
Mama Cash Grants
International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) Emergency Fund
Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship
Fund For Women Journalists
Kim Wall Memorial Fund
GiveOut The Suki Sandhu LGBTQI Asia Fund
FRIDA The Young Feminist Fund

Journalism & Media

Organization Fund
MacArthur Foundation Grants
Scripps Howard Foundation Grants
Ethics & Excellence Journalism Foundation Grants
Free Press Unlimited About
Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) About
Google Journalism Emergency Relief Fund
Open Society Foundations Program on Independent Journalism
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) About
Rory Peck Trust Support for freelance journalists
Social Science Research Council/Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership Abe Fellowship for Journalists
University of Toronto Fellowship in Global Journalism
Moment Magazine Daniel Pearl Investigative Journalism Initiative (DPIJI)
Mother Jones The Ben Bagdikian Fellowship Program
Open Society Foundation Moving Walls Fellowship
University of Oxford Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
World Press Institute (WPI) WPI Fellowship
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) Vaclav Havel Journalism Fellowship
Dutch Journalism Fund About
International Media Support About
The Walkley Foundation Grants
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (CFI) Media Development
UNESCO International Programme for the Development of Communication
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting Grants
Thomson Foundation Media Training and Development
Poynter International Fact-Checking Network
Stanford University John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships
DW Akademie Media Development
Journalists for Human Rights About
BBC Media Action About

Capacity Building

Organization Fund
Creative Commons Community Activities Fund
Bassel Khartabil Free Culture Fellowship
Open Knowledge International About
Internet Freedom Festival (IFF) IFF Community Development Fellows Program
Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) Open Source Center Strategic Grants
Open Source Center Catalytic Grants
Arcadia Fund Open Access Grants
Linux Foundation CommunityBridge
Software Freedom Conservancy Project Funding
RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund


Middle East

Organization Fund
Arab Human Rights Fund (AHRF) Grants
Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders (EMHRF) Standard grants
Department of State U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)


Organization Fund
Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development Human Rights Defenders Programme
Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) About
Information Society Innovation Fund Asia (ISIF Asia) About

South and Latin America

Organization Fund
Indela (Initiative for digital rights in Latin America) About
Open Society Foundation Latin America Program
Fund for Internet Strengthening in Latin America and the Caribbean FRIDA Funds


Organization Fund
RAITH Foundation Funding
Fund for Internet Research and Development (FIRE Africa) Grants