This project allows you to easily interact with the Hive blockchain. The project is based on the SteemJ initialized by dez1337 on in 2017, but the chance of the hive fork was used to refactor the code base and update the library to become fully functional again.
The main focus of the project is - as the name suggests - the Hive blockchain. As the code base is pretty similar at the time this documenent is written, there is a high chance the library will also work for Steem.
File: pom.xml
- Please have a look at the Wiki for a full documentation, examples, operational details and other information.
- Or have a look at the JavaDoc.
For bugs or feature requests please create a GitHub Issue.
For general discussions or questions you can also:
- Raise your question in the HiveJ-Community
- Post your questions in the Discord Java Channel
- Reply to one of the HiveJ update posts on
- Create an Issue here at GitHub.
HiveJ binaries are pushed into the maven central repository and can be integrated with a bunch of build management tools like Maven.
Please have a look at the Wiki to find examples for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others.
The project requires Maven and Java to be installed on your machine. It can be build with the default maven command:
mvn clean package
The resulting JAR can be found in the target directory as usual.
The sample module of the Hive project provides showcases for the most common acitivies and operations users want to perform.
Beside that you can find a lot of snippets and examples in the different Wiki sections.