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UDParse is a fork of UDPipe-Future which in turn is prototype for UDPipe 2.0. The prototype consists of tagging and parsing and is purely in Python. It participated in CoNLL 2018 UD Shared Task and was one of three winners. The original code is available at

UDparse has (as UdpipeFuture) the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0

UDParse has integrated input sentence vectorisation (with BERT, XLM-Robert-large etc) in order to improve the quality of the tagged and parsed output.

Compared to the CoNLL 2018 Shared task, UDParse improves on nearly all treebanks considerably:

Comparison XLM-R


We used anaconda in order to install an virtual environment

conda create -n udparse python=3.8
conda activate udparse
conda install cudatoolkit==11.3.1
conda install cudnn==8.2.1
pip --no-cache-dir install tensorflow-gpu==2.5.0
pip --no-cache-dir install tensorflow_addons==0.13.0
pip --no-cache-dir install transformers==4.6.1
pip --no-cache-dir install sentencepiece==0.1.95
pip --no-cache-dir install cython
pip --no-cache-dir install git+ 
pip --no-cache-dir install pyyaml
pip --no-cache-dir install matplotlib psutil
pip --no-cache-dir install flask==2.0.1
pip --no-cache-dir install flask-cors==3.0.10
pip --no-cache-dir install flask-restful-swagger-3==0.1
pip --no-cache-dir install flask-restful==0.3.9
pip --no-cache-dir install regex==2021.11.10
pip --no-cache-dir install conllu==4.4.1
pip --no-cache-dir install svgwrite==1.4.2

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/anaconda3/envs/udparse/lib/

some transformer models do not exist for Tensorflow. In order to use them you have to install pytorch as well

pip --no-cache-dir install pytorch==1.8.1

or on more recent GPUs

pip3 install torch==1.10.0+cu113 -f

In order to be able to process raw text, you need to install a UDPipe 1.2 clone tokenizer from our fork of UDpipe at

sudo apt install libpython3.8-dev
git clone

pushd udpipe/src

pushd bindings/python
make PYTHON_INCLUDE=/usr/include/python3.8

copy UDpipe's bindings/python/ufal/* and bindings/python/ to to UDParse's UDParse or use PYTHONPATH=... to specify the location of the UDPipe-bindings in order python can find it

Train a model (on Universal Dependencies data)

First prepare a configuration file data.yml

    calculate_embeddings: bert
    dev: /universal-dependencies/ud-treebanks-v2.8/UD_French-GSD/fr_gsd-ud-dev.conllu
    embeddings: /universal-dependencies/models/2.8/udpf/tmp/data/fr-bert
    gpu: 0
    out: /universal-dependencies/models/2.8/udpf/fr-bert
    test: /universal-dependencies/ud-treebanks-v2.8/UD_French-GSD/fr_gsd-ud-test.conllu
    tokmodel: /universal-dependencies/models/2.8/tok/fr_gsd.tok.model
    - /universal-dependencies/ud-treebanks-v2.8/UD_French-GSD/fr_gsd-ud-train.conllu
  • gpu: indicates the gpu device starting with 0. If the number given does not correspond to any device or if it is negative training will be done un CPU.
  • calculate_embeddings indicates the transformer model to use. The following are recognized:
    • bert: bert-base-multilingual-cased
    • distilbert: distilbert-base-multilingual-cased
    • itBERT: dbmdz/bert-base-italian-xxl-cased
    • arBERT: asafaya/bert-base-arabic
    • fiBERT: TurkuNLP/bert-base-finnish-cased-v1
    • slavicBERT: DeepPavlov/bert-base-bg-cs-pl-ru-cased (needs pytorch)
    • plBERT: dkleczek/bert-base-polish-uncased-v1 (needs pytorch)
    • svBERT: KB/bert-base-swedish-cased
    • nlBERT: wietsedv/bert-base-dutch-cased
    • flaubert: flaubert/flaubert_base_cased (needs pytorch)
    • camembert: camembert-base
    • roberta: roberta-large
    • xml-roberta: jplu/tf-xlm-roberta-large(multilingual)

The tokenizer model (tokmodel) must be created using Udpipe 1.2:

udpipe --train \
       --tagger=none \
       --parser=none \
       --heldout /universal-dependencies/ud-treebanks-v2.8/UD_French-GSD/fr_gsd-ud-dev.conllu \
      /universal-dependencies/models/2.8/tok/fr_gsd.tok.model \

Run the train and test:

./ --action train --yml data.yml fr-bert
./ --action test --yml data.yml fr-bert

or in one step:

./ --action tt --yml data.yml fr-bert

The training process puts some debugging stuff into the given out directory. To copy only the needed stuff, run:

./bin/ data.yml new_directory

Use a model

Predict a file

Tokenise, tag and parse a raw text. If your input file is in CoNLL-U format, omit the --istext option:

./ --action predict \
         --yml data.yml \
         --infile inputtext.txt \
         --istext \
         --outfile output.conllu \

use the option --presegmented if the input file contains one sentence per line. Without this option the input text will be segmented into sentences before tokenization.

For tokenized (CoNLL-U) files run the following:

./ --action predict \
         --yml data.yml \
         --infile inputtext.conllu
         --outfile output.conllu

For a quick check, whether the model works you can use:

./ --action predict \
         --yml data.yml \
         --example "A sentence to be tokenized, tagged and parsed"

which prints the output (in CoNLL-U format) to stdout

Server launching

You can launch a server in the following way:

./ --action server \
    --yml data.yml
    --port 8844 \
    --forcegpu \
    --gpu 1

The Swagger API specification can be obtained at http://localhost:**PORT**/api/v1/doc

Requesting the server

the server can be used with

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8844/api/v1/parse" \
    -H "accept: text/tab-separated-values" \
    -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
    -F "text=my sentence will be parsed" \
    -F "presegmented=false"

Or with python's requests package

import requests

r ="http://localhost:8844/api/v1/parse",
                  data = {"text": "my sentence will be parsed",
                          "presegmented": False,
                          "conllu": "", # put tokenized input (CoNLL-U) here instead of in "text". If "conllu" is not empty, "text" will be ignored
                          "parse": True},
                  headers = {"Accept": "text/tab-separated-values" }  # you can set this to get pure CoNLL-U or omot to get json

Swagger API documentation

use http://localhost:8844/api/v1/doc

Use programmatically (in python)

load a parser instance

import UDParse.UDParse

udp = UDParse.UDParse(lg=None,
while not udp.submitresult.done():
     print("Still loading model ...", model, file=sys.stderr)

use it

output = udp.api_process(in_text="my input sentence", is_text=True)
output = udp.api_process(in_text=<string with tokenised sentence in CoNLL-U format>, is_text=False)

Use it as an external dependency library

For the CPU version

pip install . --find-links=

For the GPU version

pip install .[gpu] --find-links=


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