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A collaboration between Priveasy and the Aaron Swartz Day Police Surveillance Project, Bad Apple provides valuable tools and resources with the aim of holding law enforcement accountable and putting an end to police misconduct.


This repository contains all of the production code powering the Bad Apple web application and database. Bad Apple exclusively uses open source technologies known for their security and efficiency. That's why we chose Django, PostgreSQL, and NginX—among many others—to run our services. For a breakdown of the main contents of this repository, see below:


    • Bad Apple uses a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license


Note: If you are looking for the server set-up and configuration, check out our ServerConfigurations repository

Web Application

  • mainSite
    • Base directory for the Django application
    • Responsible for processing all HTTP requests
    • Defines all of our web forms
    • Defines our URL patterns

Web Design

Note: Soon, we will make available a separate repository containing non-minified/compressed resources and static versions of each web page, used by us internally to model new content.

  • templates
    • The HTML templates used to render each web page
  • css
    • All of our stylesheets
  • img
    • The images used on the website


    • Our database configuration
    • Asynchronous database cleanup and maintenance tasks
    • Our database admin portal


  • locale
    • Base translations directory
  • django.po
    • Spanish language translations file

API Overview

Bad Apple does have an API available for use by other human rights organizations and developers looking for programmatic access to our databases. This API is simple to use, easy to implement, and follows many design standards: it accepts RESTful queries and returns beautifully-formatted JSON.

If you would like an API key, send a request to, and let us know who you are or what organization you represent, why you need access, what you plan to use our API for, and how many queries per week you expect to make.

Bad Apple provides rate-limited API access for free to qualifying developers of our choosing. However, if your use case requires making an extensive number of API queries, we may ask you to help cover the cost of the extra load placed on our servers. We may also require you to adhere to other security measures, such as providing us with a static IP address that we may pre-authorize to send a large number of queries.


Once you receive your API key, be sure to store it in a secure location. This key will need to be sent along with all HTTP requests, and will be used to authenticate and uniquely identify you. If this key is ever leaked, it's important to notify us as soon as possible so that we may disable it and generate you a new one. If you fail to notify us in time, a malicious actor could use your key irresponsibly and get your account banned.

API Documentation

Note: Example scripts utilizing the Bad Apple API can be found, here.

Authenticating a Request

The Bad Apple API only accepts authenticated, HTTP GET requests. To authenticate a request, you must provide an HTTP header with the key API-Key and a value matching that of your API key.

Examples of Properly-Authenticated Requests


curl -H "API-Key: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"


import requests
response = requests.get('' , headers = {'API-Key' : 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'})

Filtering Data

Filters must be included with each GET request in the form of HTTP headers. Filters allow us to reduce network bandwidth, memory usage, and processing power, in order to keep our services quick and efficient for everyone. Under each service heading below, you will find a full list of each filter available, along with the corresponding HTTP header, accepted input format, examples, and any extra notes that may be necessary.

Please Note: For a filter to be valid, unless a separate format has been explicitly defined, it must contain a minimum of two URL-safe characters, and no more than 100.


All responses will be returned in JSON format, and contain the statusCode key. If a query is made successfully, a response containing a status code equal to 200 will be returned. If you receive a response containing any status code other than 200, it is likely that your request contained an error, and should be examined before being resent.

Properly-authenticated requests will also receive statusMessage and remainingQueries items in their response. For successful requests, the status message will always be Success. If any error occurs while processing your request, the status message is a great place look for information on what went wrong. remainingQueries will show you how many queries you have left before your weekly cap is met. Keep in mind that even unsuccessful queries will count against your query limit.

All authenticated requests will contain a results list containing all of the objects matching their query. If no objects match your query, or your request was invalid, this list will be empty.

Querying PRA Templates



Header Inclusion Description Format
State Required The state of the desired PRA template(s) A six-character code as listed here in STATES_TERRITORIES_PROVINCES
Subject Required The subject of the desired PRA template(s) A one-character or two-character code as listed here in PRA_SUBJECTS

Example Query Headers

	"API-Key" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"State" : "USA-MA",
	"Subject" : "0"
	"API-Key" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"State" : "USA-CA",
	"Subject" : "10"

