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WaifuBrew is standalone Java application mimicking visual novel. Main point of this project is to play around with Java for various of different aspects (Graphics, File, Audio, and program structure). Not only learning Java is learning objective, but also Github as well.


12/02/17 - Initial commit. Basic character object as been made (and other attributes such as mood).

12/04/17 - Initial GUI layout. Waifu class is simplified.

02/21/18 - Fixed image path. (Absolute path to relative path declaration). [Gaia] Mouse events are implemented. Separations of into & [BetaStar]

03/07/18 - Start loading images and trial with layout managers. Implemented more robust solution for JFrame & try to load multiples of photos simultaneosly for layered Panels. Name fix for java files. [BetaStar] was created with calculated positions and mouse events. [Gaia]

04/02/18 - Finished basic GUI (Layered Panel fully works & location for each picture is now fully calculated) [BetaStar] and basic JSON retrieval. [Gaia]

04/04/18 - GUI update. Introduced start screen. Implementation of buttons and stages. Resolution bugs (placement & scaling) were now properly calculated. The window (JFrame) is now locked since it adds no benefit and causes elements to break. [BetaStar]

04/05/18 - Placeholder buttons are working as they would. The start of Config page (only implemented BG and back button) [BetaStar]

04/06/18 - Animation now in test phase. Config stage is being used as animation testing. [BetaStar]

04/09/18 - Used simpler implementation for rotation for now since more advanced implementation doesn't seem to contribute solving the problem. [BetaStar]

04/20/18 - Changed vanilla Java application to Maven to have JavaXT dependency for image manipulation. Added test stage [BetaStar]

04/24/18 - Fixed movement issue with JavaXT, added text line for dialog, continued Gaia's legacy - JSON implementation. [BetaStar]

04/25/18 - Finished implementing basic form of JSON parser. Now retrieves Characters, Moods, and Dialogues. Auto fixes Moods when implementation of JSON only specifies one Mood for all characters. 3 characters can have all HAPPY Mood with single Mood in JSON [BetaStar]

04/26/18 - Fixed JSON bugs where it caused duplicates to show up when it reached last line of JSON. Completely reworked (deleted entire thing and started over) and made it into wrapper class of JSON parser to AnimationPane conversion. JSON -> Seperated into list of three seperate objects (Character, Mood, Dialogue) -> compiled and packaged with list of Waifu objects, sent off. Added elements for test purposes. [BetaStar]

04/27/18 - Restarted progress of Settings panel (ConfigPane). Fixed and enhanced dialoguebar. The placement is now relative. Lastly, start page buttons now react to mouse for better GUI experience. [BetaStar]

04/28/18 - Added "load" button to main screen. Added more elements in resource pool for future use (like "Save" image). [BetaStar]

05/02/18 - Properly set up Singleton to reduce the amount of dependency between classes. (No more passing around class objects of main!) Able to retrive variables from classes. Implemented back button of ConfigPane and responds to mouse clicks, however GUI get stuck. I can move to Stage 2 -> Stage 0 -> Stage 1 (I can go from Setting page to Main to Play field). Cleared useless codes / redundant lines [BetaStar]

07/02/18 - Implemented dialogue transparency in settings. Have tried LAF and Nimbus, and both of them are not aesthetically pleasing and not very customizable (like location). Messy implemention of slider in ConfigPane which has few layers. Most rear one shows how much slider can go, second will fill up to set value, and knob which reacts to mouse actions. Mouse does not need to stay on knob to change value. The ConfigPane's BG will be temporary disabled and dialogueBox will show up to demonstrate the opacity. AnimationPane will reflect opacity set value from ConfigPane. Added text text speed control as well in the ConfigPane. Deleted entire test graphics portion in AnimationPane (backed up in bak). Ready for LoadPane implementation. [BetaStar]

07/04/18 - Completely redesigned the custom sliders. Created new class called "CustomSlider" which clears up huge portion of mess in ConfigPane. Also bug fix on dialogueBar preview as it was retrieving the image file from disk everytime when slider was dragged thus creating lag and performance degradation. Now dialogueBar transparency / speed uses CustomSlider. Fixed dialogbar preview timer. Still needs numerical value beside the slider. [BetaStar]

