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ERP Customization

savicsava edited this page Mar 5, 2018 · 1 revision

ERP and ODN relation

OriginTrail is a protocol that connects several participants in one supply chain. Each participant should provide data to the common platform based on Origin Trail protocol - OriginTrail Decentralized Network (ODN). ODN should validate, process and store data.

We need to establish communication from participants ERP to ODN. Communication is done through exchange of standardized and structured XML files that are discussed here. Exchange can be done through upload of the file by using web services.

ERP customization

OriginTrail is ERP agnostic - it can be integrated with any ERP. ERP have different structure but they have some common layers of architecture. One of those layers is data layer that stores data in native or 3rd party (usually) relational database. Since data structure is determined in previous stages, the only thing left to do is to extract the data in that data structure and to send it to ODN.

Integration has 2 main parts for each use case:

  1. XML file creation
  2. Web services integration

XML File creation

ERP vendors (solution providers) should be able to extract the data from ERP on at least 2 ways. First one is through ERP customization of business logic layer of an ERP based on XML file template. Depending of the XML template, this process can have variable cost based on time spent for ERP upgrade. The other solution is to bypass the business logic part and extract the data directly for ERP database into designated format via some script coding or database queries.

Web services integration

When the file is created it needs to be sent to ODN for verification, storage and processing. The best practice is that ERP of DC should trigger XML data file creation and Web service call for file upload afterwards. We recommend some form of log event system where success of the executed procedure and sent file are stored (if possible).

OriginTrail will create and maintain knowledge base for this stage in near future.