Example Query

Request (Curl)
curl -H "API-Key: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -H "State: USA-CA" -H "Subject: 11"
Request (Python)
requests.get('' , headers = {'API-Key' : 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' , 'State' : 'USA-CA' , 'Subject' : '11'})
	"statusCode": 200,
	"statusMessage": "Success",
	"results": [
			"country": "United States of America",
			"stateTerritoryProvince": "California, USA",
			"subject": "Police Misconduct - Based on the Incident",
			"letterBody": "Per the Senate Bill 1421, I am writing to request the following information from your office:\\r\\n\\r\\n - All investigatory records stemming from the incident (brief description goes here) that occurred\\r\\non DATE PLACE where a police misconduct finding was sustained.\\r\\n\\r\\n - For this specific incident, please send me any available investigatory materials on any of the\\r\\nofficers involved including any sustained findings of misconduct related to the specific incident\\r\\nor to previous incidents involving the same officers.\\r\\n\\r\\nPlease notify me when this information is available.\\r\\n\\r\\nThank you for your attention to this request and for your prompt reply within 10 days.",
			"createdOn": "2021-02-21 07:05:05.412317+00:00",
			"updatedOn": "2021-05-02 21:38:29.327429+00:00"
	"remainingQueries": 455

Querying Oversight Commissions



Header Inclusion Description Format
State Required The state of the desired oversight commission(s) A six-character code as listed here in STATES_TERRITORIES_PROVINCES
City Optional The city of the desired oversight commission(s) String

Example Query Headers

	"API-Key" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"State" : "USA-MA",
	"City" : "Boston"
	"API-Key" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"State" : "USA-CA",

Example Query

Request (Curl)
curl -H "API-Key: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -H "State: USA-PR" -H "City: San Juan"
Request (Python)
requests.get('' , headers = {'API-Key' : 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' , 'State' : 'USA-PR' , 'City' : 'San Juan'})
	"statusCode": 200,
	"statusMessage": "Success",
	"results": [
			"name": "Superintendencia Auxiliar en Responsabilidad Profesional",
			"type": "Police Review Boards and Commissions",
			"website": "",
			"country": "United States of America",
			"stateTerritoryProvince": "Puerto Rico, USA",
			"cityTown": "San Juan",
			"postalCode": "00936-8166",
			"address1": "PO Box 70166",
			"address2": "",
			"email": "",
			"phone": "1-877-996-6627",
			"phoneTDD": "",
			"fax": "1-787-781-7685",
			"contactForm": "",
			"pressEmail": "",
			"pressPhone": "",
			"pressContactForm": "",
			"aboutSummary": "Toda persona que desee presentar una querella relacionada con del personal de la Polic\\u00eda de Puerto Rico, lo podr\\u00e1 hacer en cualquier regi\\u00f3n, precinto o distrito de la Polic\\u00eda, las 24 horas del d\\u00eda los 7 d\\u00edas de la semana. La querella se podr\\u00e1 presentar en persona, por tel\\u00e9fono, electr\\u00f3nicamente (v\\u00eda e-mail), correo, fax, por escrito o v\\u00eda WEB. De igual forma, se aceptar\\u00e1n querellas presentadas mediante carta siempre y cuando sea en original (no copia) y contenga la firma. Todas las querellas por conducta impropia por parte del personal ser\\u00e1n evaluadas por el personal de la Superintendencia Auxiliar en Responsabilidad Profesional (SARP).",
			"complaintInfo1": "",
			"complaintInfo2": "",
			"complaintForm": "",
			"alternateComplaintFormType": "Printable Complaint Form",
			"alternateComplaintForm": "",
			"membersPage": "",
			"faqPage": "",
			"commissionID": "61af8d57-c2aa-48c0-8f6d-d46de3eb0605",
			"createdOn": "2021-03-25 21:01:00.322817+00:00",
			"updatedOn": "2021-03-30 03:16:37.145713+00:00"
	"remainingQueries": 468

Querying Bad Apple Database Reports

Please Note: Each Bad Apple Database report query will use three query credits, as each query requires the backend to perform a minimum of three, separate database lookups.



Please Note: While any, individual filter is optional, at least two of the following filters must be provided for the query to be valid.

Header Inclusion Description Format
First Optional The first name of the officer about whom the report is written String
Last Optional The last name of the officer about whom the report is written String
City Optional The city for which the report was commissioned String
State Optional The state in which the report was commissioned A six-character code as listed here in STATES_TERRITORIES_PROVINCES
Incident-Year Optional The year in which the incident occurred Four, consecutive integers
Policy Optional The category of the policies over which the report contained findings A one-character or two-character code as listed here in POLICY_CATEGORIES
Report-ID Optional The unique, report ID assigned by Bad Apple UUID4

Example Query Headers

	"API-Key" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"First" : "Alex",
	"Last" : "Smith"
	"API-Key" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"Incident-Year" : "2008",
	"Policy" : "0"
	"API-Key" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"Policy" : "38",
	"City" : "Berk",
	"State" : "USA-CA"

