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  1. LineChart multi Y-Axis

At this time, with JFX / SDK 9, there is no native LineChart with several YAxis.

For my needs i want :

- a XAxis shared by all the LineChart, it is a NumberAxis.

- the Xaxis can be a time/date Axis ( in fact long since 01/01/1970 that can be formated to date/Time => TickFormater / StringConverter)

- Several YAxis with differents Units

- the LineCharts must be Zoomable.

For not reinventing the wheel, i search what exists on Internet..

The aim of my work is the class developed by MaciejDobrowolski :

For the automatic choose of TickFormater formating of the date/time, I get the tips ( 2 arrays) used here :

For Zooming, I start from :

I mixed the 3 sources and with a little personal work, I can obtain the result below :

I developped it with SDK 9 Oracle, but perhaps it is possible to compil the source with SDK8. JFX has not very changed between the two versions.

There are some examples in the package org.jlp.javafx.example

You can take the jar at the root and launch it for example as :

/pathToJdk9Bin/-Xms1024M -Xmx1024M --module-path /pathToTheJarFile -m org.jlp.javafx/org.jlp.javafx.example.ZoomableLineChartsMultiYAxisMainXDate

  1. Charting with CSV files

The class org.jlp.javafx.example.CSVChartViewerMain is the main class to graph some csv files which must respect some conditions:

The first line is the title, with the mandatory format below :


The first column is a DateTime ( The title must contains Date or/And Time in the name). The format of the date must be handled by regex and Java DateFormat described in file ./config/ If the format is not recognized, it must be added into yjis file ( Be care to do a backup of this file before modifying it, it is a bit tricky).

The second column Pivots, is optionnal, and is useful to sort the values ( Exemple different kind of URL after parsing an http access log file).

The others column are Values, between parenthesis, you indicate the unit of the value. If absent a default “unit” is attributed.

The semi-colon is the csv field separator.

The tool allows to have several Y-Axis.

Read the quick manual in manual repository.

A script to launch it on a Linux desktop :




$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -Droot=$root -Dworkspace=$workspace --module-path $root/libs -m org.jlp.javafx/org.jlp.javafx.example.CSVChartViewerMain

The same on a Windows desktop :

set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.4

set root=C:\opt\workspace47\JFXMultiYZoomLineChart

set workspace=C:\opt\workspaceLP

"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -Droot=%root% -Dworkspace=%workspace% --module-path %root%\libs -m org.jlp.javafx/org.jlp.javafx.example.CSVChartViewerMain

Below a screen shot:

for the csv file :









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