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Jim Allman edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 5 revisions



To encourage people who publish new phylogenetic trees (“systematists”) to submit them to online repositories.

Vision in brief

Scientists tend to submit data to online repositories only when required, e.g. by journals (“sticks”). In general, few incentives (“carrots”) exist. Imagine a software tool that makes it easier to produce visualizations of phylogenetic trees, for use in the production of publication-quality figures, sharing with collaborators for comment and annotation, and other dissemination scenarios. As a side effect, the tool captures the tree and associated information (e.g. clade support values, branch lengths, taxon-node mapping) in a form amenable to archiving. Systematists would be motivated to use this “tree illustrator” tool if it improved their workflows, helped them publish papers, and ultimately furthered their careers.

Use cases

  • prepare static figures for print publication, presentation slides, etc.
  • share tree with collaborators to invite feedback/comment
    • attach notes to nodes, highlight errors/weirdness, etc.
  • interactive “tree widgets” for the web
  • make figure generation easily replicable
  • add yours here