07/05/18 - Implemented CustomButton to lessen the trashing of the Pane classes. Bug fixes with performance with CustomSlider. It was loading three seperate images of samething and IO access was dragging the program down. Also fixed the code where it changes each of its pixels to specific colour to mass change the bg colour with JavaXT. AnimationPane now uses CustomButton class to implement its buttons. Needs work with Change Listener. [BetaStar]

07/06/18 - The StartScreen now relies on CustomButton and removed whole lot of garbage codes. CustomButton now takes extra parameter for centered image for x, y. has also been cleared out along with StartScreen. Now only manages stage changes between panes. (Updates are in 07/07/18 since I uploaded too late) Also fixed one line in ConfigPane that set local stage instead of global stage. [BetaStar]

07/07/18 - AnimationPane got its update on character placement - especially multi character scenarios. Will now calculate where character will go through window calculation. Huge performance saver with implementation of framerate control. Currently running 2FPS as a debug. Will revert back to 30FPS when needed. [BetaStar]

07/08/18 - Implementation of ImageSlicer. Loading times of ConfigPane was annoying so I am implemented ImageSlider to grab needed image once (with all the buttons on it) and slice them up so that I can access on any Pane. [BetaStar]

07/13/18 - Cleaned out testers for ImageSlicer. Added to retrieve files from local directory instead of listing out and hard code file names for read out. CharMove has been added but still in progress. Performance fixes and flexibility for rest of the program. GUI Scaling has been added and fixed. No more double declaration with (The bug fix). [BetaStar]

07/14/18 - Applying image loader to other classes to rely on. Fixed dialog bars not applying the settings and removed hard coded buttons in setting class (replaced with CustomButton). Release of v0.05 [BetaStar]

07/16/18 - Most classes including AnimationPane (character images) are using auto-loaded (sliced) images. Cleared out all unnecessary images in the resource folder. Added unhandled exception class to deal with wrong image retrieval. Numbers has been added to enums to simplify and add more functionality. [BetaStar]

07/19/18 - Started implementing Custom on/off switch for ConfigPane. A sample button now rests in ConfigPane to be implemented as intended. Added toggle knob for both CustomSlider and CustomOnOffSwitch [BetaStar]

07/20/18 - CustomOnOffButton is cleared for garbage codes and other Custom classes are implemented with more customizable elements. ImageLoader is implemented with UI elements cutting. [BetaStar]

07/25/18 - Implementation of AnimationPane. Save, Load, Config, Back buttons are implemented. Fixed where initial dialog were too ambiguous. ConfigPane relys on CustomSwitch (renamed CustomOnOffButton). Addition to bug fixes, implemented custom fontsCustomButton has been set up so that image is loaded directly from loaded state instead of fetching each every elements from disk to reduce stutter and loading times. Also implemented on-the-fly imageInverter for buttons to be dark in lighter background. The start of implementation of setting text auto advancing. [BetaStar]

07/26/18 - Continued auto dialogue system along with custom font. [BetaStar]

07/27/18 - Trial of / / to be constantly listening to a switch (when triggered, it is alterted to trigger something else). [BetaStar]

07/31/18 - AnimationPane has more connection with settings variables. Now loads appropriate user set values to apply in AnimationPane (such as dialogue transparency & speed). Combine of init / final point of character placement to single variable for Start of bug fix of dialogue auto advancer. (Ignorance of first trigger in ConfigPane, opposite value, starting auto advancing when still in ConfigPane). [BetaStar]

08/07/18 - ConfigPane now receives much needed font preview. Failure load of custom font will lead to default font. Another font for controlling font size. [BetaStar]

08/12/18 - Limit of font size range. [BetaStar]

08/13/18 - Added frame limiter to [BetaStar]

08/23/18 - Added threaded loading / display loading screen. Now it loads the needed elements as it shows loading screen. Now it doesn't freeze in the first second of finished opening! [BetaStar]

09/17/18 - Changed repo commit gitignore [Gaia]

09/18/18 - Fixed inversed case of dialogue speed slider. Fixed dialogue transparency of value turning 1 at 0. [Gaia]

09/20/18 - Consistent naming scheme throughout the CustomSlider class. Now with relative positioning of the elements instead of relying on each other for placement in ConfigPane. [BetaStar] Removal of bak folder since elements are no longer needed [Gaia]

