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FAQ Change Date Time format

Rob van Rheenen edited this page Aug 8, 2018 · 1 revision

You can change the Date/Time format to your local settings (yy/mm/day | 24 hour orPM-AM)

This is not a MMDVMHost / Pi-Star or Nextion 'thing', it is set by the 'locales' part in RPi's OS

How to change:

  1. Go to Expert page => SSH
  2. rpi-rw
  3. Execute from the command line:: . a. sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
  4. In ‘the blue screen’: scroll down (arrow key) to your country; in my case (Europe/The Netherlands) this is: nl_NL.UTF-8 UTF-8, and check ON with Space bar
  5. With TAB to OK and ENTER
  6. with TAB to en ENTER // Locales are rebuild (take a while)
  7. exit SSH
  8. Reboot Pi-Star
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