Example Query

Request (Curl)
curl -H "API-Key: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -H "First: Adam" -H "Last: Coy" -H "State: USA-OH" -H "Policy: 0"
Request (Python)
requests.get('' , headers = {'API-Key' : 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' , 'First' : 'Adam' , 'Last' : 'Coy' , 'State' : 'USA-OH' , 'Policy' : '0'})
	"statusCode": 200,
	"statusMessage": "Success",
	"results": [
			"officerFirstName": "Adam",
			"officerMiddleName": "",
			"officerLastName": "Coy",
			"officerID": "c210a38a-bf0d-4da7-bbad-f13e32289647",
			"country": "United States of America",
			"state": "Ohio, USA",
			"city": "Columbus",
			"investigator": "Thomas Quinlan",
			"investigatorLicense": "Chief of Police",
			"investigatorEmployer": "The City of Columbus Division of Police",
			"reportType": "Internal Affairs Report",
			"investigationID": "IAB #202012 - 1029",
			"officerBadgeNumber": "2275",
			"incidentDate": "2020-12-22 01:42:00+00:00",
			"reportDate": "2020-12-26 00:00:00+00:00",
			"findingsSummary": "Officer Coy responded to a very routine and non-emergency call for service. Officer Coy elected to escalate the encounter by drawing his firearm and limiting his other options by having his hands occupied by a flashlight and a firearm. His approach was flawed, his communications lacking, and his actions dire.\r\nThis investigation took into consideration Officer Coy's actions and the ultimate outcome of Officer Coy failures to follow policy and training. The investigation contains sufficient records reviewed, interviews conducted, and observations made that find Officer Coy engaged in incompetent activity for a police officer with 19 years experience and as a result of his out of policy use of deadly force and innocent man has lost his life. I find all allegations sustained by a preponderance of evidence.",
			"conclusion": "In a letter I wrote in 2008 while Officer Coy's Patrol Lieutenant I made the following observations about Officer Coy: \"If sustained improvements are not fully realized a decision whether Officer Coy is salvageable must follow. Should the interventions described above not produce the desired results a shift towards termination would be warranted, as Officer Coy's service to the Division of Police will have lost all future value.\"\r\nToday, I can state unequivocally Officer Coy has no future value to the Division of Police and should be terminated.",
			"fullReportURL": "",
			"fullArchiveURL": "",
			"sourceURL": "",
			"praURL": "",
			"reportID": "efab6f1b-9ded-42e8-b50b-07cb01c35103",
			"createdOn": "2021-04-15 02:48:12.498451+00:00",
			"updatedOn": "2021-05-11 05:06:31.010751+00:00",
			"findings": [
					"findingPolicyCategory": "Conduct",
					"findingSummary": "There is sufficient evidence to support the allegation; therefore, I recommend a finding of SUSTAINED. This recommendation is based upon ample documentation and statements to demonstrate Officer Coy has performed his assigned duties without exercising sound judgment or decision making, i.e. Incompetence. Further, the incident is currently being investigated by BCI as a homicide and how the U.S. Attorney and the FBI are running a concurrent investigation into a possible federal civil rights violation, thereby amounting to critical misconduct, i.e. Malfeasance. I find Officer Coy to have engaged in Misfeasance regarding his failure to use his BWC. I find Officer Coy to have engaged in Nonfeasance regarding his failure to render aid, i.e. gross neglect of duty.",
					"findingBasis": "1.04 - Cause for Dismissal",
					"finding": "Sustained",
					"createdOn": "2021-04-15 03:57:36.693112+00:00",
					"updatedOn": "2021-04-15 03:57:36.693142+00:00"
					"findingPolicyCategory": "Use of Force",
					"findingSummary": "There is sufficient evidence to support the allegation; therefore, I recommend a finding of SUSTAINED. This recommendation is based upon ample documentation, investigation, and personal observation to demonstrate Officer Coy used deadly force that is outside the well-known policies of the Division of Police, outside the professional norms for policing, and is the subject of a criminal investigation by both state and federal officials. Further, his failure to use his body worn camera appropriately or render medical aid has exacerbated the misconduct. His actions have undermined the community trust of officers not only in our city but across America. Most importantly, his failures to follow policies and training have resulted in the death of Andre Hill, an unarmed man who was not known to be committing any crime.",
					"findingBasis": "ROC 1.19 - DD 2.01 - USE OF FORCE",
					"finding": "Sustained",
					"createdOn": "2021-04-15 03:58:27.131187+00:00",
					"updatedOn": "2021-04-15 16:05:31.044405+00:00"
	"remainingQueries": 429


Bad Apple Web Application Backend



Security policy





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