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Thomas Pengo edited this page Mar 13, 2015 · 2 revisions
Filename Output Function name Parameters Description
add_colorbar.m add_colorbar handles col Add colorbar
add_scalebar.m mask add_scalebar handles cbcol img Adding a scalebar
autoIso.m isoVal autoIso vol Automatic calculation of iso-surface value for volumetric data using Otsu's method
calcFIRE.m FIRE se frcprofile frcprofile_f calcFIRE X Y res minX maxX minY maxY nTrials Calculate the FIRE value from the specified X and Y vectors.
calcFIREh.m frcprofile linx calcFIREh handles nTrials Calculate the FIRE fetching the parameters from the GUI
calcFIRE_1D.m FIRE se frcprofile frcprofile_f F frcprofile_est fSNR fSNR_RE calcFIRE_1D X res minX maxX nTrials Calculate a variation of the FIRE for 1-dimensional data
calcHistogram.m density n m X calcHistogram handles Calculate histogram
calcHistogram_.m_ density n m X calcHistogram XPosition YPosition res minX maxX minY maxY Calculates the histogram from the two vectors, within the specified bounds and with 'res' number of bins.
dbscan.m class typ dbscan x k Eps Clustering the data with Density-Based Scan Algorithm with Noise (DBSCAN)
dg_fit.m fitresult go dg_fit x y w0 Performs a double-gaussian fit on the x and y vectors, with an optional initial estimation of the width w0.
double_gaussian_fit_1D.m mu sigma w gof fit double_gaussian_fit_1D xs ys Fits the data to a double Gaussian function
double_gaussian_fit_1D_plot.m f double_gaussian_fit_1D_plot xs ys Plots a gaussian fit for datapoints (xs,ys) in a new figure and returns the handle
fetch.m varargout fetch varargin Fetch variables from the workspace by name
freedmanDiaconis.m nBins freedmanDiaconis data Calculates the Freedman-Diaconis choice for the bin width. 'data' is assumed to be a single column vector.
fsize.m siz fsize filename Get file size.
gammaAdjust.m imG gammaAdjust im gammaVal Calculates gamma-adjusted image
gaussian_fit_1D.m mu sigma gof fit gaussian_fit_1D xs ys ---
gaussian_fit_1D_plot.m Plots a gaussian fit for datapoints (xs,ys) in a new figure and returns
getBounds.m minX maxX minY max getBounds handles ---
getColHash.m varargout getColHash varargin ---
getColormapName.m cmap getColormapName handles ---
getDensity.m density X getDensity handles ---
getF.m frame getF handles ---
getFramebounds.m maxFrame = getFramebounds(handles)
getGamma.m gamma getGamma handles Get the current gamma
getID.m frame getID handles ---
getLength.m L getLength handles Get the current radius
getPalmSiever.m h getPalmSiever handles ---
getPeakPosCentroid.m pos amplitud getPeakPosCentroid im posGuess windowRadius ---
getPeakPosGauss2d.m pos amplitud getPeakPosGauss2d im zeroCoord windowSize ---
getRadius.m R getRadius handles Get the current radius
getRes.m This function gets the chosen image size in the resolution box
getSelectedRendering.m str getSelectedRendering handles ---
getStormDrift3.m drift corAmplitude getStormDrift3 stormData minImPointPerArea minFrame stormPixSize SccfWindowArea imSize ---
getSubset.m subset getSubset handles ---
getVariables.m rows2 data getVariables handles N ---
getX.m X getX handles ---
getY.m Y getY handles ---
getZ.m Z getZ handles ---
getZbounds.m minZ max getZbounds handles Given the figure's handles, the function returns the minimum and maximum values for the Z variable.
get_static_plugins.m plugins get_static_plugin function plugins = get_static_plugin Returns a list of plugins which should be
groupBy.m gX groupBy X ID ---
grouping.m grouping handles ---
importprm.m importprm(filename,delim)
jdg_fit.m coeff scoeff fitresul jdg_fit x y amount N ---
jhist.m Jittered histogram
kde2d.m bandwidth density X kde2d data n MIN_XY MAX_XY ---
limit80.m limit80 handles variable Limits to central 80% of the data
logger.m Logger function
matrix2html.m str matrix2html M precision Matrix to HTML table
nodiplib.m ndl nodiplib ---
ppdiff.m qq ppdiff pp j ---
ppint.m output ppint pp a b ---
q05.m q q05 x q05
q10.m q q10 x q10
q90.m q q90 x q90
q95.m q q95 x q95
quantile.m q quantile data quantiles QUANTILE
quantization.m Quantization of signal x between xmin and xmax in N segments, indexed
radialSpectrum.m PR PRx radialSpectrum X1 Y1 pxSize imSize Calculate radial spectrum
removeAxisDrift.m xc removeAxisDrift x t xDrift tUn ----------------------------------------------------
render_gauss.m im render_gauss pxSize peaks sigma offsets outSize bounds ---
render_histogram.m density X render_histogram handles Render a histogram of the current view
serialize.m ohandles serialize handles filename ---
setBounds.m Sets the X,Y bounds
setFramebounds.m Sets the Frame bounds
setMax.m setMax handles variable maximum Set maximum for a specified variable
setMin.m setMin handles variable minimum Set minimum for a specified variable
setPSVar.m setPSVar handles varAssignment ---
setX.m setX handles X ---
setY.m setY handles Y ---
setZ.m setZ handles Z ---
setZbounds.m Sets the Z bounds
sg_fit.m Single Gaussian fit
splinefit.m pp splinefit varargin ---
stringToVarName.m varNames stringToVarName strings ---
sumsqr.m Elementwise sum of squares.
testImportAscii.m ---
trace.m Tracing algorithm
trace_collect.m Straighten and collect points along trace
trace_histogram.m Calculate the histogram along a trace
trace_sigmas.m Calculate sigmas along trace

Automatically generated (2014-07-11)

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