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Dmitry Dzygin edited this page Apr 24, 2017 · 5 revisions

C1 CMS wiki

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Reporting a bug?

First take a look in the C1 Server Log (you find it on the system perspective). The information here may help you identify the problem. If not, please include relevant information from the log, when making your bug report.

Please take time to make a bug report that enable us to reproduce the problem you experience. This can be an informative stack trace and a short description, code or detailed steps. If others can understand and reproduce the problem, chances are it can be fixed.

Do you want to send us a pull request?

We accept pull requests. Please note that we will require you sign a Code Contribution Agreement (similar to that of the .NET Foundation) before we can accept your contribution.

Below are a few other points which you should take into account.

Adapt to our coding style

If you are not used to contribute to open source projects, please make sure you read

Making a new feature? Talk to us early on

If you are adding brand new features, we suggest you discuss your implementation with the core team early on. We are very particular with what direction we want our product to go and since we are in this for the long haul, we have clear ideas and opinions about how features should be designed and implemented.

Should you end up sending us an implementation which clashes with our ideas, we will probably not accept it. So please talk with us early on.

Stay true to the product

If you make UI, APIs and other touch points, make them in tune with the rest of C1 CMS, and everyone is happy.