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chambbj committed Dec 22, 2015
1 parent 743c248 commit 3846680
Showing 1 changed file with 261 additions and 46 deletions.
307 changes: 261 additions & 46 deletions doc/json_pipeline_specification.rst
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ Draft PDAL JSON Pipeline Specification
Howard Butler

:Revision: 0.1
:Date: 21 December 2015
:Date: 22 December 2015

The PDAL JSON specification is a point cloud processing pipeline interchange
format based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

.. sectnum::
.. contents::
Expand All @@ -22,6 +25,15 @@ Draft PDAL JSON Pipeline Specification

A PDAL JSON object represents a processing pipeline.

A complete PDAL JSON data structure is always an object (in JSON terms). In PDAL
JSON, an object consists of a collection of name/value pairs -- also called
members. For each member, the name is always a string. Member values are either
a string, number, object, array or one of the literals: "true", "false", and
"null". An array consists of elements where each element is a value as
described above.


Expand All @@ -30,44 +42,53 @@ writer from filenames, and able to be specified as a set of sequential steps:

.. code-block:: json
"pipeline": [{
"filename": "input.las"
}, {
"type": "crop",
"bounds": "([0,100],[0,100])"
}, {
"filename": "output.bpf"
A more complex PDAL pipeline, that reprojects the stage tagged ``A1``, merges
the result with ``B``, and writes the merged output with the ``points2grid``

.. code-block:: json
"pipeline": [{
"filename": "A.las",
"spatialreference": "EPSG:26916",
}, {
"type": "filters.reprojection",
"in_srs": "EPSG:26916",
"out_srs": "EPSG:4326",
"tag": "A2",
}, {
"filename": "B.las",
"tag": "B"
}, {
"type": "filters.merge",
"tag": "merged",
"inputs": ["A2", "B"]
}, {
"type": "writers.p2g",
"filename": "output.tif",
Expand All @@ -85,22 +106,33 @@ Definitions
PDAL Pipeline Objects

PDAL JSON pipelines always consist of a single object. This object (referred to as the PDAL JSON object below) represents a processing pipeline.
PDAL JSON pipelines always consist of a single object. This object (referred to
as the PDAL JSON object below) represents a processing pipeline.

* The PDAL JSON object may have any number of members (name/value pairs).

* The PDAL JSON object must have a ``pipeline`` object.
* The PDAL JSON object must have a :ref:`pipeline_array`.

.. _pipeline_array:

Pipeline Array

* The pipeline array may have any number of string or :ref:`stage_object`

Pipeline Object
* String elements shall be interpreted as filenames. PDAL will attempt to infer
the proper driver from the file extension and position in the array. A writer
stage will only be created if the string is the final element in the array.

* The value corresponding to ``pipeline`` is an array. Each element in the array
is a ``stage`` object (for more on PDAL stages, see
`stage <>`_).
.. _stage_object:

Stage Objects

For more on PDAL stages and their options, check the PDAL documentation on
`Readers, Writers, and Filters <>`_.

* A stage object may have a member with the name ``tag`` whose value is a
string. The purpose of the tag is to cross-reference this stage within other
stages. Each ``tag`` must be unique.
Expand All @@ -110,12 +142,195 @@ Stage Objects
``inputs`` is not specified, the previous stage in the array will be used as
input. Reader stages will disregard the ``inputs`` member.

* A stage object may have a member with the name ``type`` whose value is a
string. The ``type`` must specify a valid PDAL stage name, e.g.,
``readers.las``. For reader and writer stages, it is often possible to infer
the ``type`` from the filename extension. For filters, ``type`` is required.
* A ``tag`` mentioned as ``input`` to one stage must have been previously
defined in the ``pipeline`` array.

* A reader or writer stage object may have a member with the name ``type`` whose
value is a string. The ``type`` must specify a valid PDAL reader or writer

* A filter stage object must have a member with the name ``type`` whose value is
a string. The ``type`` must specify a valid PDAL filter name.

* A stage object may have additional members with names corresponding to
stage-specific options and their respective values. For example,
``"bounds": "([0,100],[0,100])"`` sets the bounds to be used in the
`crop filter <>`_.
stage-specific option names and their respective values.

Filename Globbing

* A filename may contain the wildcard character ``*`` to match any string of
characters. This can be useful if working with multiple input files in a
directory (e.g., merging all files).

Extended Examples


The following pipeline converts the input file from BPF to LAS, inferring both
the reader and writer type, and setting a number of options on the writer stage.

.. code-block:: json
Python HAG

In our next example, the reader and writer types are once again inferred. After
reading the input file, the ferry filter is used to copy the Z dimension into a
new height above ground (HAG) dimension. Next, the programmable filter is used
with a python script to compute height above ground values by comparing the Z
values to a surface model. These height above ground values are then written
back into the Z dimension for further analysis.

.. code-block:: json

A common task is to create a digital terrain model (DTM) from the input point
cloud. This pipeline infers the reader type, applies an approximate ground
segmentation filter, and then creates the DTM using the Points2Grid writer with
only the ground returns.

.. code-block:: json
Decimate & Colorize

This example still infers the reader and writer types while applying options on
both. The pipeline decimates the input LAS file by keeping every other point,
and then colorizes the points using the provided raster image. The output is
written as ASCII text.

.. code-block:: json
"dimensions":"Red:1:1, Green:2:1, Blue:3:1"
Merge & Reproject

Our first example with multiple readers, this pipeline infers the reader types,
and assigns spatial reference information to each. Next, the merge filter merges
points from all previous readers, and the reprojection filter reprojects data to
the specified output spatial reference system.

.. code-block:: json
Globbed Inputs

Finally, we capture another merge pipeline demonstrating the ability to glob
multiple input LAS files from a given directory.

.. code-block:: json

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