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Reference implementation of a novel and generic computational environment for defining user interfaces and workflows


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Building SI yourself (currently only available on Linux (Ubuntu/Debian))

In this section, the build process is described which is used to create the current Release of SI.

Downloading and Building the Dependencies

Misc. Dependencies

The dependencies for all components of SI (SIGRun, SIREn, PySI, SIROSe, SIEGen, SITools, SIPlugGen) are:

  • Qt5
  • QML
  • (ROS2)
  • libglm
  • uuid
  • python3.x-dev (replace x with your desired version; 3.9 recommended)
  • libtbb-dev=libtbb-dev=2020.3-1

The recommended way of installing the dependencies except for Boost is:

  • Open your terminal
  • Update your sources.list for installing libtbb with e.g.:
  • Update packages list
    • sudo apt update
  • Install Qt5 and QML
    • sudo apt install qtbase5-dev
    • sudo apt install qtdeclarative5-dev
  • Install libglm
    • sudo apt install libglm-dev
  • Install libuuid
    • sudo apt install uuid-dev
  • Install your desired python3 version's dev library (e.g. 3.9)
    • sudo apt install python3.9-dev
  • Install libtbb-dev
    • sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys <PUB_KEYS>
    • sudo apt update
    • echo "deb bullseye main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt install libtbb2=2020.3-1
    • sudo apt install libtbb-dev=2020.3-1

Boost with components Python, System, Filesystem

These dependencies are unfortunately a little more complex to install than simple apt calls. The following example demonstrates the installation with Python3.7 and Boostv1.69.0. Using other versions should work, therefore the commands then need adjustments according to that versions:

  • Download and extract Boost:
  • Configure Boost for use with Python3.9
    • Open your terminal
    • Navigate to your extracted Boost folder
    • Run the command: sudo ./ --with-python=$(which python3)
  • Install Boost with components Python, System, Filesystem
    • Run the command: sudo ./b2 --with-system --with-python --with-filesystem -j 8 -d0 install

Compiling SI

  • Download SI and extract the zip file
  • Open your terminal and navigate to the Sketchable-Interaction folder
  • Source your ROS2 installation
  • Source the SIROSe extension: source SI/src/sirose/msg/ros2_si_interface/install/setup.bash
  • Run the commands:
    • cmake .
    • cmake --build . --target all -j 8

Running SI

  • Open your Terminal and navigate to the Sketchable-Interaction Folder
  • Run the command or run the command si_test_application