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Simple and easy category interface of UIImage/UIButton for downloading and caching images from the web, based on HJResourceManager.


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Simple and easy category interface of UIImage/UIButton for downloading and caching images from the web, based on HJResourceManager.


You can download the latest framework files from our Release page. UI+HJResourceManager also available through CocoaPods. To install it simply add the following line to your Podfile. pod ‘UI+HJResourceManager’


UI+HJResourceManager is library based on HJResourceManager, and HJResourceManager is framework based on Hydra. Prepare HJResourceManager first.

Hydra.default().addNormalWorker(forName: "hjrm")

let hjrmRepoPath = "\(NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0])/hjrm"
if HJResourceManager.default().standby(withRepositoryPath: hjrmRepoPath, localJobWorkerName: "hjrm", remoteJobWorkerName: "hjrm") {
    HJResourceManager.default().bind(toHydra: Hydra.default())


Download and Display

Ue+HJResourceManager support extension for UIImageView and UIButton to downloading and display image.
Here is simple example to download and display image by give resource url to UIImageView and UIButton.


Basically, you do download and display image like above example.
But you can do more handling with it.

Using placeholder image when downloading.

imageView.setImageUrl(imageUrlString, placeholderImage: placeholderImage)

Imagine that, you call many many images at the same time and it take some time, like working on the tableview cells, and scrolling down.
It is ugly that you waiting to see the images for last visible cell until downloading done of previous upper images.
You can change the order downloading by using cutInLine flag to true.

imageView.setImageUrl(imageUrlString, placeholderImage: nil, cutInLine: true)

If you want to do your own business code after download images, use completion block.

imageView.setImageUrl(imageUrlString, placeholderImage: nil, cutInLine: true) { (image:UIImage?, urlStirng:String?, remakeName:String?, remakerParameter:Any?, cipherName:String?, targetChanged:Bool) in
    if let image = image {
        // do something you want.

Here is parameters of completion means,
'image' is UIImage object from downloaded data.
'urlString' is url string of resource when it called.
'remakerName' is used remaker name when it called.
'remakerParameter' is used remaker parameter object when it called.
'cipherName' is used cipher name when it called.
'targetChanged' is check flag that setted resource currently is different with downloaded resource.

UI+HJResourceManager based on HJResourceManager, so you can use remaker and cipher mechanism of it.

imageView.setImageUrl(imageUrlString, placeholderImage: nil, cutInLine: true, remakerName: "resize", remakerParameter: ["width":300, "height":300]) { (image:UIImage?, urlStirng:String?, remakeName:String?, remakerParameter:Any?, cipherName:String?, targetChanged:Bool) in
    if let image = image {
        // do something you want.

You can do same things to UIButton with handling control state, button image and button background image.

Display Download Progress

Design any progress view as you wish, and confirm protocol HJProgressViewProtocol as below.

@protocol HJProgressViewProtocol
- (void)hjProgressViewConnected:(id)senderView contentLength:(NSUInteger)contentLength;
- (void)hjProgressViewTransfering:(id)senderView transferLength:(NSUInteger)transferLength contentLength:(NSUInteger)contentLength;
- (void)hjProgressViewTransferDone:(id)senderView;
- (void)hjProgressViewTransferFailed:(id)senderView;
- (void)hjProgressViewTransferCanceled:(id)senderView;

Let's take a look around one by one.

'hjProgressViewConnected' function called after connection, it give you sender view and content length of file length to download.
You can update the display interface of amount range by referencing content length.

'hjProgressViewTransfering' function called when transfering every chunk, it give you sender view, transfer length and content length.
You can update the display interface of progressing by referencing transfer length and content length.

'hjProgressViewTransferDone', 'hjProgressViewTransferFailed', 'hjProgressViewTransferCanceled' functions called after transfering done, failed and cancel for each case.

You can control your progress GUI by implement theses protocol to your own progress view.
After then, just set it to UIView or UIButton.
UI+HJResourceManager library will call protocol functions as their purpose, automatically.

imageView.hjImageProgressView = customProgressView


MIT License, where applicable.


Simple and easy category interface of UIImage/UIButton for downloading and caching images from the web, based on HJResourceManager.







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