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3. Running Manually

Breon Schmidt edited this page Jul 28, 2021 · 4 revisions

** In Progress **

Running ALLSorts with an existing counts matrix

Before we Begin

Make sure your:

  • Counts matrix is in the form of rows/samples x cols/genes.

Technically not mandatory, but for optimal results:

  • hg19 aligned and counts generated with this annotation
  • Your fingers crossed.

ALLSorts is Installed

Just follow the instructions

Running ALLSorts with your own counts

I have ensemble id's for gene names after using the reference above!

Coming soon to a ALLSorts wiki near you...

I just want to run it! Whatever the cost. Just tell me how!!! Please.

For the most basic operation, simply follow this snippet:

allsorts -samples /path/to/counts.csv -destination /path/to/output/folder/ -parents -ball True


  • /path/to/counts.csv is where your counts are located: genes (columns) x samples (rows).
  • /path/to/output/folder/ is where you want your output to go.

For all of the parameters, please use allsorts --help.

Once ALLSorts has run (hopefully without any issues!). Navigate to /path/to/output/folder/ to see your output.