09/26/18 - CustomButton now takes 9 positions of origin (uses Origin ENUM). ConfigPane won't allow to go back without saving the settings, instead, noticebox comes up with buttons whether if you want to save or not. If save button is clicked, it will save and go back to main screen. Otherwise, it will not save the settings and just close the box. When one of the slider is active in ConfigPane, everything is disabled except preview and a slider. so that code is slightly cleaner for every Pane class. [BetaStar]

10/01/18 - Fixed font to the same one that was used on original system button font. It no longer relies on cut pre-made image for system images. When you run, it makes fresh new one everytime! (idea of Gaia) When there is no picture while using getImageByName(), it returns black image instead of null so that program can still run for debugging purpose without crashing. Added reset button. Now users are not forced to save the current settings. Relative positioning of ConfigPane button placement. Added set value. [BetaStar]

10/03/18 - Improved failed retrieval defaultImage. Fixed default case when font can not be found. Defaults to serif. No more cutting images for system button images. [BetaStar]

10/04/18 - Fixed the fault of UTF8 bom, but also creation of system buttons are internalized. Fixed buttons' behaviours and changed noticebox's righ behaviour (return -> don't save and exit). Alignment and padding for noticebox. [BetaStar] Refactoring system config storage arrays to hashmap to make it more understandable. [Gaia]

10/10/18 - Fixed saving bugs in configPane due to refactoring [BetaStar]

10/11/18 - More descriptive names are used in system image retrieval. Added abstract class to deal with inheritance for user interactable GUI such as CustomSlider and CustomButton to be grouped together for cleaner implementation such as adding mouse listener to super. Patched the way that AniPane was retrieving its images. [BetaStar]

10/12/18 - Added checks when "_button" is not present in the name while calling to retrieve an image. Fixed bug for save dialogue where whitebox was spontaneously coming 1/4 of the screen. [BetaStar]

10/14/18 - Dialogue now supports asian characters. Border outlining of dialogue texts are applied. Changed dialogue font to simpler one (MS Mincho) for wide use. [BetaStar]

10/15/18 - Condensed area checker in ConfigPane. Now seperate methodd handles much of the similar bound check for any intractive objects (currently checks CustomButton and NoticeBox) since they are same inherted object of same abstract parent. [BetaStar]

10/18/18 - #65 Fully refactor ScreenScreen, AnimationPane in terms of button usage. Uses Hashmap just like ConfigPane to organize the buttons. Cleaner Handlerclass for StartScreen. (Completely redesigned from ground up to be more effective and cleaner solution.) Added MathClass and SplineInterpolator to check out methods of adding easing and calculation. Moved entire init lines in AniPane to init function. Cleaner that way and those init codes should've been in init() in the first place. Start setting up LoadPane. [BetaStar]

10/19/18 - Fixed button locations in AniPane. Fixed the bug where buttons that overlap will trigger one below it instead of one above. Set AniPane to LoadPane stage change. Reorganized the methods in Pane classes. Split init methods into few descriptive init methods for cleaner solution. Added packages for better seperation. [BetaStar]

10/20/18 - ConfigPane and StartScreen's BG calculation has been changed to two lines, simpler way of calculating scaling. More affective than before and elegant solution. Clearing up mess in ImageLoader and deleting unneeded pre-made picture. [BetaStar]

01/15/18 - A long hiatus and fresh mind! Startscreen has been updated with BG implementation, bug fix of lines not reaching end of the line. The drawing was enhanced so that it does not overlap and easing is now universal (readibly available with singleton call. Cleaned comments and implementations aesthetically [BetaStar]

01/25/18 - Fixed bug when only slider knob was snapping back into place after reset to last saved setting. (The slider leveler wasn't recalculating). Reversed the variable slider colour change. Makes more sense when colour darks when value goes higher. [BetaStar]

01/26/18 - Loads saved user settings from files. The toggle system (Both calculation and aesthetics). AutoAdvancer (working condition, but needs speed modification). AutoAdvancer was added to check&save method. The textscroll speed is now real time with slider. Maven project fix (pom.xml). Applied github's security patch. [BetaStar]

01/28/18 - Outputs user.json for setting save.